Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 148: Worker ants, soldier ants, queen ants! 【First update! 】

Chapter 148 Worker ants, soldier ants, queen ants! 【First update! 】

 “Is Teacher Li finally going to take action?”

“Finally I have a chance to see the eighth-level venerable take action!”

“Tsk, tsk, even though Teacher Li looks so sweet in front of Principal Wang, she is known as the ‘Red Flame Witch’!”

On the ground, all the Mowu students looked at Li Fengyou who was standing in mid-air with a look of reverence.

 “Blood, burn!”

Li Fengyou raised her hand, and thousands of strands of energy and blood appeared in front of her.

The power of qi and blood condensed into substance is as hard as a steel needle!

 “Burning blood and killing thousands!”

 The next second, she shouted loudly.

Thousands of blood needles suddenly burned.

Then, with the same overwhelming force, they headed towards the ant tide in front of them!

 “Chi chi chi chi—”

 The sound of the blood-burning needle piercing the ant beast is endless!

Although these ant beasts are much larger than ordinary ants, their strength may not be comparable to that of first-order alien beasts. It is possible that even ordinary people who are not warriors can handle four or five of them.

Once struck by the blood-burning needle, the beast will be instantly burned to ashes.

 Suddenly, a large space was cleared in front of Li Fenyou!

 The eighth-level really powerful!

This thought came into everyone's minds in Mowu.

However, the number of ant tides is simply too great.

Although Li Fengyou killed thousands of ant beasts in one blow, the ant beasts that followed were quickly added, as if they had no impact on the ant tide at all.

 Obviously, Li Fengyou's power alone cannot have much impact on the ant tide.

Although she is an eighth-level venerable, facing the ant beasts that rely on numbers to win, even Li Fenyou feels as if her fist is hitting cotton.

“Okay, it’s time for us to get on. We must keep the ant tide at a certain distance from the train!”

Fang Tianji took a deep breath and took off his alloy halberd from his back.

 You must not let the ant colony get close to the train!

 This also means that next... I'm afraid it will be a particularly difficult battle!

 Because what they have to face is a swarm of ants with no end in sight!

 “Made, it’s so exciting!”

Yu Fan spat on the ground without hesitation, and also pulled out an alloy sword. He laughed and said, "With this battle, I will have to play it for a whole year after I go back to school!"

He said this to embolden himself.

 After all, the ant swarm in front of us is really scary.

Shen Xiao said in a deep voice: "Be careful, these ant beasts usually don't gather in waves, let alone actively attack human trains."

 “There must be something weird in this!”

 After Shen Xiao said these words, everyone fell silent.

 Because what he said is not unreasonable.

 It is rare for alien beasts to actively attack human trains.

Not to mention... such a large ant tide launched a suicide attack directly on the train.

“Don’t worry, we just need to delay it for a while.”

Fang Tianji said: "Teacher Li Fenyou should have contacted Yanjing Wuhan University. Rescue will be here soon. The premise is that we must survive!"

 “Just leave other matters to the rescue team!”

What kind of conspiracy is hidden in this is not something they are qualified to consider. How to survive in the ant tide is what they should really think about now.

 “It makes sense.”

Lin Yuan nodded and turned to look at Shen Xiao: "Do you know this kind of ant beast?"

“Well, I saw it in a book that recorded insect-like beasts.”

Shen Xiao opened his mouth and explained: "This kind of yellow-brown ant beast is called 'gold-eating ant'. It doesn't mean that they feed on metal, but because the color of the ant beast's body is different from the gold that has just been mined. Very similar, with sharp mouthparts and strong bite force, it can bite even gold."

 “So that’s it.”

Shen Xiao pondered for a moment, and finally said, "The most important thing is."

Hearing Shen Xiao's slightly solemn tone, Lin Yuan frowned and said, "What is it?"

"The 'gold-eating ants' that appear in front of us now are all the lowest-level worker ants. This type of ant beast has an extremely low status in the ant colony. Due to its low combat effectiveness, it is usually only responsible for looking for food. ”

Lin Yuan has heard of this statement.

 An ant colony is roughly divided into queen ants, worker ants and soldier ants.

 The queen ant is responsible for laying eggs, the worker ants are responsible for foraging, and the soldier ants are responsible for fighting or cutting some larger food.

 In other words, the overwhelming gold-eating ants in front of us are all just cannon fodder.

The ant beast that is really responsible for fighting has not yet appeared!

Thinking of this, Lin Yuan said in a deep voice: "Then what is the approximate strength of the soldier ants among the gold-devouring ants?"

Shen Xiao shook his head and said, "It's hard to say. The growth potential of ant-like beasts is very strong. It's difficult to determine the upper limit."

“However, what I can tell you clearly is that the lowest-level soldier ants in the gold-devouring ant colony also have the combat power of fifth-level alien beasts.”

“And the soldier ants who protect the queen will not be lower than the seventh level!”

“With such a huge ant colony, I even doubt whether there are eighth-level gold-devouring soldier ants!”

Lin Yuan frowned.

The eighth-level gold-devouring soldier ants are already at the same level as Li Fenyou!

Of course Lin Yuan knew that the situation was critical, but he did not expect that the situation in front of him was even worse than he imagined!

 “Let’s not talk about this for now, the ant tide is approaching soon, be ready for battle!”

Shen Xiao took a deep breath, took off the alloy sword from behind, and then stepped out bravely to face the ant wave!

 After Shen Xiao set off, Lin Yuan turned around and said softly to Chu Yu: "Follow me, you will assist me, and I will protect you."

Chu Yu nodded: "Okay!"

 The next second, Lin Yuan also drew out his sword and used the seven sword moves to attack the ant colony!

What Lin Yuan used was the fastest among the seven styles of Jue Dao, 'Wind Rolling Remnant Cloud'!

The power of his sword was like a violent storm. Under the blade, the remains of the gold-eating ants flew around and blood splattered everywhere!

It is no exaggeration to say that Lin Yuan is now a human meat grinder.

 All the gold-eating ants in front of him were strangled into pieces of flesh and blood by him in an instant.

 Wherever the blade passed, corpses were everywhere!

Moreover, with Lin Yuan's body covered in Qi-blood armor, these gold-eating ants were unable to cause any harm to him at all.

Because, low-level gold-eating ants simply cannot bite through Lin Yuan's Qi and Blood Armor!

However, the problem now is not this at all.

 The real question is how long Lin Yuan can continue fighting in this state!

 (End of this chapter)

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