Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 111: I just want to fight against five! 【Third update! Ask for recommendation

Chapter 111 I just want to fight one against five! 【Third update! Please vote for recommendation! 】

 “Has this kid always been so arrogant?”

Li Tianchou turned around and asked with a smile.

To be honest, he doesn’t hate arrogant young people, but he feels very energetic about them.

Wang Zhanlin shook his head in disbelief and said, "He is quite honest in front of me. Speaking of which, this is the first time I have seen this kid so crazy."

Li Tianchou said with a smile: "That's right. How can he be so crazy in front of you, the ninth-level heavenly king?"

"Just wait until his strength exceeds yours, then see if he is crazy in front of you or not."

Wang Zhanlin was slightly startled.


What you old guy said seems to be not unreasonable.

However, this kid is from a bad family, so he shouldn’t be able to break through to the ninth-level Heavenly King that easily, right?

  Well, so at the very least, it is impossible for this kid to become arrogant in front of him in a short period of time!

Then, Li Tianchou asked: "You said that Mowu has two interesting new students this year, and this kid should be among them, right?"

 “That’s right.”

Wang Zhanlin nodded: "After all, I can't tell what height this kid will reach in the end."

Li Tianchou smiled and said, "It depends on fate, just let nature take its course."


The person sent by Tianlin Martial Arts University is still only a fifth-level peak warrior!

 Because in their opinion, Lin Yuan had already experienced two equally matched battles, and there should be very little energy and blood left in his body.

I have to say that their idea is right.

The battle with Liu Tongshan was okay. After all, I was dodging most of the time and only shot to kill the opponent in an instant at the end.

 But the battle with He Yuelin did consume a lot of his energy and blood.

“It’s a one versus five or something, just talk about it. If you don’t want to lose too badly, I suggest you admit defeat now.”

At Tianlin Martial Arts University, the third contestant is a short and stocky young man who looks like a hill.

At this moment, he was looking at Lin Yuan with cold eyes and said in a deep voice.

 No wonder he spoke so poorly.

Anyone who hears talk of one versus five will feel dissatisfied.

 Lin Yuan said lazily: "If you are just talking to me about these useless nonsense, I advise you to start fighting as soon as possible."

“Otherwise, the opportunity your two companions have worked so hard to buy for you will be wasted.”

The stocky young man's face turned cold, and his energy and blood quickly covered him. His right leg suddenly stepped on the ground, and the burst of power made him sprint towards Lin Yuan like a sharp sword!


Lin Yuan's figure flashed, as if he had turned into thunder, and he clashed head-on with the short and sturdy young man!

Almost instantly, the two of them were fighting!

Lin Yuan's offensive was particularly swift and fierce, but the stocky young man did not give in even an inch and kept supporting him!

He knows that Lin Yuan is very explosive.

I also know that the opponent is low on energy and blood, so I plan to fight quickly!    So, what he has to do is just to delay!

 Delay time until the opponent completely runs out of energy and blood!

 Gradually, the lightning attached to Lin Yuan's fist began to dim!

 The short and stocky young man looked happy.

good chance!

 Using superpowers also consumes physical energy.

This guy has been fighting for so long and his physical strength is finally exhausted!

Thinking of this, he did not hesitate, his energy and blood suddenly gathered on his right arm, and he punched Lin Yuan directly in the chest with all his strength!

 However, what he didn't expect was.

His punch went directly through Lin Yuan's chest, as if he had passed through a piece of disembodied thunder!

 This is... elementalization!

 “How…how is it possible?!”

 The stocky young man had a look of horror on his face. Didn’t this guy have no physical strength?

 In fact, his judgment was not wrong.

 Lin Yuan from before indeed had no physical strength, which was not enough to support his elemental transformation.

 It’s just…

  When this short and sturdy young man came to kill with one punch.

Lin Yuan swallowed a fairy bean without hesitation!

After escaping Sayin's pursuit last time, Lin Yuan still had two fairy beans left to take.

 Perhaps, it can be used at times like this!

The moment he swallowed the fairy beans, Lin Yuan's energy reached full value almost instantly!

 All the depleted physical strength and blood were instantly restored!

Although taking drugs is not allowed on the arena, Lin Yuan doesn't care that much.

Anyway, no one can see things like fairy beans, and no instrument can detect them!

Looking at Lin Yuan, whose momentum had reached its peak again, a trace of confusion flashed across the face of the short and stocky young man.

 He had no idea how Lin Yuan did it.

After several battles, not only did he not show any signs of decline, but his own energy and blood actually became fuller against the trend!

 “Third, it’s time to step down.”

After the punch of the short and sturdy young man was easily avoided by Lin Yuan using his elemental transformation, he did not hesitate and directly grabbed the opponent's wrist, exerted force suddenly, and threw him out of the field easily like throwing a sandbag. outside!

 In the third battle, Lin Yuan still won a great victory!

As a substitute, he became the starter and won three games in a row!

In the history of the freshman fraternity competition in prestigious schools, this is not to say unprecedented, at least it is unprecedented.

“Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully completing option one, you will be rewarded with 5000 points of vitality and 3000 points of mental power!”

After the system prompt sounded, Lin Yuan was slightly stunned.

 Because he was originally planning to get the reward for winning five games in a row, so he made his choice after the first game!

Now it seems that there is no need for him to choose at all.

 The rewards of these three options can be stacked!

 Every time he completes a choice, he will get one of the rewards!

Thinking of this, Lin Yuan silently thought about it in his mind.

The qi and blood rewarded by these three choices are 5,000 qi and blood points, 8,000 and 10,000 qi and blood points respectively...

 If all are added up.

 That’s a full 23,000 points of qi and blood!

I have actually been writing this until 2:30 in the morning. Please give me some recommendation votes. Woohoo~



 (End of this chapter)

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