Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 114: He seems to be really that weak [First update! 】

Chapter 114 He seems... really that weak [First update! 】

 To be honest, they can understand Mowu coming on as a substitute.

  After all, it may be to hide the strength of the main members.

 But you are on the bench for two consecutive rounds, this is too much!

 The most important thing is that the strength of Mowu's substitute should be carefully considered.

The former substitute named 'Lin Yuan', after winning four games in a row, also forcibly defeated the captain of Tianlin Martial Arts University, 'Xie Wu'!

With such strength, even if you are not a captain or vice-captain, you are definitely qualified to become a formal member!

 But...this guy is really a substitute.

 After Xu Xinning came on the field.

 Everyone's eyes couldn't help but focus on him.

 They all want to see how Mowu's second substitute will perform.

“Tianlin Martial Arts University, official member, Gu Qiu!”

After Xu Xinning came on the field, members of Tianlin Wuhan University on the opposite side also reported their families.

This guy looks like a chubby figure, but his energy and blood strength are quite good, almost reaching the peak level of the fifth level.

 With such strength, he should be considered the best among the official members of Tianlin Martial Arts University.

However, at this moment, he seemed a little nervous.

 Because Lin Yuan, who has won five games in a row, is really amazing.

 At the same time, this put great pressure on him.

 Hand holding the alloy knife handle tightly in his hand, he was guessing the opponent's strength in his heart.

 The battle has officially begun!

 Almost at the same time, the Qi and Blood Armor covered the bodies of the two of them!

 The two sides charged at each other, their blades collided, and they fought together!

Within a dozen moves, Gu Qiu's complexion began to look slightly strange.

This guy's strength seems not as strong as I thought.

Furthermore, the opponent's sword skills are not that strong, but there is a sense of unfamiliarity due to a lack of combat experience.

However, Gu Qiu soon sounded the alarm for himself in his heart.

 No, don’t be careless!

 This guy in front of me is probably paralyzing himself!

You know, the other party is the substitute of Wudu University!

Amid extreme vigilance, the suspicious Gu Qiu rarely took the initiative to launch an attack, for fear of being caught by Xu Xinning.

Even if the other party reveals a flaw, Gu Qiu will suspect that it is a trap deliberately set by the other party!

 For a time, the battle on the arena fell into a deadlock.

Xu Xinning has been taking the initiative to attack, but Gu Qiu has been passively defending, not even daring to fight back.

To be honest, even Xu Xinning himself was a little confused.

 Is this guy in front of me... so cowardly?

Are you so afraid of him?

Xu Xinning felt as if he had grasped the opponent's weakness, so he simply stopped defending and started attacking with all his strength!

As long as you can successfully defeat him, it will be considered a glory for Mowu!

 As a substitute, defeating the opponent's regular member, although not as dazzling as Lin Yuan, is still a good story.

However, just when Xu Xinning was thinking about it.

Gu Qiu finally came to his senses.

 One or two flaws that occasionally appear may be deliberately sold by the other party.

 But the key is...

  After Xu Xinning let himself go, his whole body was full of flaws!

 Gu Qiu is almost doubting life.

Is this guy really hiding his strength?

Gu Qiu, who had been passively defending, finally mustered up the courage to seize a major flaw in Xu Xinning and strike out with a knife!


 The blade of the knife penetrates the flesh.

Gu Qiu's blade directly cut a **** mark on Xu Xinning's chest!


The next second, Gu Qiu subconsciously raised his leg, blood burst out, and he kicked Xu Xinning's abdomen!

Under this leg, Xu Xinning's figure flew backwards like a rag sack.

 The whole place was silent.

 Gu Qiu, who had been passively defensive throughout the whole game, actually knocked out Xu Xinning at the moment of the outbreak!

 Forget about the audience in the auditorium.

Even Gu Qiu himself looked surprised. This guy... turns out he wasn't just faking it.

He seems to be really that weak.

“The winner of this game is Gu Qiu, a freshman from Tianlin Martial Arts University!”


Yanjing Wuhan University, Medical Office.

Lin Yuan was lying peacefully on the hospital bed, drinking water and watching the live broadcast on the TV screen.

 After seeing Xu Xinning being killed instantly with a knife.

Lin Yuan almost spit out a mouthful of water.

This guy is really weak.

Despite two months of special training, he still lacked combat experience.

Even if Lin Yuan didn't use his Sharingan, he could easily see the flaws in Xu Xinning's body.


I finally raised the value of the Mowu substitute.

As a result, Xu Xinning's wave of tricks brought back Mowu's substitute status.


 After Xu Xinning was sent off, Mowu sent a third player.

 This time, Mowu’s player is finally no longer a substitute.

 It’s the captain of Mowu, Fang Tianji!

 After the captain and vice-captain of Tianlin Martial Arts University were defeated by Lin Yuan.

 There is no particularly powerful person on their side who can compete with Fang Tianji.

Fang Tianji easily won two victories without even trying his best!

The personal battle between Modu Martial Arts University and Tianlin Martial Arts University also came to an end.

 Wuda, the magical capital, scored seven points!

Tianlin Wuhan University only scored two points.

 A complete victory!

 More importantly, under Wang Zhanlin’s plan.

On Mowu's side, most of its strength has been hidden.

Even Fang Tianji didn’t show much strength.

 What the audience remembers is how strong Lin Yuan is and how trashy Xu Xinning is...

However, if you really want to say it, Wang Zhanlin can be regarded as unintentionally inserting willows and willows into the shade.

Because even he didn't expect that this kid Lin Yuan could actually win consecutive battles and win five games for Mowu in a row.

 Indeed, it’s a bit unexpected.


 In the medical room.

 Shen Xiao accompanied Lin Yuan.

Since Mo Wu has already won, there is no need for him to rush over.

Lin Yuan leaned on the bedside and asked lazily: "After the individual competition, what is the next schedule?"

 Compared to now, for Mowu, there is no suspense in the individual competition.

 After defeating Tianlin Martial Arts University, they only need to fight against Tianzhe Martial Arts University.

However, their battle with Tianzhe Wuhan University was completely one-sided.

 First of all, the overall strength of Tianzhe Wuhan University has been figured out through previous battles.

As for them, Tianzhe Wuhan University almost knows nothing about them.

 Secondly, after the violent bloodshed, Zhejiang Wu’s deputy captain Li Yanze was unable to participate in the battle in the short term.

Under such circumstances, if Modu Wuhan University still cannot beat Tianzhe Wuhan University, then the title of Modu Wuwu University will be ridiculous.

 (End of this chapter)

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