Refining demon elixirs and demon cores is a cumbersome matter.

The demon elixir needs to eliminate the demonic aura, and the demonic core needs to purify the demonic aura.

But Tiancai Dibao is different. It can be taken directly for refining and has no side effects.

In the next few days, Ye Hao will kill the demon king in the Tianyao Mountains and refine all the demon elixirs of the demon king.

His cultivation has also improved a lot, but he still has not broken through to the middle stage of Sword King.

Then Ye Hao refined those elixirs, and streams of pure vitality sank into Ye Hao's sea of energy, and Ye Hao devoted himself to refining them.

On this day, Ye Hao's body trembled slightly, and he slowly opened his eyes:"After refining various elixirs, as well as the elixirs left in front of Venerable Lei Yun, I once again broke through to the level of the Sword Emperor in my cultivation. At the peak of the early stage, he almost broke into the middle stage of Sword Emperor."

In a short period of time, Ye Hao's cultivation level once again made a small breakthrough.

Ye Hao then began to consolidate his cultivation, which took another half a day.

At this moment, the sky is filled with stars, and the starlight radiates and illuminates the heaven and earth.

Ye Hao looked at the stars in the sky, and then began to practice sword skills.

He has the heaven-level sword skills of Dugu Nine Swords, Ten Thousand Swords Returning to the Sect, and Thunder Cloud Storm.

He needs to understand these thoroughly to become more proficient in these sword skills.

It is much easier to practice heaven-level sword skills in the Sword King Realm. Ye Hao is now able to use Ten Thousand Swords to Return to the Clan like a fish in water. In one thought, Ten Thousand Swords is activated, and 3,600 swords fly out from the sword pill between his eyebrows.

After practicing the Ten Thousand Swords for a hundred times and returning to the sect, Ye Hao has reached the state of perfection.

Then Ye Hao also began to practice Dugu Nine Swords.

He had only practiced the Sword-Breaking Style before. As for the Sword-Breaking Style and the Spear-Breaking Style, he had not yet tried them. Today he finally had time to contact them.

One night passed, and Ye Hao, who was immersed in practicing Dugu Nine Swords, had no idea.

In this night, he learned all the nine styles of Dugu Nine Swords. He has reached the level of mastery of Dugu Nine Swords.

"Next, review the Thundercloud Storm."After Ye Hao finished speaking, his sword energy was like a rainbow, and the vast sword light rose into the sky. The Thunder Cloud Sword in his hand turned into an electric light. Ye Hao was like a god who controlled thunder at this moment, and all the cloud and thunder were in his hands..

This is a heaven-level advanced sword skill with terrifying power. A single slash can turn into a vast thunderstorm sword and destroy everything.

Ye Hao spent two days practicing the Thunder Cloud Storm Sword Skill to the point of entering the palace. Ye Hao took out the Qing Ming Sword and began to practice the Qing Ming Sword Technique. Before, he could only use the Qing Ming Sword Technique to cast the Qing Ming sword, but now Ye Hao can now use the Qing Ming Sword Technique's second move," Sword

Control Jiuxiao".

, but the power of Shattering Nine Heavens is boundless.

As for the third move, Qing Ming, Ye Hao still needs to practice more. In the blink of an eye, more than ten days have passed. There are only three days left for the Sword City Competition. Ye Hao is still in no hurry to leave the Tianyao Mountains. At this moment, he is standing on the top of the mountain, constantly drawing and sheathing his sword.


"The number of times the host draws the sword is increased by one, and the experience is increased by one."


"The number of times you draw your sword increases by one, and your experience increases by one."....

Every time Ye Hao drew his sword, a system beep sounded.

Moreover, Ye Hao drew his sword faster and faster.

When I drew my sword a thousand times before, the sword in my hand was already as heavy as a thousand pounds, but now it is as light as a feather and I can't feel the weight at all.

Ye Hao took a look and saw that he had drawn his sword more than 9,500 times, and he still had more than 400 to reach the achievement of drawing his sword 10,000 times.

