Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 116: Power: Night! 【Third update! Please vote for recommendation!

Chapter 116: Power: Night! 【Third update! Please vote for recommendation! 】

 On the fourth day, the team battle officially begins!

The audience in the auditorium were all sitting upright, watching the freshmen teams from prestigious schools entering one after another.

 For these audiences, just the simple opening ceremony made them feel a little itchy.

 After all, today’s first battle is the highlight!

 From Yanjing Wuhan University to the Demon City Wuhan University!

 Two top martial arts universities, each sent out six freshmen to fight in small teams!

 There is no doubt that this is another martial arts feast!

"Let us invite the new martial artists from Yanjing Wuhan University and Modu Wuhan University to enter the fighting seats respectively!"

As soon as the host finished speaking, the audience began to talk.

“I don’t know if Mowu’s substitute will come on, but I’m quite looking forward to that kid.”

“Haha, what’s the use of going on stage? Even though he’s a bit bloody, he can’t be Song Wenhui’s opponent. He’ll be abused even if he goes up!”

“That’s not necessarily the case. Each side plays two teams, so they may not be able to compete..."

Even in a small team battle, everyone still focused most of their attention on Song Wenhui and Lin Yuan.

These days, these two people have almost become the signatures of Jingwu and Mowu.


 The front row of the spectator seats.

“Old Ghost Li, it’s already here, please tell me the order in which your Jingwu will fight.”

Wang Zhanlin looked at Li Tianchou, smiled and said.

Li Tianchou closed his eyes, and the old **** said: "Even if you know our Jingwu formation, what can you do? You have no chance!"

 “Squad can’t win a single game!”

Li Tianchou's tone seemed casual and confident, as if he was completely sure!

Wang Zhanlin was not angry at all, and said leisurely: "Senior Li, you can't win even one game. Isn't this a bit too absolute?"

Li Tianchou chuckled: "Boy Wang, don't think that I don't know what you think!"

“You are just gathering the strongest players in the team together to try to win a game from us.”

 “Let me tell you clearly, there is no hope!”

Wang Zhanlin said with a smile: "Then we'll see!"

Although Li Tianchou acted very confident, Wang Zhanlin was not affected at all.

 Because he has the same confidence in their Mowu students!

As a warrior, if you are timid before fighting, how can you do it?

Although Wang Zhanlin doesn't have to fight, he still chooses to believe in his students unconditionally!

As for what this old ghost Li said, they can’t win a game, just listen to the nonsense, don’t take it too seriously.


The lineups of Jingwu and Mowu were determined long before the game.

 At the beginning of the squad battle, it was finally announced!

 The first team of Mowu is composed of Fang Tianji, Yu Fan and Wang Lin!

 This lineup is truly luxurious!

The captain and deputy captains of Mowu are all among them!

 Three six-level warriors!

As for Jingwu’s first team, it was composed of Song Wenhui, Zhao Xingwu, and Lin Yanji!

Compared to the Magic City Wuhan University, the lineup of the Jingwu First Team seems a bit childish.

Song Wenhui is the captain of Jingwu and Zhao Xingwu is the main player. There is no problem with either of them.

 But the key is…

If they remember correctly, Lin Yanji seems to be Jingwu's substitute, right?

 The strength seems to have not reached the level of a sixth-level warrior.

With this kind of strength, Jingwu dares to use it to participate in small team battles?

I really don’t know what they think.    …

 The first battle of the squad battle is about to begin.

 In such a tense atmosphere.

 Lin Yuan, however, was still sitting leisurely on the battlefield, playing with a strange-looking card in his hand.

 This card is exactly the mid-level ability card that was rewarded by the previous system!

 After using it, he will be randomly given an intermediate ability!

  I don’t know if this power card will bring him any surprises.

Subsequently, Lin Yuan thought, and the power card in his hand immediately turned into a stream of light and merged into his body.

The next second, the system prompt also sounded!

“Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully using the intermediate ability card and successfully obtaining the intermediate ability: Nightfall!”


Lin Yuan was stunned for a moment, and then quickly checked the effect of this power.

After checking, Lin Yuan's expression couldn't help but look a little weird.

This is really...a useless ability!

 Because the effect of the ability [Night] is to create a one hundred cubic meter night space, covering everyone in it.

 Sounds pretty cool.

 But the key point is...what's the use?

 For warriors at their level, their five senses have already been sharpened to a certain level.

Even in a dark environment, the battle will not be greatly affected.

Lin Yuan thought about it and felt that this was simply a **** skill!

However, he was not too entangled.

 Anyway, if it’s really useless, just let the Thunder Fruit be absorbed by then!

Thinking of this, Lin Yuan felt relieved and turned his attention back to the arena!

The Mowu trio and the Jingwu trio have already appeared on the stage one after another!

What I have to say is that Song Wenhui's aura alone overshadowed everyone on the field!

Although he just stood there calmly, he still showed a domineering aura.

 As if everyone is weak except him!

 Such an aura cannot be cultivated in a year and a half.

 Only in the true talent can it be sharpened!

However, Mowu showed no signs of timidity at all!

 Fang Tianji, Yu Fan, and Wang Lin stood side by side, their momentum as sharp as an unsheathed sword!

 “Looks’s going to be an exciting battle.”

Lin Yuan narrowed his eyes and couldn't help but sigh.

"Fortunately, they met Song Wenhui. That man made me feel... very scary."

Shen Xiao spoke slowly, with a hint of fear in his tone.

 It can make even Shen Xiao feel afraid, which shows how strong Song Wenhui's aura has become!

Lin Yuan did not speak, but nodded slightly, acquiescing to Shen Xiao's point of view.

You must know that after winning that five-game winning streak, Lin Yuan's own energy and blood had reached 68,000 points through system rewards!

However, even so, Lin Yuan still couldn't see through Song Wenhui's depth.

Even if you use the Sharingan, you can't do it!

 The really scary thing is not being able to see through a person’s strength.

 This truly unfathomable!

I don’t know if Fang Tianji and the other three can force him to use his full strength!

   The third update I wrote at 4 o’clock in the morning, I have some recommendation votes! Thank you~



 (End of this chapter)

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