Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 120: Night is falling! 【Second update! 】

 Chapter 120 Night falls! 【Second update! 】

“Okay, okay, the time for boring small talk is over.”

At this moment, a slightly lazy voice suddenly sounded in everyone's ears.

I saw a young man with narrow eyes and a sense of arrogance in his eyes. He slowly took a step forward and interrupted the conversation between the two.

 He is the deputy captain of Jingwu, Fang Nian!

The difference between Song Wenhui and Song Wenhui is that the former's arrogance is deep in his bones.

 But Fang Nian's arrogance is only superficial.

 He raised his head and said calmly: "End the duel as soon as possible and win another victory for Jingwu."

Lin Yuan frowned, took a step forward, and said **** for tat: "Why do you think victory belongs to you?"


Fang Nian laughed: "Of course it's based on strength!"

“I would like to ask, why do you want to defeat me?”

“If your Mowu team comes to fight us, there may be a chance of winning.”

 “But...who do you think you are?”

“Look at the crowd in the audience, does anyone believe you can win?”

"Oh, let's not talk about them. Do you really believe that you can win?"

Lin Yuan glanced at him and said without hesitation: "I believe it."

Just such a simple sentence immediately choked Fang Nian.

 Where does this kid get this confidence? !

  No, being confident is confidence.

 He is completely arrogant!

Then, Lin Yuan smiled and said: "If we didn't believe we could win, we would have surrendered long ago. Why do we need to stand in front of you?"

 “Haha, blind confidence is not a good thing.”

Fang Nian sneered, and six alloy flying knives suddenly floated from his waist!


Lin Yuan frowned slightly.

 Speaking of which, Sayin, who was chasing him before, was a sixth-level object controller!

“Do you really think that your level of 1v5 is so amazing?”

 “If you were on my side, I could do the same thing, and I could even win more decisively than you!”

“Since you think you can win, I’ll let you take a good look at how big the gap in strength between you and me is!”

  Just as the words fell.

 On the arena, there were several sounds of piercing the air!

Alloy flying knives, one after another, roared towards Lin Yuan, with a sound that was enough to tear the air apart!

 Lin Yuan did not dare to neglect, and boldly drew out the alloy sword from his waist. The sword was like a violent rainstorm, and he blocked the alloy flying knife in front of him!

 Seven styles of Jue Dao, the storm is surging!


Suddenly, the sword in Lin Yuan's hand collided crazily with the roaring alloy flying knives, making bursts of sounds of gold and iron!

It has to be said that Fang Nian’s mental power is quite strong, and the force of the alloy flying knife he controlled made Lin Yuan a little unable to withstand it!

However, despite this, Lin Yuan still feels that the strength of Vice Captain Jingwu should not be limited to what he has shown now.

 This level of object control can be achieved by any experienced sixth-level mental power user!

 The next second, Lin Yuan’s conjecture was confirmed!

 Because the Fang Nian in front of him actually pulled out an alloy sword from behind, and the energy and blood in his body condensed into armor, and he charged towards him like a warrior of energy and blood!


Fang Nian's explosive power was extremely strong. Almost in an instant, he slashed down Lin Yuan's right shoulder with the sword in his hand! Fortunately, although Lin Yuan had no time to avoid it, he was indeed able to perfectly avoid the opponent's attack by relying on the effect of body elementalization!

 So, Fang Nian's sword struck directly on a piece of thunder!

“As expected of a thunder power, it is indeed quite tricky.”

“But your elemental ability shouldn’t be able to be used at will, right?”

 “I want to see how long you can defend yourself!”

Fang Nian snorted coldly, and the six alloy flying knives pierced Lin Yuan's body again!

However, with Lin Yuan's keen reaction, he still perfectly avoided it by turning his body into thunder!

Although elementalization requires a lot of physical strength, for Lin Yuan now, there is no better way to deal with attacks coming from all directions!

To Lin Yuan now, the pressure Fang Nian put on him was like fighting two sixth-level warriors at the same time!

 A qi-blood warrior and an object-controller!

It has to be said that Fang Nian's dual-purpose ability has truly reached the level of perfection.

 It was as if those flying knives could attack Lin Yuan on their own without being controlled by him!

 “Tonghu, Tangdiman, what are you still doing? Come on together!”

Fang Nian, who was fighting with Lin Yuan, turned his head, glanced at the two of them with great dissatisfaction, and said in a deep voice.

Tong Hu and Tangdi Yuan looked at each other and picked their respective targets.

 Tong Hu, responsible for dealing with Shen Xiao!

 As for Chu Yu on the side, Tangdi Yuan is in charge!

 Speaking of which, Tang Dipithecus is probably the least stressed among the three.

 “Little sister, I’m offended!”

Tangdi Yuan said with a playful smile, then directly condensed his blood into armor, and attacked in the direction of Chu Yu!

However, Shen Xiao's figure quickly stopped in front of him and forced the Tangdi Yuan to stop the sudden attack!

 Although Shen Xiao didn't speak, his intention was already obvious.

If you want to touch Chu Yu, you must get through him first!

At this moment, Tong Hu punched Shen Xiao with all his energy and blood, directly from the right side.

 Then his deep voice sounded: "Your opponent is me!"

Looking at Lin Yuan who kept looking back, Fang Nian narrowed his eyes slightly and sneered: "What's wrong? Is that girl the one you care about?"

 “Tsk, tsk, tsk, she looks quite beautiful, but it’s a pity that such a vase cannot be tolerated in a small team battle.”

“Don’t worry, you are worried about her now, she will be eliminated soon!”

"Or do you think you can escape from my attack and rescue your little girlfriend?"

 However, what Fang Nian did not expect was.

Lin Yuan in front of him suddenly laughed: "Do you know you are stupid?"


Fang Nian frowned.

 Lin Yuan said calmly: "This is a team battle, she is not a vase, she is also a member of our team!"

"And, I also believe that Shen Xiao... will protect her!"

Fang Nian sneered and said, "Stop joking, Shen Xiao? Do you think he is worthy of being Tong Hu's opponent?"

Lin Yuan smiled: "Really?"

“Then let me show you his full strength.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Yuan opened his arms.

 The superpower is activated, and night falls!

 (End of this chapter)

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