Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 129: Even if the trees are beautiful in the forest, the wind will destroy them! 【Second upd

Chapter 129: Even if the trees are beautiful in the forest, the wind will destroy them! 【Second update! 】

However, what Song Wenhui didn’t know was.

 The whole process of his battle with Tianzhe captain Chen Mo was witnessed by the people who were secretly observing him from a thousand meters away!

The two people who were secretly observing him were hiding on the crown of an ancient tree nearly a thousand meters away!

Logically speaking, at such a long distance, even if the warrior's vision is sharper than ordinary people, it will be difficult to see clearly the battle situation in the distance.

 However, among these two people, there is a person with superpowers!

 The ability is called ‘Eagle Eye’.

As the name suggests, it has sharp eyesight like an eagle.

This kind of ability, if used well, is still very strategic.

 “Shen Haoran, how is the battle going?”

One of them narrowed his eyes and asked a little impatiently.

"It has ended…"

The eagle-eyed superpower named 'Shen Haoran' took out a long breath and spoke calmly.

 Both of them are both from Southeast Wuhan University!

Ye Lanshan, the deputy captain of Southeast Martial Arts, a sixth-level qi and blood warrior!

Shen Haoran is an official member of Southeast Martial Arts University and a fifth-level peak warrior!

 “It’s over already? How could it be so fast!”

Ye Lanshan had a look of disbelief on his face.

He still has a little idea of ​​Chen Mo's strength. After all, being able to serve as captain of major famous schools is not an easy role.

 Even, they had fought against each other in private.

Although it was just a discussion, Ye Lanshan could still feel that the opponent's strength was particularly balanced, and he was the kind of existence that was better than him in every aspect!

 But in front of Song Wenhui, Chen Mo didn't even last thirty seconds and was defeated in a hurry!

Shen Haoran said softly: "Song Wenhui seemed to have shattered Chen Mo's Qi and Blood Armor with just one punch."

 For a moment, Ye Lanshan was silent.

 Among the warriors of the same level, if there is someone who can break armor with one punch.

Then it only means one thing, that is, the strength gap between the two sides has reached a certain level!

In this freshman fraternity competition, Song Wenhui is really like a mountain, a towering mountain that is insurmountable!

“It seems that we really have to do what the principal said.”

Ye Lanshan sighed slightly and spoke softly.

Shen Haoran nodded: "Although it goes against the spirit of a warrior, this is the only way to do it."

Ye Lanshan continued: "First find a way to join the captain and the others, and then... unite other freshmen from Wuhan University to attack Song Wenhui together!"

 That’s right, that’s what they came up with.

They had long expected that Jingwu and Mowu would definitely regard them as a thorn in their side!

With the strength of Southeast Wuhan University alone, it is too difficult to deal with it.

 Fortunately, they don’t have no chance at all.

 Because, although the one with the highest points is Southeast Wuhan University.

But the one with the strongest combat power is Yanjing Wuhan University where Song Wenhui is located!

 So, as long as they operate properly, they will completely transfer their hatred to Song Wenhui!

 In terms of Song Wenhui's strength.

 He alone is the greatest danger in the battle for survival!

 Those who disrupt the balance are most likely to be targeted!

 They can definitely join forces with other Wuhan universities to clear out Song Wenhui first!

 At that time, what their Southeast Martial Arts University has to do is to survive as many people as possible in the melee!

 Even if you can't keep the first position, you must ensure the top three seats!

 Since the plans have been finalized.

The next thing to do is to execute it without hesitation!


 In just half an hour, Lin Yuan eliminated four new martial artists from other schools!

Although the designated area in the hilly area is quite broad, it is basically impossible to hide in it until the survival battle is over.

 As long as you move in this area, you will definitely meet other new warriors.

 It's a pity that until now, Lin Yuan has not met any warriors from this school. “I don’t know where Shen Xiao and the others are.”

Chu Yu looked around, observing whether there were any traces of other warriors.

 “Let’s talk about this later.”

Lin Yuan walked slowly to a big tree, the blade of the knife pointed directly upward and across the middle of the trunk: "Appear, you have been exposed."

Chu Yumei opened her eyes slightly.

 What is Lin Yuan doing?

 A battle of wits and courage with the air?

However, what Chu Yu didn't expect was that a figure slowly appeared in front of the tree, with a wry smile on his lips.

 Obviously, he didn't know how he was discovered.

Under Lin Yuan's Mangekyou Sharingan, unless the opponent's level is much higher than his, any invisibility ability will be invisible to him.

 “I won’t take action anymore, just admit defeat.”

“He is worthy of being the strongest substitute for the magic weapon. I thought my ability ‘evasion’ could hide it from all the warriors of the same level..."

 The person in front of him smiled bitterly again and took out the rescue device from his arms.

 After pressing the button, he is eliminated by default.

 Avoiding service, commonly known as chameleon.

 Thinking about it, the person in front of me should have become invisible by changing the color of his body.

This unique method of invisibility is difficult for others to notice.

It's a pity that this guy met Lin Yuan who had the Mangekyō Sharingan, and he was really unlucky.

“By the way, I’m going to be eliminated anyway, so I might as well tell you something.”

The young man in front of me finally spoke after hesitating for a moment.

"What's up?"

Lin Yuan turned his head slightly and looked at him with interest.

“When I was hiding here just now, I saw a lot of people from other Wuhan universities gathered around, as if they were discussing something.”

Lin Yuan was stunned for a moment, then subconsciously asked: "Are they all freshmen from the same Wuhan University?"

“Not all, they are freshmen from several different Wuhan universities, and they have joined forces!”

 “Joined forces?”

Lin Yuan narrowed his eyes slightly.

 Obviously, this news shocked him a little.

Logically speaking, as the survival battle is a competition venue for various prestigious Wuhan universities, there should be no chance of teaming up with freshmen from other Wuhan universities.


“If I guess correctly, these people are joining forces to deal with Song Wenhui, right?”

Looking at the surprised expression on the young man in front of him, Lin Yuan knew that he had guessed it right!

 Because, except Song Wenhui, no one has this qualification, so the major martial arts schools have joined forces to deal with it.

The trees are beautiful in the forest, but the wind will destroy them!

 This is the truth!

Thinking of this, Lin Yuan asked eagerly: "Then do you know which direction they went?"

The other party was stunned for a moment, then stretched out his hand and pointed in one of the directions.

 (End of this chapter)

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