Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 118: There is thunder in the chest, but the face is like a flat lake! 【Second update!

Chapter 118 There is thunder in the chest, but the face is like a flat lake! 【Second update! 】

this moment.

Even the audience can deeply feel what it feels like to be so powerful that it is suffocating.

 After Yu Fan took the lead.

Song Wenhui quickly turned his attention to Wang Lin on the other side.

 At this moment, Wang Lin still wants to fight again!

 He has not lost his ability to fight yet!

However, Song Wenhui slowly leaned down and grabbed his ankle.

Wang Lin didn't hesitate, he suddenly shot up and struck Song Wenhui with a knife!

 However, the latter's reaction was faster than he imagined!

The power of qi and blood condensed into a substantial substance and suddenly covered Song Wenhui's left hand!

 This is the first time he has used the blood armor in a team battle!

 The next second, he stretched out his hand and grabbed the alloy sword that Wang Lin slashed at!

 Song Wenhui's movements were so understated.

 He held the blade tightly, but no trace of blood appeared on his hand.

This shows how strong Song Wenhui's Qi and Blood Armor is!


Song Wenhui kept exerting force and slowly tightened his left hand.

With a heart-wrenching sound of metal twisting, the alloy sword in his hand was forcibly held into a roll by him!

 The alloy weapons used in the competition are all uniformly equipped by the Yanjing Wuhan University, and there are absolutely no problems in terms of quality.

But Song Wenhui easily exploded with power and turned it into a pile of scrap metal with one hand.

Song Wenhui then grabbed Wang Lin's ankle and dragged him slowly towards the edge of the arena.

Wang Lin seems to still want to struggle.

 But Song Wenhui said calmly: "If you don't want your foot bones to be broken by me, it's best to give up."

 He dragged Wang Lin, just like dragging a bag of garbage, and threw him out of the arena.

 At this point in the team battle, there is actually no suspense anymore.

 Song Wenhui single-handedly reduced Mowu's team by two people in an instant.

Even from the beginning to the end, Song Wenhui did not let Lin Yanji use special powers to enhance himself.

 He completely relied on his own strength to forcibly suppress Yu Fan and Wang Lin!

 On the other side, the duel between Fang Tianji and Zhao Xingwu finally came to a conclusion.

Although Zhao Xingwu has the blessing of flame energy and blood, Fang Tianji is still stronger!

 Sometimes, in a duel between strong men, a mistake can be made by a thousand miles.

Finally, Fang Tianji pierced Zhao Xingwu's right shoulder with a long halberd, which completely disabled the latter's ability to fight.

However, although Fang Tianji defeated him, he was the only one left on the large arena.

With his strength, he may not be able to defeat Song Wenhui, let alone, behind him, there is Lin Yanji who has barely participated in the battle.

 Fang Tianji smiled bitterly.

 Does this count as... losing?

Although he felt a little unwilling, he still chose to admit defeat.

Although it is disgraceful to admit defeat, in this case, the only choice is to admit defeat and preserve combat power.

 “We Mowu... admit defeat.”

 In his heart, Fang Tianji did not complain about Yu Fan and Wang Lin.

 The two of them also tried their best.

 Even if he is himself, he may not be Song Wenhui’s opponent.

 In his body, Fang Tianji could even feel an aura that was unique to a martial arts master.

 “Looking forward to fighting with you next time.”

After Fang Tianji admitted defeat, Song Wenhui took the initiative to extend his hand to him, and there was no hint of ridicule in his words.

Fang Tianji was stunned for a moment, then he also stretched out his hand and shook it with Song Wenhui.   He suddenly had an illusion.

 Only the person in front of you can be called a true warrior.

 Shun, don’t be overjoyed; go against, don’t be frightened; be safe, don’t be extravagant; be in danger, don’t be frightened.

 Those who have thunder in their chests and faces as flat as a lake can worship the general.


Mowu lost.

 Although many people expected this result.

 But no one thought that Mowu would lose so quickly.

Except for the evenly matched battle between Zhao Xingwu and Fang Tianji, Mowu was completely crushed by Jingwu!

 No, to be precise, he was crushed by Song Wenhui alone.

  It was said to be a small team battle, but in the end we did not see any tacit cooperation between the warriors.

 After all, in the face of absolute strength, everything is empty talk.

 Could it be that if Yu Fan and Wang Lin cooperated better, they would be able to defeat Song Wenhui?

 Absolutely impossible!

In the front row of the spectator seats, Wang Zhanlin’s face was as dark as water.

 Obviously, he did not expect such a result.

Is the gap between their Mowu and Jingwu really that big?

He has obviously gathered the three strongest people in the magic and martial arts team together.

On the side, Li Tianchou cheerfully said after finishing his attack: "I told you a long time ago that you Mowu can't win a single battle."

“If you ask me, you might as well lose one game on purpose in the individual competition and let Southeast Wuhan University play against us. Instead, you can get a few more points in the team battle.”

However, Wang Zhanlin shook his head and said calmly: "You know I can't do this."

“Losing on purpose just to avoid a strong enemy is simply bringing shame to Mowu.”

Wang Zhanlin has his own pride.

Wuda, the capital of China, also has the pride of a famous school!

 No matter what the competition format is, they will not choose to take advantage of this loophole.

"makes sense."

Li Tianchou smiled: "You have always been such a proud person."

 Then, he spoke again: "However, in the next match, you Mowu... there shouldn't be many players who can do it, right?"

Wang Zhanlin said softly: "That's not necessarily true, we still have people in Mowu."

Li Tianchou narrowed his eyes slightly: "Are you talking about the substitute boy and your direct disciple?"

“That disciple of yours does have some talent, but it’s a pity that he hasn’t grown up yet.”

“In the final analysis, even if a fifth-level warrior can counterattack a sixth-level warrior, he is still only a fifth-level warrior. No matter how talented he is, he cannot be used as food.”

"As for the substitute boy, he is indeed a bit weird. I really can't see through him."

“But, it’s weird, weird. In my opinion, at most, it’s the strength of the early sixth level.”

"It would be ridiculous for you to place your hopes on these two people."

“Let me tell you the truth, even our second team in Jingwu still has strong players. Song Wenhui is in charge of the first team, and Fang Nian is in charge of the second team!”

 Vice Captain Jingwu, Fang Nian!

 Finally, Li Tianchou said with finality: "You guys have no chance!"

However, Wang Zhanlin took a deep breath and said calmly: "But... the so-called miracle is to make ridiculous things become reality as much as possible?"

 (End of this chapter)

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