Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 142: The old gangster in the King of Heaven! 【Second update! 】

 Chapter 142 The old gangster in the King of Heaven! 【Second update! 】

 In Li Tianchou's soft whisper.

 Everyone couldn't help but remember the name of this sword.

 This sword is called ‘breaking thoughts’!

The name of Jingwu's "Love-Breaking Sword" is truly well-deserved!

Everyone held their breath and stared intently at the battle between the kings in mid-air.

You must know that a battle at the level of a king cannot be seen all the time.

 If you can gain some insights from it, it will also be of great help to improve your own martial arts realm!

However, Lin Yuan wanted to laugh a little.

Wang Zhanlin, this old guy, made a mistake this time.

 Originally, he should have been able to make a splash.

It's good now, Li Tianchou has finished pretending!

However, it seems a little unkind for him to think this way.

 After all, this time, Wang Zhanlin came to the fore because he was trying to regain his place.

In mid-air, Wang Zhanlin frowned, stared at Li Tianchou in front of him displeased, and said, "Senior Li, even you want to stop me?"

Li Tianchou sighed and explained: "Boy Wang, why are you doing this? There is no need to bring the matter to this level, right?"

 Previously, in the control room, when Wang Zhanlin saw the scene where Song Qingnian used his mental power to frighten Lin Yuan, his expression changed instantly!

 Subsequently, Wang Zhanlin left the control room without hesitation!

 Fortunately, Li Tianchou understood Wang Zhanlin's character and immediately followed him without hesitation.

Fortunately, he arrived in time, otherwise, he might not have been able to block Wang Zhanlin's sword light in time!

Wang Zhanlin said calmly: "I don't think it's necessary. Then let Song Niang...Song Qingnian apologize to my Mowu student, and this matter will be settled."


Li Tianchou was a little angry, but he still suppressed the anger in his heart and said, "You know it's impossible."

No matter what Song Qingnian said, he was still a ninth-level heavenly king.

 Let him apologize to a new martial artist like Lin Yuan who is not even a martial arts master. Even if it is true that he did something wrong, he will be laughed at.

Wang Zhanlin sneered: "What? Is the face of the ninth-level king so valuable?"

Li Tianchou took a deep breath and said calmly: "Boss Wang, why don't we both take a step back from this matter."

“On behalf of Yanjing Wuhan University, I would like to apologize to you, Mowu.”

“After all, we in Jingwu did something wrong in this matter.”

Li Tianchou's words were extremely clever. He first pointed out that he was apologizing for Jingwu University, and then changed the target of his apology to Wudu University in the Magic City.

His words not only did not damage Jingwu's face, but also made people feel that Yanjing Wu had a clear sense of right and wrong and was very generous.

However, Wang Zhanlin is obviously not the kind of person who will take the initiative to walk down the steps if the other party gives him a step.

He narrowed his eyes and said in a cold voice: "Li Tianchou, I respect you as my senior, so I always speak kindly to you."

“I don’t give you face just to make you think I’m easy to talk to.”

“If you dare to stop me again, believe it or not, I will unsheath my ‘God-cutting sword’ and kill you as well?!”

Wang Zhanlin finally no longer concealed his inner anger, and let out a roaring roar like a furious lion whose territory had been violated!

 He is the principal, the principal of Mowu!

 The students of Mowu are like his own children.

 What about you, Song Qingnian, the ninth-level Heavenly King?

 Have I given you face? !

Wang Zhanlin has already left his words here.

Whoever stops him from killing Song Qingnian, he will kill him!

Even if it is Li Tianchou, he will still cut it!

 Because this is a matter of principle.

If you don’t apologize, I will cut you with this knife!

You, Song Qing, want to protect your shortcomings, but I protect your shortcomings even more than you!

 The new warriors watching the battle below all looked at each other in confusion.

 The thoughts in everyone’s heart are similar.

This Mowu principal doesn't look like a ninth-level king at all, but more like a gangster on the street. The kind of old gangster who will become ruthless whenever something happens and will kill someone even if it means risking his life.

After Wang Zhanlin said these words, even Li Tianchou frowned and his face looked a little uncertain.

 He knows Wang Zhanlin very well.

 This guy is a lunatic!

  The lunatic will do what he says and he will do what he says!

More importantly…

 Even Li Tianchou himself may not be sure to take over Wang Zhanlin's sword after it is unsheathed!

 Don’t say whether you can pick it up or not.

  After taking this knife, it is still unclear whether he can survive or not!

Wang Zhanlin is most famous for this method of raising swords.

This sword...Wang Zhanlin took care of it for a full seven years!

 The name of God-killing is not just talk!

 But Li Tianchou also knew that once he retreated, Jingwu would lose all face!

 The two sides were deadlocked in place.

Li Tianchou didn't speak, and Wang Zhanlin didn't draw his sword.

After a stalemate for about twenty or thirty seconds, Song Qingnian sighed slightly and took the initiative to take a step forward.

“Principal Wang, it is true that I, Song Qingnian, did something wrong in this matter, and I am willing to be punished.”

“Today, I, Song Qingnian, voluntarily accept a knife from you as compensation!”

The matter has reached this point. If both sides do not give in, there may be no way to end it.

 So, Song Qingnian took the initiative to stand up and was willing to bear the sword that was blocked by Li Tianchou!

 Their Jingwu warriors are also bloody.

 If you do something wrong, admit it!

“I looked down on you before. You are a bitch, but you are quite bloody. I, Wang Zhanlin, respect you as a man!”

 “In that case, let’s do as you say.”

“After this blow, I will no longer hold you responsible for anything!”

Wang Zhanlin spoke loudly and placed his right hand on the handle of the knife again.

Song Qingnian pursed his lips and opened his arms calmly. It was obvious that he wanted to withstand Wang Zhanlin's sword without any defense!

Li Tianchou sighed slightly and didn't say much.

 Perhaps...this is the best result.

 After all, Song Qingnian was indeed at fault in this matter.

With Wang Zhanlin's stubborn character, it is simply impossible for him to voluntarily give up on pursuing Song Qingnian's responsibility.

 Furthermore, Li Tianchou knew that this guy was a measured person.

His sword will not use all his strength. At most, it can be used to teach Song Qing some lessons.

Just when everyone thought the dust had settled and were waiting for Wang Zhanlin to make the sword, a burst of hearty laughter suddenly came from not far away.

"What are you young people doing here? What was just a survival match between freshmen has been disrupted by you!"

 “What a nonsense.”

Everyone present could clearly hear the helplessness in the speaker's tone.

They followed the sound and found an old man with gray hair walking in the direction where they were.

 (End of this chapter)

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