Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 106: The terrifying Captain Jingwu! 【First update! 】

Chapter 106 The terrifying Captain Jingwu! 【First update! 】

 After both sides report their identities to each other, the battle officially begins!

Li Yanze did not dare to neglect, and the energy and blood in his body shook for a while, and directly condensed into energy and blood armor, which adhered to his body.

 He did not choose to take the initiative to attack, but waited for Song Wenhui to take action first.

 After all, the strength of the two of them is not on the same level.

 If you take the initiative, it will be easy for the other party to catch the flaw.

  “Aren’t you ready to take action? Then I won’t be polite.”

Song Wenhui glanced at him, his legs slightly bent, and his strength suddenly exploded!

The next second, his body rose up like a cheetah and charged towards Li Yanze!

 An ordinary punch!

 It’s all full of explosive power!

 What a fast punch!

Li Yanze's face was horrified. Since he couldn't avoid it, he could only choose to block it!

He straightened up his horse, crossed his arms across his chest, and said in a deep voice: "Come, let me see your strength!"


Song Wenhui stood firm and let out a muffled sound!

Subsequently, he twisted his waist, and all the strength in his body suddenly exploded, and he punched Li Yanze with no expression on his face!


At this muffled sound, the blood gauntlets on Li Yanze's arms spread out cracks like spider webs!

 Subsequently, when these cracks crack to a certain extent.

Li Yanze's blood gauntlet suddenly exploded and exploded into a mist of blood!

 All the spectators in the auditorium covered their mouths in surprise.

With just one blow, Song Wenhui directly penetrated Li Yanze's Qi-blood arm armor? !

No matter what the other party says, he is still the vice-captain of Zhejiang Wuhan University!

 Is the gap between the two sides that big? !

Li Yanze's face turned red, a sharp pain came from his arm, and he couldn't help but take a few steps back.

 Fortunately, Song Wenhui did not take advantage of the victory to pursue it, but stood firm on the spot.

 “Come again!”

Li Yanze's eyes flashed with a sharp look.

Although he has seen the strength gap between the two sides, he still has no intention of giving up!

He kicked off the ground with his right leg, jumped up high, and swept towards Song Wenhui with a fierce whip kick!

 “Don’t waste your efforts, it’s useless.”

Facing Li Yanze's whip kick, Song Wenhui directly raised his right arm and blocked it easily!


 When the whip leg collided with the right arm, there was another muffled sound!

Li Yanze's face was slightly distorted, because he felt as if he had been kicked on an iron plate, and his bones were aching!


Until now, Li Yanze has not forced out Song Wenhui's Qi and Blood Armor!

 The latter has been fighting him with his own body!

The opponent's physique is really terrifying to a certain extent!

 “I will...not give up!”

Li Yanze gritted his teeth, as if he had made up his mind!

 The next second, the blood armor on his body seemed to boil!

 Blood-red water vapor, like mist, lingered around him!


Song Wenhui glanced at him in surprise.

 This secret technique is not uncommon and can be redeemed in Jingwu with only 100 credits.

However, very few people can make up their mind to use this secret technique.

 Because, after using it, although it can greatly improve one's own strength in a short period of time, after the time is over, the caster will have to rest in bed for at least a month!

  In other words, the word "violent blood" is used here. In the next battle... it will be difficult for Li Yanze to participate in it.

 It’s totally the kind of play where you burn yourself and try your best!

 “It’s really unwise…”

 “Wouldn’t it be better to keep this energy and go fight against the Magic City Wuhan University?”

 “Why do you have to do such a meaningless thing?”

Song Wenhui shook his head, and the qi and blood slowly spread to his body, eventually forming a pair of qi and blood armor!

I don’t know if it’s Lin Yuan’s illusion.

 He always felt that Song Wenhui's energy and blood seemed to be faintly showing a dark red color!

 Subsequently, Lin Yuan shook his head and quickly threw this ridiculous idea out of his mind.

You must know that possessing Qi and blood traits that match your own attributes is the unique mark of a martial arts master!

No matter how terrifying Song Wenhui's strength is, he shouldn't be able to break through and become a seventh-level grandmaster when he first enters the freshman year, right?

 That would require a full 100,000 points of energy and blood!


Seeing that he finally forced Song Wenhui to use the Qi and Blood Armor.

Li Yanze grinned and smiled: "Whether it is meaningful or not, you can only know after trying it."


 “As long as it makes sense to me.”

 “That’ll do it!”

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Yanze's figure suddenly turned into a **** afterimage and disappeared from the place!

 Behind you?

Song Wenhui frowned and reacted very quickly. He turned around, stretched out his right palm, and received Li Yanze's sneak attack from behind!

“As expected of the strongest new student in Jingwu, come again!”

Li Yanze laughed loudly. In the state of "violent blood", all the attributes of his body briefly exceeded their own limits!

In this excited state, his fists kept punching out, like a sudden storm, violent and desperate!

 Fortunately, Li Yanze's basic skills were solid enough, and even in this almost crazy situation, his boxing posture remained unchanged.

Each punch unleashed almost extreme energy and blood intensity!

However, Song Wenhui's performance was still extremely understated, without the slightest feeling of being forced into a desperate situation.

 Everyone in the audience could not help but hold their breath.

 This really exciting!

 One party tried its best and was so strong that it shocked people’s hearts!

On the other hand, although the visual effect is not very strong, it can make people feel an almost suffocating power.

 Because Song Wenhui seemed to have not tried his best at all!

“Okay, if you continue to bleed violently, your body will be damaged, so don’t hold on.”

Song Wenhui received Li Yanze's killing punch again, shook his head and said softly.

Li Yanze still had no intention of giving up. With a ferocious face, he still punched out one punch after another and said in a deep voice: "You don't have to worry about it!"

“Being too stubborn...sometimes is not a good thing.”

Song Wenhui shook his head, and his shot was like lightning. He used his left hand to deflect Li Yanze's fist. His right hand was like an eagle's claw, and he suddenly grabbed it and slammed it on the latter's head!

Then, he said softly: "Okay, don't move any more. I can easily crush your head now, so don't take your own life for granted."

Li Yanze immediately froze on the spot!

 Cold sweat slowly slid down his forehead...

Recommend a cute new book "My Fiancée is the Anchor"! By the way, I was a little busy yesterday and only updated one chapter. Today I will update three chapters! Strive for four updates! I am so sorry!



 (End of this chapter)

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