A blood-stained figure flew out from the huge wolf head.

Although Ye Hao's body was covered in blood, not a drop of blood belonged to him.

After he flew out of the wolf's head, his clothes were fluttering, like a green lotus emerging from the mud but unstained. He was transcendent and refined, aloof from the world and independent.

"Wan Jian returns to his clan!"

"The sword comes out of Qingming!"

"Three styles of Fengyun Sword Technique!"

"Dugu Nine Swords!"

"Haoran's swordsmanship!"

For a moment, Ye Hao directly used all his sword skills, not sparing a single move.

A lion fights a rabbit with all his strength!

What's more, the golden wolf in front of him is also the Demon Emperor, Ye Hao spares no effort to use his unique moves.

Wuwuwu Woo!

The sword blades, sword light, and sword light suddenly struck down.

The terrifying sword strikes slashed the Golden Wolf Emperor's wolf head with blood everywhere.

It was made of copper head and iron bones, and was extremely strong. Fortunately

, the Qingming Sword is a holy sword.

The sword skills fell, and the golden wolf emperor kept screaming. It wanted to slap Ye Hao away with its arms. No more.

Even though Ye Hao had used so much power to deal with the Golden Wolf Emperor, half of his head was gone.

But the

Golden Wolf Emperor still wasn't dead. Standing on the ground, he raised his blood-moon-like one eye and looked at Ye Hao, full of hatred, surprise, and shock. Even half of its head was destroyed for cultivation. After thousands of years, I finally became the Demon King, but was attacked by Ye Hao.


The Golden Wolf King roared, and raised a vast hurricane with his wings. Within the hurricane, demon light emerged, and thunder intertwined.

"Not dead yet!"

Ye Hao was really shocked when he saw such a tough Golden Wolf Emperor.

His hands were chopped off!

His head was broken in half.

The Golden Wolf Emperor is still alive.

What kind of monster is this?

Ye Hao is very puzzled, but now is the last moment. In the decisive battle, he moved and flew out like a cannonball. The sword light lingered around him, and Ye Hao shouted:"Sword of Life and Death!!"

The energy of life and death exploded and merged into the Qingming Sword.

At this moment, the sword light of the Qingming Sword broke through a hundred feet and reached a size of two hundred feet.


Ye Hao pushed the Qingming Sword and rushed towards the violent hurricane Go.

Ye Hao passes through the level and sweeps through everything, crushing everything in front of him.


A streak of blood splashed, and Ye Hao carried the Qingming Sword and penetrated the Golden Wolf Emperor's body from beginning to end.

Chi Chi!

Thousands of sword lights penetrated from everywhere on the Golden Wolf Emperor's body. The sharp sword light, Pierced through the huge body of the Golden Wolf King,

Ye Hao knelt on the ground and heard the sound of gold and iron clashing, and the Qingming Sword was sheathed.


Behind Ye Hao, the huge body of the Golden Wolf King collapsed. In an instant, smoke and dust rose in all directions.

At this moment, Ye Hao had no real energy in his body. He only felt that his eyesight went dark and he fainted directly on the ground.

Nor did he. After a while, Ye Hao's eyelashes trembled slightly and he moved his hands.

After experiencing the battle of life and death, Ye Hao felt murderous and bloody.

He sat cross-legged on the ground and took out the storage ring. After taking out the healing elixir, he used the Hunyuan Sword Sutra to refine it. After half a quarter of an hour, Ye Hao's internal energy recovered. Although it was not at its peak, it had already recovered more than half of its strength.

The light is bright, like a dazzling sword light, making it difficult to look directly at

"After this battle, I completely consolidated the realm of the Sword King and mastered the power of this realm. Moreover, I also realized a kind of sword intention, called the sword intention of life and death."Ye Hao said to himself.

Sword of Life and Death!

In the face of life and death, it requires burning essence, blood, lifespan, and true energy.

It can be said!

This sword consumes the essence.

If it is not necessary, Ye Hao will never use it in the future.

One sword strike.

Ye Hao was greatly damaged by the two sword strikes.

Now he needed to replenish his body's blood and vitality.

He stood up with the Qingming Sword and looked at the Golden Wolf King.

Although the Golden Wolf King is dead, there is still a demon king's majesty in it, so that no living thing within a hundred miles dares to approach this most powerful demon beast in the Fengyun Secret Realm.

In Ye Hao's hands, he died on his sword.

Ye Hao also accomplished the feat of killing the Demon King.

He gained a lot from this battle and gained a new level of understanding and experience.

"Look what good things this Golden Wolf King has on him."A smile appeared on Ye Hao's pale face, and then he walked towards the body of the Golden Wolf King and came to the side of his head.

In this head, there was still warmth when he got closer.

Ye Hao waved his hand and slashed out a sword energy , in an instant, a goose egg-sized monster inner elixir glowing with pale yellow light rolled out from the middle of the wolf's head.

"Demon Emperor’s inner elixir!"

Ye Hao looked at the inner elixir and said in surprise.

The demon emperor level inner elixir cannot be valued.

Ye Hao's five fingers were like hooks, and he gently sucked the golden wolf emperor's inner elixir into his hand.

The inner elixir in his hand exuded a strong The vitality of heaven and earth, and this vitality is extremely violent. If you look carefully at the appearance of the demonic beast's inner elixir, there are still wisps of arcs growing.

"This is a good thing. While the inner elixir has not yet been qualitatively refined, refine it."

Ye Hao did what he said, sat down cross-legged, circulated the Hunyuan Sword Scripture, and began to refine the inner elixir of the Golden Wolf King.


At the moment of refining, the violent energy of heaven and earth rushed into Ye Hao's limbs and bones, It made him feel so comfortable that he couldn't help but moan softly


Ye Hao laughed and then concentrated on refining.

The essence of heaven and earth energy contained in the demon emperor's inner elixir was too huge, and Ye Hao absorbed it like crazy.

Although this golden wolf emperor's inner elixir consumed a lot of energy before, But the Demon Emperor's inner elixir is always the Demon Emperor's inner elixir.

Just this Demon Emperor's inner elixir contains more essence of heaven and earth's vitality than ten demon king's inner elixirs.

As time goes by, a day and a night pass..

Ye Hao was still absorbing the strong energy of heaven and earth.


Ye Hao's eyes flickered and he smiled happily:"The peak of the Sword King!""

At this moment, the Golden Wolf Emperor's inner elixir also shattered, and its vitality dissipated.

"Refining a demon emperor's inner elixir is enough to elevate you to a small realm."Ye Hao also knows that the Demon King's inner elixir cannot allow him to directly break through the Sword King realm. He can be promoted to the peak of the mid-stage Sword King. He is very satisfied with being one step closer to the late stage of the Sword King.

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