Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 139: ‘King of You Nian’ Song Qing Nian! 【First update! 】

Chapter 139 ‘King You Nian’ Song Qing Nian! 【First update! 】

 “Chi chi chi!”

The black flames of Amaterasu burned Song Wenhui's right arm crazily.

 Speaking of which, Lin Yuan still held back.

If he lets Amaterasu's black flames ignite on Song Wenhui's head.

 The scorching black flames can even directly kill the latter!

However, what Lin Yuan did not expect was that under such circumstances, Song Wenhui endured the pain of his right arm being burned by the flames and continued to rush towards him in one go!

 Even in this situation.

 Song Wenhui still wants to beat him!

This man’s obsession is simply terrifying.

Almost in the blink of an eye, Song Wenhui rushed in front of Lin Yuan. His right hand, burning with black flames, suddenly clenched into a fist and punched him!

However, Lin Yuan turned his body into a thunder element in time, perfectly avoiding Song Wenhui's blow.

"give up."

"If you continue like this, your right arm will be burned alive."

Lin Yuan persuaded in a low voice: "If you cut off the wrist now, you can still save half of the arm."

“Otherwise, when the black flames of Amaterasu burn down your right arm and spread all over your body, even I won’t be able to save you!”

Amaterasu's domineering eye flames will not be extinguished until they completely burn the target.

Logically speaking, Lin Yuan, as a performer of the Eye Technique, should be able to take back Amaterasu.

 But the degree of dominance of this black flame was completely beyond Lin Yuan's expectation.

 Before his own spiritual power is strong enough, if he forcibly takes back Amaterasu, he will also be burned!

Lin Yuan did an experiment. He only withdrew a trace of Amaterasu Black Flame, and felt burning pain in his eyes, as if he was about to cry blood.

However, facing Lin Yuan's persuasion, Song Wenhui ignored it and continued to attack him with punch after punch!

 At this point, Song Wenhui still refused to admit defeat!

Lin Yuan sighed inaudibly.

 Forget it, it seems that Song Wenhui will definitely not listen to his own persuasion.

 With his current physical strength, the opponent's offensive will not have any impact on him at all.

 Wait until Song Wenhui is exhausted, and then find a way to cut off his right arm.

 After all, it is better to lose an arm than to lose your life.

 Everyone watching the battle looked at the scene in front of them in silence.

Whether it is Song Wenhui or Lin Yuan, they are both warriors worthy of their admiration!

This kind of admiration is not just an affirmation of their strength.

 More, I admire the burning spirit of these two people and the martial arts spirit in them!

The martial arts strength is inferior to that of the opponent, but there may be a chance to catch up in the future.

 But there are some illusory things that they may not be able to learn in their lifetime.

Lin Yuan has been passively defending.

Although the physical exertion was extremely intense, he did not suffer any injuries.

 Song Wenhui's momentum has begun to gradually decline.

 Obviously, he has exhausted his body to a great extent.

 Under this situation, even the "bloody" state began to be somewhat unsustainable.

In addition, Song Wenhui's right arm was almost burned away by Amaterasu's black flames!

Lin Yuan tried to cut off his right arm several times to contain the burning of Amaterasu's black flames, but Song Wenhui stopped him every time.

 What he wants is victory, not charity from the enemy!

In order to do this, I will not hesitate to burn myself out! Due to excessive blood loss, Song Wenhui's movements gradually slowed down. Lin Yuan finally found the opportunity to cut off the opponent's right arm!

But just as he raised the alloy sword in his hand, Lin Yuan was shocked to find that his body was frozen in place!

 It’s like being bound by an invisible barrier!

  Could it be said that this is Song Wenhui’s special ability? !

 No, it’s impossible!

If Song Wenhui had such an ability, he would not wait until now to use it!

 Someone else has intervened!

At this moment, a cold and slightly angry voice sounded in the sky.


 “Don’t you know that killing is not allowed in the fraternity games?”

“If you knowingly and intentionally violated the rules, I can now represent Yanjing Wuhan University and disqualify you from the competition!”

“He’s already like this, are you still thinking about killing them all?!”

 At the time this voice sounded.

 Everyone couldn't help but look up.

I saw a tall and thin figure, frowning, staring at Lin Yuan below displeased.

This tall and thin figure looks like a middle-aged man in his thirties.

However, there is no sense of stability in him that belongs to a middle-aged man. Instead, he reveals a bit of cold murderous intent!

 It is worth mentioning that this man, between his eyebrows, is somewhat similar to Song Wenhui!


 The man who forcibly suppressed Lin Yuan was the man in front of him!

 Everyone around looked at each other and started discussing in low voices with confusion on their faces.

“Who is this person? Is he a teacher from Yanjing Wuhan University?”

“Shhh, keep your voice down! Do you think people can’t hear you? He is a ninth-level telepathic person at the Heavenly King level!”

 “Ninth-level Heavenly King?!”

  After hearing these four words, everyone couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

 What does it mean to be a ninth-level heavenly king?

 means the highest peak of human race’s combat power!

The cold middle-aged man in front of me is actually a ninth-level heavenly king!

Among the crowd, someone whispered and explained: "This man is Song Wenhui's uncle, Song Qingnian! One of the youngest deans of Yanjing Wuhan University!"

“Similarly, he is also one of the youngest ninth-level kings at Yanjing Martial Arts University!”

 Song Qing read the name as soon as he said it.

Most people have reacted!

 Although they had never seen Song Qingnian before.

 But the title of ‘You Nian Tian Wang’ is quite famous!

You Nian Tian Wang, Song Qing Nian!

 What he admires is following one's heart's desires and having clear thoughts.

With just one thought, you can reach the Nine Netherworlds!

Song Qingyou's most remarkable achievement was when he first became the King of Heaven, he forcibly suppressed an eighth-level alien beast with just his own mental power!

 What they didn’t expect was.

 Song Wenhui is actually Song Qingnian’s nephew!

Moreover, a strong man of this level actually appeared here, and even attacked Lin Yuan without hesitation!

 It seems that Song Qingnian is just as rumored, doing things according to his heart.

Even the defense of shortcomings is so straightforward!

 Fortunately, Song Qingnian did not do anything drastic. He just used his own mental power to forcibly suppress and imprison Lin Yuan!

After he finished those words, Song Qingnian seemed to feel that this was a bit inappropriate, so he snorted coldly and slightly lifted some of the mental suppression exerted on Lin Yuan.

 (End of this chapter)

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