"Breaking the sword!"

"Blessed by the Supreme Sword Intent!"

"Blessed by Haoran’s sword intent!"

"Blessed by the sword of life and death!"

"Blessed by the Destruction Sword Intent!"

The four sword intentions are equivalent to four times the strength.

Moreover, this sword-drawing technique is still a heaven-level sword technique. Even the strong sword king dare not take Ye Hao's sword.

The two swords fired together, like two gods. The sword light was extremely fast.


Ye Hao's two swords struck the heads of the two giant frost snakes. The next moment, the rock-hard skulls instantly collapsed, and

Ye Hao was suspended in the air. The sword behind him trembled slightly.



With two loud noises, the two giant frost snakes raised their heads and fell to the ground. Blood flowed out from the sword marks, forming a river of blood.

"do you died."

Ye Hao looked down and saw that the frost snake's tail had been shaking inertly for the past two days, but there was no life in it.

He slashed his head with a sword. If he was still alive, it would really be a ghost.

"Killing these demon kings, king-level monsters, consumes one-third of my strength."Ye Hao said quietly, then put away the Qingming Sword, put the Thunder Cloud Sword into the scabbard, and wore it around his waist. Then he flashed, fell to the ground, and took the demon elixirs from the two giant frost snakes from their heads. He dug them out.

Then he took out the demon cores of the Golden Black Bird, the Death-killing Queen Bee, and the Stinging Demon Pig.

Ye Hao looked at the corpses of these demon kings, opened the space rings, and took out these demon kings and demon beasts.

After doing all this, Ye Hao took out a bottle of water and took a sip, taking a breath.

"Now all the treasures of heaven and earth in this basin belong to me, and there should be good things in the lairs of these demon kings."Ye Hao is experienced in these. Every time he kills a demon king, he will sweep their cave, and there will be unexpected surprises.

But now he wants to finish picking the medicinal materials in this basin.

After this battle in this basin, Everywhere was badly damaged, and many medicinal materials were smashed into dregs, with no medicinal properties left at all.

"It's a pity that I can't be so fierce next time. I will lead the guarding demon king or demon emperor to a place where there are treasures of heaven and earth to deal with them."Ye Hao summed up his experience at this moment and realized where he had made a mistake.

The stone forgot the demon king and after the death of the demon beast, the place was filled with demonic aura and the demonic aura was surging. It would not be possible to recover for decades.

If he If you don't pick these medicinal materials, they will be contaminated by evil spirits and evil spirits.

In less than half an hour, Ye Hao started picking all the intact medicinal herbs in the basin.

After picking all the medicinal materials in the entire basin, Ye Hao looked at the hundreds of medicinal materials in the storage ring and felt an indescribable joy.

Then he looked around and said,"Now it's time to find the lairs of the demon kings..

" Just when Ye Hao was about to leave.


Just at this moment, the earth suddenly shook violently.

The ground shook, and the surface cracked, as if something was about to rush out.

Ye Hao's expression changed:" And monsters?" But the next moment, an astonishing scene appeared.

In the center of the basin, a thick mist shot out.

In the mist, there was a waxy white light beam.

This light beam was about three feet in size, rushing straight into Dou Mansion.

Soaring up into the sky, the surrounding demonic energy rushed out into a big hole.

Originally, the basin was filled with the vitality of heaven and earth, but now it has become even thicker.

For a time, there was a state where the vitality was transformed into liquid.

The spiritual mist of vitality was hazy and ethereal.

Ye Hao took a gentle breath and felt that the sea of energy was instantly filled with a lot of vitality.

Ye Hao blurted out:"The vitality becomes a pillar and rises into the sky.

This is the birth of spiritual veins.


" At this moment, Ye Hao was moved.

What is the spiritual vein? It is the foundation of a sect.

There is Yuanshi mine under the spiritual vein.

Yuanshi mine is an indispensable resource for cultivation.

Yuanshi is also a necessity for cultivators, such as More precious than gold

"I don’t know how big this spiritual vein is."

Ye Hao looked at the place where the aura of heaven and earth was spewing out and murmured,"It seems that it is necessary to inform father."

The Tianyao Mountain Range is a three-nothing zone. Tongtian Sword Sect doesn't care, Thirty-six Sword City doesn't care, and Seventy-two Sword Sect doesn't care.

Whoever can seize the things here belongs to him.

If the Ye family seizes it first, then this The spiritual veins in the basin belong to Fengyun Sword City, but this place is the inner perimeter of the Tianyao Mountains. It will take several days for Ye Hao to rush back to Fengyun Sword City, which is thousands of miles away, and he must advance at full speed.

"It seems that it is a bit unrealistic to inform his father. Now that the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is erupting, it is better to practice here."After Ye Hao made up his mind, he went directly to the center of the basin.

The vitality here was very strong. As soon as Ye Hao came closer, his clothes were soaked by the mist.

Ye Hao suspended in mid-air, came to the center of the thinning vitality, and directly Running the Hunyuan Sword Sutra, he began to practice.

The moment Ye Hao sat down, the pores in his body went crazy, and he frantically absorbed the pure energy of heaven and earth into his body, which was continuously refined by Ye Hao. Transformation.

The majestic vitality is as turbulent and continuous as a big river. Ye Hao sits here cross-legged, his mind is calm, and the spiritual platform is clear.

He has only practiced here for an hour, which is equivalent to the vitality of heaven and earth contained in a demon king's inner elixir.

Now the essence of heaven and earth is still gushing out, and Ye Hao is absorbing it like crazy.

Ye Hao feels that he can break through the sword king and become a sword king after refining it. He wields thousands of swords, and one sword can cut the sun and the moon. With a movement of his mind, thousands of sword shadows rise and fall around his body, and a long river of swordsmanship appears under his feet.

When he thinks of this, Ye Hao works harder to practice the Hunyuan Sword Sutra. Week after week, Ye Hao greedily absorbed the rich spiritual energy of heaven and earth..........

Thanks to Mr. Hui Wenkai for the 788 reward.

Thank you very much!!

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