When he drew his sword for the first time, he rewarded Dugu with Nine Swords.

When you draw the sword for the tenth time, you will be rewarded with ten thousand swords returning to the clan.

The 100th time you draw the sword will reward you with the Supreme Sword Body.

Drawing the sword for the thousandth time rewards the Destroying Sword Intent.

Ye Hao didn't know what he would be rewarded when he drew his sword for the ten thousandth time.

And his current experience has accumulated to more than 9,000.

Experience can directly improve his cultivation.

But Ye Hao didn't do that.

He wants to continue to exist.

Use it directly when needed.

Because experience can unconditionally improve your cultivation, you only need to replenish the true energy in your body later.

It can be said that using experience points to level up is cheating.

Time passed by.

Ye Hao drew his sword faster and faster

"The nine thousand nine hundred and ninetieth time!"

"Nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-one!".....

"Nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine!"

Ye Hao counted this in his mind and suddenly slowed down.

Then the next moment, he suddenly drew out the Thunder Cloud Sword.


"The ten thousandth time you draw your sword, your experience will be increased by one!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for drawing the sword 10,000 times. Reward: Jade Disk of Sword Enlightenment."

When the number of sword draws reached 10,000, Ye Hao's mind instantly recalled the system's beep.

Ye Hao smiled and said,"It's finally here."

This time the system rewards the Jade Disk of Enlightenment, which is a palm-sized jade disc. It is covered with dense sword marks. Each sword mark exudes a different sword intention, including destruction, immortality, immortality, and darkness. , light, chaos, yin and yang and other sword intentions.

Ye Hao asked;"System, how many types of sword intentions are there in this Jade Disk of Sword Enlightenment?""

"Host, the Jade Disc of Enlightenment Sword contains a total of 3,000 sword intentions. As for how many sword intentions the host has comprehended, it will continue to improve with the strength of the host. Currently, the host can use the Jade Disc of Enlightenment Sword to comprehend ten sword intentions, namely Golden , wood, water, fire, earth, wind, cloud, frost, rain, electricity....."The system responded.

Listening to the system's answer, Ye Hao was delighted. This Jade Disk of Sword Enlightenment actually contained so much sword intent.

It seems that this jade disc is like the jade butterfly created by reading the ancient novels in the previous life, containing the secrets of the three thousand great ways.

With a thought from Ye Hao's mind, the Jade Disk of Sword Enlightenment appeared on his palm. He looked at the palm-sized jade disc and could feel ten kinds of sword intent bursting out from the jade plate. Each kind of sword intent was extremely mysterious and fascinating. revel

"This is good stuff."Ye Hao held the Creation Jade Butterfly in his hand.

Now he is the Sword King and can open up a sword field, and his sword field is the Supreme Sword Field. However, this sword field is not perfect yet and requires various sword powers. Blessings, blessings of various swordsmanship laws.

Now that the Jade Disk of Sword Enlightenment is in hand, Ye Hao can use the function of the Jade Disk of Sword Enlightenment to understand the sword intent inside, and bless various sword intents in the Supreme Sword Domain. In the future, he can The kendo field that directly suppresses others with the field, the kendo field

"There are still three days left, so next, I will study the Sword Jade Disc for a few days, and then return to Fengyun Sword City, and go to Tongtian Sword City with the disciples of Fengyun Sword City and the Ye family disciples to participate in the Thirty-Six Sword City Competition."After Ye Hao made up his mind, he immersed his spiritual thoughts into the Jade Disk of Enlightenment Sword, understood the sword intention, and merged it into the Supreme Sword Domain.

The moment Ye Hao's spiritual thoughts entered, ten kinds of fierce sword intentions rushed directly into his mind. Among them.


Ye Hao directly burst out the Haoran Sword Intent, the Supreme Sword Intent, the Destruction Sword Intent, and the Life and Death Sword Intent, suppressing these random Sword Intents, and then carefully comprehended them......


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