"This kid really resisted this sword energy and is still moving forward?"

The third elder behind Ye Hao saw that Ye Hao kept moving forward. He really couldn't believe that Ye Hao was really approaching the big crack step by step.

Ye Hao's speed was very slow, but he was still moving forward. The Great Luo Emperor Sword The speed of absorbing the sword energy reached a limit.

The dazzling light of the Great Luo Emperor Sword in Ye Hao's hand was dazzling even to the third elder.

"This...is a holy treasure?"

The third elder couldn't believe when Ye Hao had such a treasure, and judging from its quality, I'm afraid it must be a saint.

The third elder fell into deep thought, and Ye Hao continued to take steps, approaching the dark crack.

Time passed Bit by bit, Ye Hao finally approached the crack.

Ye Hao did not dare to move the Great Luo Emperor Sword too far away from him. He was afraid that as long as he was a little farther away from the Great Luo Emperor Sword, he would die without a burial place. The sword energy here is too terrifying.

However, not only the sword energy, there is also a huge suppressive force here. This is pressure from a high realm.

"What good thing is in this crack that makes you so excited!"

Ye Hao didn't understand what kind of good thing it would be to lure the Great Luo Emperor Sword to this place.

With the sword surface of the Great Luo Emperor Sword, Ye Hao vaguely saw that there was a sword in the crack. sheath

"This...the thing that caused such great damage was just a scabbard, not a sword? Are you kidding me?"

No one answered Ye Hao's question. Ye Hao looked at the scabbard in the crack at this time.

On the scabbard, there were gems that Ye Hao couldn't explain. These gems were just decorations. When he saw the sword The moment the scabbard surfaced, Ye Hao seemed to see the most beautiful handicraft in the world.

He had never seen such an indestructible scabbard, nor had he ever seen such a wonderfully crafted scabbard.

"This...could it be an artifact?"

Just relying on a scabbard to exert such a huge pressure, Ye Hao couldn't imagine it. He could only imagine it as a magical weapon. Listening to Ye Hao's whisper, the Great Luo Emperor Sword seemed to be responding to Ye Hao's question.

"So, this scabbard is useful to you?"

Ye Hao knows that the Great Luo Emperor Sword in his hand is a divine weapon, but he is unable to exert its full power now.

"Ding... I found the artifact scabbard. Should I spend 100,000 sword-drawing experience points to get it?"

Originally, Ye Hao was still wondering how he could obtain it, when the system's natural sound appeared.


After receiving the affirmation of the system, Ye Hao knew that this kind of artifact would definitely be gone if he missed it. The 100,000 sword-drawing experience points would be gone if they were gone. He could still earn more.

Ye Hao has gained all the sword-drawing experience from the beginning of drawing the sword to the present. He didn't move at all. At this moment, he used it all to exchange for the artifact scabbard in front of him.

"I hope you won't make me regret it."

The moment Ye Hao spent 100,000 experience points to draw the sword, all the sword energy around the crack was contained in the scabbard.

The scabbard standing in the crack slowly floated to Ye Hao from the crack. In his hand, Ye Hao saw the clever artifact in his hand, touched it twice, and then put the scabbard into the space ring.

"How many secrets do you have in this kid? With such a huge sword energy, you were able to reach the end, and... you inexplicably sheathed the sword in the end?"

The third elder at the back couldn't believe what had just happened, but at this time, the artifact scabbard had already belonged to Ye Hao.

"From today on, there is no longer a forbidden area for Lingxu Sword Tomb."

As Ye Hao finished speaking, the terrifying sword energy covering the entire space disappeared, and the Lingxu Sword Tomb reappeared on the earth.

"Ye Hao, you are in big trouble this time. Do you know that if Lingxu Sword Tomb appears again, someone will know that the scabbard here has been taken away?"

"Don’t tell anyone about the things here until you become a strong person."

The third elder is thinking about Ye Hao's good. Hearing this, Ye Hao nodded.

"Let's go back."

After the third elder finished speaking, he led Ye Hao to speed up and returned to the camp.

On the way, the third elder also agreed with Ye Hao to smooth over the matter this time. This matter cannot be known to others.

Lingxu ancient city

"What's going on? Have you ever felt that the sword energy that was pressing on us is gone?"

"Not to mention, it seems to be a lot more relaxed."

All the disciples felt that they were relaxed

"How is this going?"

Remembering that the third elder took Ye Hao to the crack just now, and now the sword energy that enveloped the entire Lingxu Sword Tomb is gone, there is obviously something wrong with the crack.

The elders of Taiji Sword Sect and Qiankun Sword Sect looked at each other glance

"We're back."

The third elder came quickly from a distance with Ye Hao.

"what happened?"The two elders wanted to find out the situation.

"Forget it, we two almost didn't come back"

"what happened?"

Hearing what the third elder said was so serious, the other two elders were also shocked and asked again

"Before the two of us reached the crack, we suddenly felt a huge coercion there. As soon as the two of us got closer, we were noticed by him. He just stared at the two of us from a distance and almost let me do this. Old bones falling apart"

"Who is it?"The two elders continued to ask, but the result they got was that they didn't know anything.

"Didn't see clearly."The third elder said with a solemn face. At this time, each of them was frightened.

"but. Seeing the sword energy disappear, maybe he has left with the things in the crack."

The explanations of the three elders made the other two elders breathe a sigh of relief. Otherwise, they would have to immediately open the teleportation station and return to their respective middle gates. It would be too dangerous to stay here.

But when I thought about it, it was really like what the three elders described. Realm, it is not impossible to go with them, and since the third elder and Ye Hao have been let go, that is to say, they are not monsters.

When they were talking, Ye Hao looked dumbfounded, as if he was frightened.

Thinking that even the third elder's bones almost fell apart, Ye Hao must have been greatly frightened. However, the reason why Ye Hao acted so dumbfounded was just to hold back his laughter.

When Hao saw the expressions and movements of the third elder, he was afraid that he would not be able to help but laugh.

"For the sake of caution, let’s quickly tally up the demon’s hearts this time and make a ranking."

The elder of Qiankun Sword Sect suggested, and the third elder nodded.

"Please each disciple hand over your demon heart. When you return to your respective sect, you will be rewarded according to the number of demon hearts obtained."

The third elder's voice reached everyone's ears, and the disciples in the field took out the demon hearts in their space rings.

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