Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 161: I can burn it easily! 【Second update! 】

Chapter 161 I can burn it easily! 【Second update! 】

Even Lin Yuan had to admit that although He Shengtu was despicable, his strength was undeniable.

In addition, the gold-devouring ant queen under his control also possesses extremely powerful strength. Although it has not reached the level of the Ice Demon Armored Dragon, it is still much stronger than ordinary eighth-level beasts!

Moreover, as long as you control the gold-devouring ant queen, you are equivalent to controlling the entire gold-devouring ant colony and having an army that is truly your own!

Thinking of this, Lin Yuan suddenly found the key to the matter.

He Shengtu controlled the entire gold-eating ant colony by controlling the gold-eating ant queen.

Then what if... I can take over the control of the Gold-eating Ant Queen?

 No, this does not seem to be realistic.

He doesn't know how to control animals at all, and wanting to control the gold-devouring ant queen beyond the level is nothing more than a dream.

 However, this idea made Lin Yuan start to think about it.

If there is no way to fight for the control of the gold-devouring ant queen, can you let the latter get rid of He Shengtu's control?

If the entire gold-eating ant colony were to escape He Shengtu's control, it would undoubtedly cause great trouble to the other party!

Thinking of this, Lin Yuan directly opened the Mangekyō Sharingan and began to carefully explore the body of the Gold-eating Queen, inch by inch, to see if he could find any clues.

 At the same time, Li Fenyou's side was already locked in a fierce battle with five guard ants.

Due to being hit by the 'Soul-eating Nail', Li Fenyou's face turned a little dark and his spirit was slightly depressed.

 Fortunately, Li Fenyou's strength is strong enough, even in this state, he is still not weak at all.

However, He Shengtu obviously did not let her go so easily.

One after another, gray-black soul-eating nails began to slowly condense behind He Shengtu.

Not long after, hundreds of soul-eating nails condensed behind He Shengtu!

 Obviously, he was planning to end Li Fenyou completely in this way!

“Before you die, enjoy the struggle.”

A ferocious and cruel smile appeared on He Shengtu's face.

 Fortunately, there was only an eighth-level venerable named Li Fenyou on this high-speed train.

 After killing her, you can get the beast spirit crystal!

However, at this moment, a chuckle suddenly rang in He Shengtu's ears.

“So this is what you rely on to control this gold-eating ant queen.”

The person who spoke was none other than Lin Yuan.

After hearing Lin Yuan's voice, He Shengtu frowned and turned his head in surprise.

 Before, he thought Lin Yuan was not a threat, so he never took him seriously.

 After he has dealt with Li Fengyou, he can easily crush this kid to death.

However, what He Shengtu did not expect was that Lin Yuan would dare to appear in front of him so arrogantly.

He Shengtu looked up and found that Lin Yuan was looking at the side of the gold-eating ant queen's head attentively.

 His heart skipped a beat.

 Because that place is exactly where his spiritual power is crystallized!

Lin Yuan is not aimless. He used the Mangekyou Sharingan and quickly followed the extremely strong spiritual power to find this spiritual crystal!

 And He Shengtu completely controlled the mind of this strange beast by crystallizing his own mental power and embedding it into the body of the Gold-Eating Queen Ant.

However, after a moment of panic, He Shengtu quickly calmed down.

He stared at Lin Yuan and said with a sneer: "So what if you find out? With your strength, you can't destroy the crystallization of my spiritual power at all."

It is naturally impossible that He Shengtu has not considered the risk of the crystallization of spiritual power being destroyed by others.

So, although this crystal is condensed from spiritual power, if you don't have the strength of the eighth-level venerable, don't even think about destroying it!

Just as He Shengtu finished speaking, four gray-black spikes suddenly floated up from around him, pointing directly at Lin Yuan.

 Obviously, he just wanted to use these four soul-eating nails to kill Lin Yuan!

 “Don’t rush into it yet.”

 Lin Yuan smiled and said calmly: "Why don't we make a bet on whether I have the ability to destroy this piece of your spiritual power?"

He Shengtu sneered: "Who wants to make such a meaningless bet with you? Go to hell!"

He doesn’t care whether Lin Yuan is stalling for time or not, in short, if he kills this kid first, he will definitely not go wrong!

 However, before He Shengtu could launch his offensive, Lin Yuan took the lead and launched Amaterasu!

Black flames as black as ink, like the flames of hell, as Lin Yuan focused his gaze, suddenly bloomed on the crystal of spiritual power, like a flower of the netherworld!

This time, Lin Yuan mobilized his mental power to the extreme, and also exerted the power of Amaterasu Black Flame to the extreme!

 Under such overloaded operation, the burden on the Mangekyō Sharingan is also extremely heavy.

In front of Lin Yuan's eyes, a blur of blood soon appeared.

 Subsequently, two lines of blood and tears also flowed down the corners of his eyes!

Looking at this strange scene in front of him, even He Shengtu frowned slightly.

However, what shocked him even more was that the crystallization of his spiritual power that he used to control the gold-devouring ant queen began to gradually incinerate under the burning of this mysterious black flame!

How can this be? !

He Shengtu's face was full of horror and disbelief.

 He could clearly feel that his control over the gold-devouring ant queen was gradually weakening!

At this opportunity, the consciousness of the gold-devouring queen ant also began to resist, which accelerated the process of the collapse of the mental power crystal!

 “Damn it, what the **** did you do?!”

He Shengtu suddenly raised his head and looked at Lin Yuan angrily.

 Lin Yuan wiped the blood and tears from the corners of his eyes and smiled calmly: "I didn't do anything, I just proved it to you."

“I’ll prove it to you, I want to burn this **** like you, it’s not going to be easy.”

 Lin Yuan had certainly expected this result.

You must know that even Song Qingnian, who is a ninth-level heavenly king, can only restrain the burning speed of Amaterasu's black flames.

 Amaterasu... is so domineering!

Lin Yuan also thought about using Amaterasu Black Flame to directly attack He Shengtu.

It's just that there is a whole level difference between them, and the Amaterasu Black Flame may not even be able to burn through the mental armor around He Shengtu.

 But now, Lin Yuan took a different approach and used Amaterasu Black Flame to forcibly burn the mental power crystal that He Shengtu used to control the Gold-eating Ant Queen!

 In this way, He Shengtu not only lost control of the gold-eating ant queen, but also indirectly lost control of the entire gold-eating ant colony!

 (End of this chapter)

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