Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 134: Shen Xiao who can't draw a sword! 【Third update! Please subscribe!

Chapter 134: Shen Xiao who doesn’t draw a sword! 【Third update! Please subscribe! 】

Yanjing Wuhan University, Control Room.

Looking at the scene in front of them, everyone's faces showed a slightly strange look.

They all thought that Shen Xiao's approach was really unwise.

To put it bluntly, it is no different from giving away someone’s head.

However, in this case, some people still saw some clues.

 Among them, including Li Tianchou!

 He turned his head, looked at Wang Zhanlin, and said in a strange tone: "Boy Wang, this should be your disciple, right?"

“You are so courageous! Do you want to use Song Wenhui as a whetstone?”

Wang Zhanlin glanced at him and said calmly: "What's wrong? Isn't it allowed?"

 The reason why Li Tianchou saw through Shen Xiao's thoughts so quickly.

 Mainly because this guy is Wang Zhanlin’s disciple!

You must know that this is how Wang Zhanlin rose to power.

 The trajectory of his rise is full of wins and losses.

Back then, Wang Zhanlin honed his sword martial arts by constantly challenging other strong men!

without any exaggeration.

At that time, all the powerful men who were named by Wang Zhanlin were used as 'whetstones' by Wang Zhanlin.

 Obviously, Shen Xiao also intends to copy Wang Zhanlin's approach.

 The first whetstone he set his sights on was Song Wenhui, the strongest among the freshmen of his generation!

 Li Tianchou smiled and said: "Seriously, are you not afraid that Song Wenhui will give this kid a psychological shadow? That would really be more of a loss than a gain!"

It is not as simple as saying that you want to use the strong as a whetstone.

Without an extremely tenacious will, it is easy to get lost in repeated failures and become unable to recover.

Even Wang Zhanlin had experienced such a difficult situation at the beginning.

However, in the end, he still succeeded in getting rid of his inner demons and became the King of Heaven!

 However, facing Li Tianchou's ridicule, Wang Zhanlin shook his head and said: "No, what I valued at the beginning was his character."

 Moreover, he always felt that Shen Xiao would not be so reckless.

Since he dared to challenge Song Wenhui under such circumstances, he must have been prepared.

But Wang Zhanlin didn’t know exactly what kind of preparations Shen Xiao had made.


 hilly area, middle section.

“Why did Shen Xiao challenge Song Wenhui?”

Chu Yu's beautiful eyes flickered, and there was a bit of doubt in his eyes.

 Lin Yuan shook his head: "I don't know either."

“However, he should have his own ideas, so let’s wait and see what happens for the time being.”

 Then, Chu Yu asked again: "Then...will you take action?"

Just as Chu Yu finished speaking, the option popped up in front of Lin Yuan again!

 【Option 1: When Shen Xiao is defeated, fight Song Wenhui! Reward 8,000 points of vitality and blood, and a bottle of pet beast catalyst! 】

 【Option 2: When Shen Xiao is defeated, give up the attack and endure the humiliation. The reward is 8000 Hz of mental power and a superpower fusion card! 】

 “Huh…what other options are there?”

After Lin Yuan murmured softly, he looked at Chu Yu beside him and said calmly: "I will take action."

 “Shen Xiao, he is my brother.”

“Whether it’s right or wrong, this is an unchangeable fact.”

 “I will not interfere in the battle between him and Song Wenhui.”

 “However, if he loses, I will personally take over the situation for him.”

 After all, Lin Yuan himself is also a person who protects his shortcomings!

No matter what Shen Xiao thinks, it may be for the glory of Mowu or to sharpen his sword skills. In short, as long as he loses, Lin Yuan will come forward to win this game for him in an upright manner!

Chu Yu's eyes couldn't help but flashed a hint of worry: "But..."

Lin Yuan certainly knew what this little girl was worried about.

 She was worried about whether she was Song Wenhui's opponent.

 After all, so many people were defeated by this guy!

Lin Yuan smiled softly, stretched out his hand, and gently rubbed Chu Yu's head.

“Believe me, I am stronger than you think.”


 At this moment, the war between Song Wenhui and Shen Xiao has officially broken out!

With Song Wenhui’s deep arrogance, he would naturally not tolerate Shen Xiao’s straightforward provocation.

 He is also a very direct person.

 Since you want to fight, then I will accompany you to the end!

Although Song Wenhui is a genius in martial arts, he is not an emotionless person.

Looking at Jingwu's teammates, one after another, they fell to the ground seriously injured and fell in front of him.

 In the bottom of his heart, he also felt an indescribable complex emotion.

 Feeling guilty and touched, but more...angry!

If it were not for their own fault, they would not be seriously injured, let alone eliminated!

 Endless anger accumulated in Song Wenhui's heart, like an active volcano about to erupt.

 Originally, he had already vented part of his anger through previous battles.

 But now, Shen Xiao has reignited it!

The two bodies suddenly intertwined. Although the Qi and Blood Armor around Song Wenhui had been broken and had countless cracks in the previous battle.

 But his momentum has not diminished at all!

The power of energy and blood that is shaken by each heavy punch can trigger bursts of sonic booms in the surroundings!

 Obviously, Song Wenhui did not hold back.

Since Shen Xiao wants to get a defeat from him, then he will satisfy him!

 Similarly, Shen Xiao is also going all out!

However, the strength gap between the two sides is really too big.

Although Shen Xiao is very talented, after all, he has only just broken through to the sixth level warrior!

 Without the ability to use his powers, even if Shen Xiao tried his best, he was still no match for Song Wenhui and could only defend passively!

Even so, Shen Xiao was still retreating steadily under the opponent's nearly violent attack. Even his blood armor was on the verge of bursting!

 If this situation continues, as long as Shen Xiao fails to block even one punch, he will be completely defeated and end up with the same fate as Meng Changge!

Seeing this scene, the new warriors watching the battle began to discuss one after another.

"This Shen Xiao is overestimating his abilities, isn't he? Seeing that he dared to stand up, I thought he was some ruthless character, but I didn't expect him to be so vulnerable."

"Haha, who is Shen Xiao? Are the members of Mowu great? Let me tell you, their Mowu captain Fang Tianji may not be Song Wenhui's enemy, but this guy thinks he can do it!"

"Yes, this kind of person is stupid enough to hit the muzzle of a gun! I finally understand that monsters like Song Wenhui are not something we can afford to offend!"

 “This guy who doesn’t know the heights of the world needs to learn a lesson! But, looking at this guy in such a mess, Mowu will be embarrassed this time.”


The voices of ridicule and ridicule from the people around him soon reached Lin Yuan's ears, and they sounded so harsh.

However, Lin Yuan didn't care.

 Because his attention was entirely on Shen Xiao.

Although Shen Xiao seemed to be almost unable to withstand Song Wenhui's offensive.

But Lin Yuan noticed that until now, Shen Xiao...has not yet drawn his sword!

 Obviously Song Wenhui had forced him to this point, but he still did not choose to use the sword!

 Shen Xiao’s sword has always been hidden in the scabbard!

 (End of this chapter)

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