The day after Ye Hao was canonized, people from all sects began to leave the Tongtian Sword Sect one after another.

Everyone who left was a little disappointed because Ye Hao didn't like the beauties they selected.

Moreover, the beauties they brought with them all followed their respective sects back to their sects today with bruises and swollen faces.

"Son, although mother knows that you are capable now, you must be single-minded in your love and find a girl who really likes you. Yesterday, mother saw so many girls staring at you, but then she didn’t look at any of them. You see, they are not sincere at first glance."

At this time, Ye Lingzhan and his wife also have to leave. After all, Fengyun Sword City is busy with things now, and Ye Lingzhan has to go back to take charge of the overall situation. He cannot stay here forever.

Although Li Qing was a little reluctant to leave, he had to leave. The final reminder to Ye Hao made Ye Hao a little confused.

"Mom, you are overthinking. Those people came to me to talk about morality. They just thought I was strong and wanted to fight with me. Who knew that in the end they would all be as weak as porcelain bottles? I would not like them. of"


Ye Lingzhan coughed twice after hearing what Ye Hao said. His son really didn't understand the charm.

Li Qing felt relieved after hearing what Ye Hao said. His son seemed to be really obsessed with cultivation and didn't care about the love between his children.

"Son, you must take good care of yourself and not let yourself be wronged. If you have anything to say to your mother, if your father dares to stop me from pampering you again, I will divorce him!"

Anyway, knowing that his son was helping him, Li Qing had no scruples.

Hearing what Li Qing said, Ye Lingzhan laughed beside him and took Li Qing away.

Ye Hao returned to his training place again, but He didn't know that someone from the Tongtian Sword Sect had already targeted him.

"Ye Hao, nearly a week has passed since the day when you were canonized as the Holy Son. Recently, you may have felt that everyone is chasing after you and treating you as a target."

Hearing what Master Tongtian said, Ye Hao nodded, but didn't care.

"Sect Master, they are practicing hard, so am I."Ye Hao said with great confidence that at this moment, he has mastered all the Lingxu Sword Techniques. At the same time, other sword techniques began to slowly condense tiny strands of law power.

"Although there is no master like you in the entire sect, as the sect leader, I have to tell you that it is not easy to enter the realm of Sword Sect."

"I think I was also the Chosen One at the beginning, but in the end all I could master was a kind of law. No matter how much sword intent and sword energy I had, if they couldn't break through, they would be completely worthless."

Ye Hao has been practicing at his own training place these days, not only practicing the number of drawing swords, but also going to the Sutra Pavilion to read the manuscripts of many predecessors.

Now, Ye Hao can feel the slightest bottleneck in himself and cannot break through it.

At this time, He no longer pursues more skills, but instead grasps all the power he possesses to break through the Sword Sect.

"In fact, you should be able to feel that every sword energy in you has achieved great success and is slowly approaching the power of law. But why you haven't made a breakthrough for a long time is because the power in you is too patchy. If you don't make a choice , then it will make you stop moving forward."

Ye Hao has read so many stories from his predecessors and knows that what Tongtian Sect Master said is true, but Ye Hao does not obey the rules of this world.

What he wants to take is to walk a path that others never dare to believe.

"Sect Master, they all say that the road lies at your feet. Since I have chosen this path, why should I choose to abandon it!"

Ye Hao's arrogant momentum made Tongtian Sect Master a little impressed. Indeed, as a young man, without such momentum, it would be difficult for him to achieve higher achievements in his own realm.

"I also know that young people should be high-spirited, and you have been singing loudly along the way, but I still want to remind you, if this road does not work, don’t ruin your bright future. Our Tongtian Sword Sect looks forward to your bright future in the future."

"Okay, Sect Master, I understand. Don’t worry about this matter. I will make my own judgment."

"Okay, in addition to calling you here this time, I have another thing to tell you, which is about the Hidden Dragon Competition held every ten years in our Southern Wilderness Sword Region.

Ye Hao was a little confused:"The Hidden Dragon Competition?""

"That's right, it's the Hidden Dragon Competition. This is also a grand competition in our Southern Wilderness Sword Territory. The people participating in the competition this time. They are also the best geniuses from each sect in our Southern Wilderness Sword Territory."

"Are they all powerful?"

Listening to what Ye Hao said, Tongtian Sect Master also broke into a cold sweat.

He thought that the Hidden Dragon List was the most authoritative list in their Southern Wilderness Sword Region.

Now he was told by Ye Hao that he was not powerful? Tongtian Sect Master looked at Ye Hao with a smile

"I'm afraid this is what you are paying attention to now. Don't worry, there are hidden dragons and crouching tigers here. Do you think the Southern Wilderness Sword Territory is as peaceful as it seems on the surface?"

"Every time these aristocratic families, Sword City, and Sword Sect participate in a competition, there will be seed players, and their strength will make people look at them with admiration."

"How long until the game?"

Ye Hao also knows that if he cannot break through the Sword Sect, he must become more proficient in mastering all the sword moves in his hands and use them to their maximum level.

"There is still nearly a month left, when people from the major holy places will send their chosen sons and daughters to our Tongtian Sword Sect for a competition."

Ye Hao got the news and returned to his residence. At this time, the main thing Ye Hao had to do every day was to draw his sword.

Every time Ye Hao drew his sword, there was a burst of movement, causing the entire core area to be disturbed by Ye Hao. It felt a little uneasy.

But when everyone saw that Ye Hao's momentum improved slightly every time, they were encouraged to work hard to catch up with Ye Hao.

They also wanted to be on the Hidden Dragon List this time. leave your name

"Ye Shengzi, are you practicing by yourself again? Why don't we go and give it a try? I happen to have something I don't understand recently and I want to ask you for advice."

Outside Ye Hao's training ground, a voice came, and Jiang Chen's voice was suddenly heard.

After hearing what Jiang Chen said, Ye Hao put away his Great Luo Emperor Sword and walked out.

"Senior brother, how has your strength improved recently? If there is not much improvement, I think the competition between the two of us should be put aside for now."

Ye Hao didn't notice that there was another graceful figure following Jiang Chen, but Ye Hao didn't look at her.

Jiang Xi looked at Ye Hao and found that Ye Hao didn't even look at her. She is becoming more and more interested in Ye Hao

, and no man can take his eyes away from her.

_Fei Lu reminds you: three things about reading-collecting and recommending.

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