Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 144: Pet beast catalyst! 【Second update! 】

Chapter 144 Pet Catalyst! 【Second update! 】

 Next, in the battle for survival, Mowu has been excluded by default.

 Lin Yuan was naturally happy with this situation.

 He did not want to be like Song Wenhui, who was surrounded and suppressed by everyone because he was too powerful.

 In fact, even if the various martial arts universities united again, they probably would not dare to try to besiege Lin Yuan.

 After all, his weird eyes and the black flames igniting in them are something even the ninth-level king can't do anything about!

This is just a friendly match, not a life and death fight. There is no need to risk your life to fight Lin Yuan.

 To put it bluntly, in this world, as long as you are crueler, others will respect you more!

 After defeating Song Wenhui, system rewards were also distributed.

“Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully completing the choice, you will be rewarded with 8,000 points of vitality and a bottle of pet beast catalyst!”

 Another improvement in vitality and blood!

Lin Yuan exhaled a long breath, feeling that the pores all over his body were stretched.

 For a warrior, the increase in qi and blood within the body's tolerance is quite comfortable, no less than taking a sauna.

 After this improvement in qi and blood, Lin Yuan's qi and blood have reached 88,000 points!

 Now he can definitely compete with Song Wenhui in his heyday!

However, I still have to try to be as low-key as possible in the future.

 After all, his blood and strength were improved too easily.

 Once or twice is not impossible.

But if this happens again and again, people who are interested may soon notice the abnormality in him.

 If this matter causes unnecessary trouble, then the gain outweighs the loss.

 “By the way, there is also the pet catalyst.”

Lin Yuan looked directly into the system space and found that he had not used many props rewarded by the system yet.

It includes a power absorption card, a power fusion card, and a bottle of pet catalyst.

Lin Yuan has never had the chance to use the ability absorption card.

 After all, the absorption card can only absorb the abilities of the dying person.

 Let alone whether there will be new warriors on the verge of death in the fraternity competition.

Even if there were, Lin Yuan would not be able to absorb their powers.

 First of all, it was because he couldn't do this.

 Secondly, there are many strong people present in the fraternity competition, and there are even a lot of king-level strong people.

If Lin Yuan dared to absorb supernatural powers in front of these people, it would really be no different from seeking death.

As for the superpower fusion card, Lin Yuan has thought about using it.

He wants to try to fuse the two skills "Hidden" and "Night" to see if he can combine them with a more effective ability!

However, Lin Yuan still did not make up his mind in the end.

 Because these two abilities are useful to him now.

It goes without saying that Xiyin is a good person.

 The ability of Nightfall can be perfectly matched with Shen Xiao's, allowing him to transform into a wolf at any time and anywhere, giving him greater combat effectiveness!

Furthermore, in terms of the characteristics of these two powers, Lin Yuan speculated that the fused powers are also likely to be related to 'concealment'. For him now, the concealment effect of Xiyin is enough, and there is no need for more advanced concealment abilities.

So Lin Yuan thought about it and finally chose to give up fusing these two abilities.

 He decided to wait until he obtained other more suitable abilities, and then try to fuse them based on their characteristics.

Since neither the ability absorption card nor the ability fusion card could be used, Lin Yuan turned his attention to the pet catalyst.

The so-called pet catalyst looks like a bottle of lake-blue potion, which looks very clear.

 According to the introduction of the props, this catalyst should be used to accelerate the growth of pet beasts!

However...Lin Yuan doesn't know whether dragon eggs can be regarded as pet beasts.

 Forget it, I have no other choice anyway, so I might as well give it a try.

If you can, you can also make the dragon egg in your hand hatch faster!

 After all, this dragon egg swallowed up all the black crystals in the mysterious pendant in Lin Yuan's hand, and he still thinks about it to this day.

Thinking of this, Lin Yuan stood up directly and said to Chu Yu beside him: "I'll go around and take care of Shen Xiao here."


Chu Yu nodded obediently and didn't ask any more questions.

 Because she knew that if Lin Yuan wanted to say something, he would naturally say it to her.

Although Shen Xiao was injured, it was not fatal.

 So, he did not choose to actively eliminate and leave the place to receive treatment. Instead, he chose to stay in the hilly area and wait for the survival battle to end.

 In this way, the points earned by Mowu in the survival battle can be even higher.

After Lin Yuan left the place, he soon came to a remote bush. It was surrounded by trees and was quite hidden.

However, he was still not at ease. He opened the Mangekyo Sharingan and carefully observed his surroundings to make sure no one was around. Then he took out the Ice Demon Armored Dragon egg from the system space. .

 The dragon egg is his secret and cannot be known to any outsider.

 Subsequently, Lin Yuan took out the beast catalyst.

 He opened the bottle cap and poured all the lake-blue liquid inside onto the dragon egg.

 The catalyst liquid penetrated directly and quickly after contacting the dragon egg.

Although Lin Yuan didn't understand how the catalyst penetrated into the dragon egg without any gaps, it was a good thing since it could be absorbed by the dragon egg!

 In less than ten seconds, all the lake-blue liquid in the bottle was absorbed by the dragon egg.

Lin Yuan stretched out his hand and gently placed it on the dragon egg.

As expected, the breath of life inside the dragon egg was much richer than before.

 In this way, the young dragon inside the dragon egg should be able to break out of the egg faster!

 Lin Yuan put away the dragon egg with satisfaction and returned to Chu Yu and Shen Xiao.

I have to say that without fighting, these ten hours seemed surprisingly difficult.

Lin Yuan was bored and simply wandered around the hilly area. He did not take the initiative to provoke a fight. He just casually watched the battles between other new warriors to see if he could learn some novel moves or gain some skills. Combat experience is also good.

However, he didn't know that the new warriors he was watching were all under great pressure...

Even when they were fighting, they still had to keep an eye on Lin Yuan's side.

 I'm afraid that if the latter is happy or unhappy, he will directly use Amaterasu's black flames to burn him. Who can withstand this...

 (End of this chapter)

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