Invincibility Starts with Full Attributes

Chapter 658: You should rejoice, not Yang Zhen

Yang Zhen originally thought that Gu Shengzong was an open-minded guy like Gong Sanhe, a good old man, and Yang Zhen was also very willing to socialize with him.

Who would have thought that an old man with a white beard suddenly jumped out at this moment and accused him without saying a word, if Yang Zhen really couldn't make up his mind and was not qualified to express his views at this time, that would be all right.

The key is that in the face of this altar handed down from the ancient times, Yang Zhen really has some opinions. Not only does he have some opinions, but he can also analyze this altar thoroughly, and even temporarily stop the outbreak of the place of Quebec in Kowloon.

Under this circumstance, Yang Zhen was blamed by a bad old man who didn't know him, and his temper had to explode no matter how good he was.

What's more, Yang Zhen's temper was not good.

Hearing the old man with white beard, Yang Zhen narrowed his eyes and looked at it with interest.

The others such as Death Shadow and other people, including Lord Tianquan and Lord Tianxue, were all stunned, and then looked strange, and many people even looked at the old man with a white beard. , Have become gloating.

Hua Youyue took a step forward, standing in front of Yang Zhen, quietly like a bloom, Han Yaner glanced at the old man with a white beard, and put her hand on the Sun Shadow Paladin.

The atmosphere was suffocating for a while, and everyone's face gradually became strange.

Gong Sanhe frowned, looking at the old man with white beard with dissatisfaction, and was about to speak. The old man with white beard suddenly hummed, looked around, and said aloud:

"Why, the old man is wrong, this place is very strange, there is such a huge and vast place, there is a building that exudes real yuan fluctuations, it must be extraordinary, but the old man can’t see through here. What place do you guys want to look at with a hairy kid?"

Speaking of this, the old man with a white beard glanced at Yang Zhen with a stern look and said: "Even if this kid has any reasonable opinions, they should only refer to them, and they should not reach the level of my holy land's actions. , The two holy masters of Tianquan holy master are also present, and the old man Duan Xingzhi once again stated that the ancient Shengzong will not follow a Maotou kid. Do the two holy masters want to hand over the fate of the two holy places to one kid?"

Duan Xingzhi's remarks were reasonable and well-founded, and even Yang Zhen's opinions that might be useful were clearly stated. Obviously, he was not a reckless person.

Yang Zhen's face was dumbfounded, and he could not keep up with Duan Xingzhi's brain hole.

Having made an idea, how could the fate of Tianxue Sanctuary and Tianquan Holy Land be put together?

Yang Zhen looked at Gong Sanhe. When he saw the disdainful look on Gong Sanhe's face, he suddenly realized that this is special... Isn't Duan Xingzhi looking at him discomfort, this is simply a war of rights.

Obviously, Duan Xingzhi and Gong Sanhe both looked at each other badly. This time Gong Sanhe brought people in in advance. Duan Xingzhi then brought the ancient Shengzong people, apparently to give the right to speak to Gong Sanhe.

Now it seems that Duan Xingzhi, the old kid, obviously has some ideas.

Thinking of this, Yang Zhen suddenly understood that this Xingzhi came up to bite, not against him, but against Gong Sanhe.

It's just that this guy seems...biting the wrong place.

Everyone on the scene did not have a fool. After hearing Duan Xingzhi's words, they all turned their eyes to Lord Tianxue and Lord Tianquan.

Duan Xingzhi glanced at Gong Sanhe, and when he saw Gong Sanhe's unsmiling expression on his face, he felt a chuckle in his heart and his face changed.

Tianxue Shengzhu said strangely at this moment: "The old man thought that Yang Xiaoyou's decision might bring some luck to Tianxue Shengyu."

Hearing this, Duan Xingzhi stumbled under his feet and looked at Yang Zhen in disbelief.

Tianquan Shengzhu this person is very bad, said directly to Duan Xingzhi: "The ancient Shengzong's high posture, since I can't look down on Yang Xiaoyou, leave alone, I will listen to who is in Tianquan Holy Land, but also you Unable to decide?

Duan Xingzhi heard another stagger at the foot, looking at Heavenly Lord Shengquan and Heavenly Snow Lord with a look of embarrassment, all with unbelievable looks in his eyes, and also showing a sense of daze, it seemed that he could not understand , Where offended the two holy places.

At this time, Death Shadow stood up, glanced at Duan Xingzhi, and said lazily: "I said Old Duan, don't you see it, the people here are waiting for Yang Xiaozi to come up with your ideas, you these Have you lived on a dog for years?"

Duan Xingzhi's face froze, and suddenly became ashen, staring at the shadow of death, said: "Well, the old man would not enter this altar, nor disdain to be with a demon of evil spirits."

"Damn, Moromon's evildoer has eaten your rice?" Death Shadow stared at his eyes and dumb up Duan Xingzhi's speechless words.

"You!" Duan Xingzhi stared at Death Shadow with a red face, unable to say a word.

Dead Shadow laughed and murmured: "Damn, no wonder so many people are mad at Yang Xiaozi's life. This way of speaking is really awesome... Niu Niu!"

"You!" Duan Xingzhi snorted coldly, and said, "Dead Shadow, can't you find death?"

Death Shadow laughed and pointed to his nose. "You come to bite me, I like you. But you can't...damn, **** cat, what did you say in that sentence?"

The cheap cat grinned and said, "I like that you can't see me, but I can't do it."

"Yes, yes, this is it."

With a cross of neck, Death Shadow said arrogantly to Duan Xingzhi: "I like you, I can't stand me, and I can't take my look. Come and come, there is a kind of you who bit me!"

" you you!" Where did Duan Xingzhi have seen such shameless sleazy goods, suddenly violent jumps like thunder, a horror erupted with a bang, rushing towards the death shadow.

Gong Sanhe snorted and drank: "Duan Xingzhi, aren't you shameful enough for this old thing?"

"Humph!" Duan Xingzhi also snorted coldly. He was stopped by Gong Sanhe in the middle of the air. Suddenly the figure turned, and the whole person rushed towards Yang Zhen.

The terrifying air waves roared and roared, and now everyone is suppressing the real element fluctuations in the body. Where would you think that Duan Xingzhi actually said he would do it.

This old guy is the strongest in the Mahayana period of the nineth heaven, and it is only one step away from the God of Transcendence. It is also in the case of a sneak attack that everyone's face becomes difficult to look.

At this time, something unexpected to everyone happened.

boom! boom!

Two waves of terror erupted on Yang Zhen's left and right. A blue light and a dark light suddenly turned into two long dragons, roaring and rushing towards Duan Xingzhi.


Duan Xingzhi, who had been sneaking, knew where the two stunning women beside Yang Zhen were waiting for to deal with it, the sneak attack could not be counteracted and was blown out with a loud bang.

The two women's blow, even if it was a sneak attack, obviously would not cause serious injuries to Duan Xingzhi, but was blasted out by two young girls and sat on the ground with one butt, Duan Xingzhi's old face had no place to rest.

After Duan Xingzhi landed, he hurriedly got up from the ground and pointed at Yang Zhen with a roar: "Disciple Gu Shengzong obeyed and killed the old man..."


With a loud drink, Gong Sanhe stepped forward and shook his head at Duan Xingzhi, saying: "You should be glad, not Yang Zhen himself!"

:. :

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