Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 101: Game eve! Chu Yu draws lots!

 Chapter 101 The eve of the competition! Chu Yu draws lots!

 In the past few days, everyone has not relaxed their cultivation.

 After all, sharpening one's guns in the face of battle will only lead to dissatisfaction.

 The most important thing for a warrior is momentum!

 Once you become lazy, it is easy to lose your energy.

Even during his free time, Lin Yuan did not leave the school gate, he just took Chu Yu for a walk around the Yanjing Wuhan University.

Although Chu Yu is full of curiosity about the imperial capital, she is also a sensible girl. She knows that the most important thing at the moment is the freshman fraternity competition of prestigious schools!

 So, when Lin Yuan was practicing in the training room, Chu Yu did not relax.

The new students of Mowu have already entered a state of full preparation for war.

 While maintaining this state, time simply flies by.

 In the blink of an eye, there was only one night left before the freshman fraternity competition officially opened.

 Everyone had dinner together.

 After eating, everyone was gathered into a conference room by Wang Zhanlin.

 Before the official start of the game, they have one last meeting.

 “Is everyone here?”

Wang Zhanlin looked around and said calmly: "Tomorrow, the fraternity competition will officially begin. Are you... ready?"


Everyone’s answers were sonorous and powerful.


Wang Zhanlin nodded and continued: "Tomorrow morning is the opening ceremony. Let's draw our opponents!"

 “The official competition will begin in the afternoon!”

“The first round competition system is an individual competition based on points!”

 “Individual competition, there will be two rounds in total!”

 “In other words, we are going to fight two martial arts schools!”

“Each school needs to send seven people to fight with the selected school.”

“The loser will be off the field, but the winner will be able to stay on the field and continue the next round.”

 “This is somewhat similar to a wheel battle, very cruel.”

"But for the sake of the glory of the school, I hope that you can persist for a few more rounds if you have the energy to spare, so as to lay a sufficient advantage for our magic weapon!"

 “If you defeat one person, you can accumulate one point!”

“If you defeat seven of the opponent’s players, you will get the full seven points!”

 Everyone’s understanding ability is not bad, and they quickly understood the general rules.

 Ten prestigious schools, after drawing lots, will compete in a five-to-five battle.

 The winning school will naturally be able to score seven points.

 The losing school, in order to get higher points in the individual competition, must also go all out. If it defeats one more opponent, it can get one more point!

Of course, there is also a lot of luck involved in this.

If you are drawn to Yanjing Wuhan University, then don’t think about how to win, just think about how to get more points.

"By the way, Chu Yu, you will be responsible for drawing lots tomorrow, and try to draw a good lot for our Mowu!"

Wang Zhanlin suddenly spoke.

Chu Yu was slightly stunned, and pointed to himself in disbelief: "Me?"

“Well, it’s you. I have only one request for the lottery, and that is not to be drawn to Yanjing Wuhan University!”

Wang Zhanlin said seriously.

In the freshman fraternity competition of prestigious schools, Yanjing Wuhan University is like a big devil.

 No one wants to run into them!

Lin Yuan gently poked Chu Yu's waist with his elbow, and asked softly: "How are you? Are you feeling stressed?"

Chu Yu stuck out his tongue playfully: "It's so stressful!"

"One more thing." Wang Zhanlin continued: "In individual battles, you don't have to worry about how your injuries will affect the rest of the battle."

“Yanjing Wuhan University is equipped with the best medical special abilities.”

“All injured warriors can receive the best treatment as soon as possible!”

“As long as it is not a serious injury such as burst internal organs, broken limbs, or broken bones, you can usually recover on the same day and will not have any impact on the subsequent battle.”

 Everyone nodded to show their understanding.

 Next, Wang Zhanlin said some inspiring words.

 After the meeting was over, everyone was sent back to their dormitories to rest.

This night, everyone was silently recharging their energy.

 Looking forward to the opening of the next competition!


Yanjing Wuhan University, November 26.

The freshman fraternity competition of prestigious schools has officially begun!

This time, there are still ten famous universities participating, including Yanjing Wuhan University, Shanghai Wudu University, Tianzhe Wuhan University, Southeast Wuhan University, etc.!

The venue for the event is naturally the Jingwu Martial Arts Arena.

This place can accommodate more than 5,000 people.

 It will only be turned on when some large-scale events are held!

 After the four gates of the martial arts arena were officially opened, everyone quickly lined up and filed in.

For an annual event like this, let alone 5,000 seats.

Even if there are 10,000 empty seats at the venue, they can still be filled!

Even in order to be able to sit in and watch the game, many spectators tried their best to get tickets and traveled thousands of miles to Yanjing from other places.

 Holding events requires money.

Of course, there are many ways to get back the money.

 For example, selling tickets!

 A ticket for the freshman fraternity game is officially priced at 50,000!

 But now on the black market, scalper tickets have been sold for more than 120,000 yuan, and there is even a price but no market!

 After all, 120,000 is a lot for ordinary people.

 But for a warrior, it is a drop in the bucket.

 In order to watch such a martial arts feast, spending hundreds of thousands is nothing at all.

 Each participating member, even a substitute, will receive a free admission ticket.

Shen Xiao gave the admission ticket to Yun Tingting, and Lin Yuan gave it to Chen Ji.

 After all, they are also former teammates.

In this way, although the two of them are not qualified to participate in the competition, they can still sit in the audience and cheer for them.

“Please find your own seat and sit down!”

“Those who make loud noises and violate the rules will be expelled from the exchange competition!”

“During the competition, no behavior is allowed to interfere with the competition of new warriors!”


 The loudspeakers at the four sides of the arena soon began to announce the rules.

In the auditorium due north, Chen Ji and Yun Tingting took their seats one after another.

 “When will they come on stage?”

Chen Ji lowered his voice and asked in a low voice.

Yun Tingting shook her head: "I don't know, I guess we have to wait until we are seated first."

“I heard that there will be no competition in the morning, just the opening ceremony and the drawing of lots, is that true?”

 “That’s right, don’t you read the timetable?”

Yun Tingting pursed her lips and said softly: "I don't know which Wuhan University our Mowu will choose as our opponent."

 (End of this chapter)

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