Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 108: You Mowu also like to be substitutes? 【Third update!

Chapter 108 Do you Mo Wu also like to be a substitute? 【Third update! 】

The first round of individual competition between Yanjing Wuhan University and Tianzhe Wuhan University is finally over.

During this process, the audience felt the momentum of Li Yanze, the vice-captain of Zhejiang Wuhan, who tried his best and burned himself.

I felt the courage of Zhejiang Wu captain Chen Mo to do his best and win two games.

In addition, they also felt the unyielding spirit of Zhejiang Wu.

Even if the tactics of wheel fighting are used, Song Wenhui's energy and blood must be consumed as much as possible, so that the last captain, Chen Mo, can have a glimmer of hope to defeat the opponent!

have to say.

Jingwu showed their strength.

 And Zhejiang Wu showed their style!

 The strong are invincible.

 But the brave are fearless!

 In this round of individual competition, Yanjing Wuhan University naturally scored a full seven points.

With their hard work, Zhejiang Wuhan University finally scored four points.

 In any case, it’s much better than expected!

If Song Wenhui doesn't give up, they are likely to get one point at most.

And that point was given by Tang Di Yuan for free.

If Jingwu didn't let Tangdiyuan play at the beginning, they might not even get a point!


 After the competition between Jingwu and Zhejiang Wu.

 It was the turn of Mo Wu and Tian Lin Wu.

“Lin Yuan, you will be the first to play later, so prepare well.”

Wang Zhanlin waved and said.

Lin Yuan scratched his head and subconsciously pointed at himself: "Me?"

 “That’s right, it’s you.”

Wang Zhanlin said very casually.

 It's like saying "The decision is yours, Pikachu!"

Since it was Wang Zhanlin who made the decision, others naturally had no room to refute.

Lin Yuan was pushed to the top of the list and ranked first in the list.


“Next, let’s welcome the new students from Wudu University and Tianlin University!”

Following the host's loud call, the freshmen from Modou Wuhan University and Tianlin Wuhan University entered the stage one after another through the passages on both sides.


 For this duel, the audience’s expectations are not that high.

 After all, Tianlin Wuhan University is not a particularly powerful and prestigious school.

 They vaguely remember that Tianlin Wuhan University’s ranking last year should have been eighth.

With this ranking, unless they can achieve an upset, there is almost no possibility of defeating Wudu University in the Magic City.

 “Invite the first players from both sides to come on stage!”

  After the host warmed up the situation for a while, he got to the point without hesitation.

 The audience finally cheered up.

They really want to see who the two schools will send to play in the first round.

Over at Tianlin Wuhan University, a strong man about 1.9 meters tall stood up and walked slowly towards the arena.

This guy has muscles all over his body, and his originally loose martial arts uniform is like a tight suit on him.

But such a powerful figure did not scare Lin Yuan.

 Because he could sense the intensity of Qi and blood in this guy, Mo Yue was at the same level as him, from the late fifth level to the peak fifth level. No matter how powerful the body is, if the strength of Qi and blood is not enough, it will still not bring much increase in strength.

 At best, it’s just a paper tiger.

 After the two people took the stage, they stood facing each other.

The other party took the lead in announcing his home address, and said angrily: "Tianlin Martial Arts University, deputy captain, Liu Tongshan!"

Lin Yuan pondered for two seconds and then said the same: "Modu Wuhan University, substitute player, Lin Yuan!"

 As soon as he said these words, the faces of the entire audience became strange again.

 What does  mean?

 The scene reappears?

If they remember correctly, the match between Jingwu and Zhejiang just now seemed to be the vice-captain versus the substitute, right?

“You Mowu also like to be a substitute in the first battle?”

Liu Tongshan frowned in dissatisfaction, and there was a strong smell of gunpowder in his words.

From his point of view, it’s okay for Jingwu to let Tangdiyen go up and play around, after all, he has the capital!

 But you, the Demon City, are powerful in martial arts, so why?

 Do you really think that because you are as famous as Jingwu, you have the capital? !

Facing Liu Tongshan's tit-for-tat confrontation, Lin Yuan said happily: "You, Lin Wu, also like to be the deputy captain in the first battle?"

 “Oh, I’m sorry, you, the vice-captain, seem to be no better than others.”

“No matter what others say, he is still a real sixth-level warrior.”

"You said that you are really, why don't you try harder? You just single-handedly dragged down the overall strength of your entire Linwu."

Lin Yuan’s mouth was like a machine gun.

 All of a sudden, a lot of things came out.

 You know, he is not a good person.

The smell of gunpowder in other people's words is already so strong, so there is no need for me to continue to be pretentious and polite with the other person.

Lin Yuan’s words were like a sharp knife.

 They all poked Liu Tongshan in the heart!

 For a warrior, the greatest humiliation is to laugh at him for his lack of strength!

Liu Tongshan's face was livid, and he said coldly: "I hope you won't admit defeat later."

Lin Yuan responded with a smile: "Don't worry, I won't admit defeat, but I will beat you like a monkey for three minutes. I hope you can hold on."

 “Haha, sharp teeth and sharp mouth!”

 Liu Tongshan was finally unwilling to talk nonsense with Lin Yuan anymore.

I saw the energy and blood around his body vibrating, and his tall figure suddenly stepped out, like a high-speed moving fortress!


The next second, he dodged directly in front of Lin Yuan and punched out, even causing a sonic boom!

 Fortunately, Lin Yuan had already used his Sharingan to clearly see the trajectory of Liu Tongshan's punch.

His body remained motionless, he just turned his head sideways and easily avoided Liu Tongshan's punch!

The latter's eyes were stern. Before he could change his move, Lin Yuan's knees bent directly and he pushed towards Liu Tongshan's abdomen!


 This one, Lin Yuanshao said, used 80% of his strength!

Liu Tongshan's face was distorted, and he felt as if his internal organs were out of place. He rolled directly into the distance, keeping distance from Lin Yuan while trying his best to digest the pain.

 “Stop howling.”

 “You should thank me.”

“If my knee had been a few centimeters lower, your little brother would have been injured. Do you know what it means to cut off one’s descendants?”

Looking at Liu Tongshan who was still holding his abdomen, Lin Yuan said with a smile.

 “You... are very good! You are cruel enough!”

 Liu Tongshan stood up with difficulty.

 In fact, he would not have been hit originally, but he did not expect that Lin Yuan would be so confident and bold, using such a small range of movement to avoid his punch.

It was precisely because of this that he did not avoid Lin Yuan's counterattack that followed.

If he had tilted his head slower for just half a second, Liu Tongshan could guarantee that he would have punched his annoying face!

 (End of this chapter)

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