Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 164: Peak condition! Red flame witch! 【Second update! 】

Chapter 164 Peak state! Red flame witch! 【Second update! 】

If what Lin Genshan said is true, then if the ghost king ant is allowed to swallow the beast spirit crystal, there is definitely hope to break through to the ninth level!

  After all, in addition to improving the strength of alien beasts, beast spirit crystals can also increase the growth potential of alien beasts!

The growth talent of the Ghost King Ant is already extremely astonishing. If there is an increase in the growth of the beast spirit crystal, it will definitely reach an extremely terrifying level!

By that time, even though He Shengtu was only an eighth-level spiritual power user, he was able to control a ghost king ant with the power of a king to fight on his behalf!

Faced with such a temptation, it’s no wonder that He Shengtu took the crazy action of attacking the Seventh Research Institute, and even led a swarm of gold-eating ants to attack the train!

And, more importantly, this ghost king ant is not controlled by He Shengtu by embedding spiritual power crystals like the gold-eating queen ant.

Rather, he used his own essence and blood to cultivate it, thereby establishing a spiritual connection!

Under this situation, Ghost King Ant is just like a child he raised with his own hands, connected by blood and heart, and will never betray him.

 It is no exaggeration to say that the Ghost King Ant is He Shengtu’s natal ant beast!

 The current situation has become anxious again.

Li Fengyou's face was gloomy and uncertain. She was deliberately controlling the flow of her energy and blood so that the wound on her right shoulder would not lose too much blood.

She originally thought that after Lin Yuan solved the big problem of the gold-devouring ant queen for her, with her strength, she would be able to completely suppress He Shengtu!

 But he didn’t expect that the latter’s biggest trump card was not the Gold-devouring Ant Queen, but the Ghost King Ant in front of him!

Furthermore, the strength of this ghost king ant is even more troublesome than the gold-devouring queen ant and the guardian soldier ants combined!

He Shengtu said quietly: "Although you have been hindering me from implementing my plan, you have finally done one thing right, and that is to bring the beast spirit crystal."

"As long as I can kill you, the beast spirit crystal... belongs to me!"

 The next second, He Shengtu's tone suddenly turned cold: "Ghost King Ant, kill her!"

Under He Shengtu’s order, the ghost king ant’s eyes revealed a fierce light, and turned into a black stream of light again, biting towards Li Fenyou!

 “Blood armor, burn!”

Under such circumstances, Li Fenyou did not dare to hold back. She forcibly burned the Qi and Blood Armor around her, causing her aura to suddenly rise to the extreme!

From a distance, Li Fengyou’s slim figure seemed to be enveloped in red flames.

 She is now the real Red Flame Witch!

 This is Li Fenyou’s...real peak state!

Although the full firepower put a heavy burden on her body, Li Fenyou couldn't care about that much now.

 She must fight with all her strength and win quickly!

 The next second, Li Fenyou directly engaged in a head-on battle with the Ghost King Ant!

Looking from the direction where Lin Yuan was, he could only see a red figure in mid-air, constantly colliding with the black light!

At the same time, He Shengtu was not idle. He was walking on the edge of the battlefield, constantly using his mental moves to interfere with Li Fenyou!

But Li Fengyou in the "Red Flame" state can be said to be unparalleled in bravery. Even if he is one against two, he does not show any signs of weakness!

 However, He Shengtu was not in a hurry.

 Because he knew in his heart that Li Fenyou would not be able to hold on for long in such a state of high consumption.

 When the opponent is exhausted, you can kill her effortlessly!

Lin Yuan, who was watching the battle, also saw that the situation in front of him seemed to be somewhat unfavorable to Li Fenyou.

 But he couldn't do anything to help.

All Lin Yuan can do is to unconditionally believe that Li Fenyou will definitely win!


He Shengtu narrowed his eyes and stared coldly at Li Fengyou in front of him.

 The latter's persistence was shorter than he imagined.

 In less than a minute, Li Fenyou's aura began to decline. It seems that the cost of maintaining the "red flame" state is higher than He Shengtu imagined.

 From the moment the ant wave broke out, Li Fenyou has been in a state of fighting.

 It seems that now she is finally a little helpless.

However, this girl is really scary.

 Under her almost crazy offensive, even the Ghost King Ant was seriously injured.

 Fortunately, the opportunity has finally come!

After his momentum dropped, Li Fenyou's speed also slowed down a lot, even revealing a lot of gaps.

He Shengtu stared at Li Fenyou and quickly caught a flaw in the latter!

 “Ghost King Ant, take action!”

With He Shengtu’s loud shout, the Ghost King Ant turned into a black light again and rushed towards Li Fenyou’s chest!

If the heart is penetrated, even if Li Fengyou is an eighth-level warrior, he still cannot survive!

 Fortunately, Li Fenyou did not give Ghost King Ant a chance to easily succeed.

As the Ghost King Ant rushed towards him, Li Fengyou raised his right arm boldly and punched it!

The burning power of Qi and blood, like red flames, swept towards the ghost king ant in front of him!

However, what Li Fenyou didn't expect was that at this moment, the ghost king ant suddenly changed direction and bit her left hand!

 No, to be more precise, its target is the wooden box on his left hand!

 And what is contained in the wooden box is the crystallization of the beast spirit!

He Shengtu knew very well that even if he caught the gap, it would be impossible for the Ghost King Ant to kill him with one strike.

 So he chose to settle for the next best thing and set his sights on the beast spirit crystal!

  No matter what, let’s get the beast spirit crystal first!

The ghost king ant's mouthparts are extremely sharp. Without Li Fenyou's defense, it directly bit off the latter's left hand from the wrist!

The pain of breaking his wrist made Li Fenyou look pale.

Blood spurted out from Li Fenyou's severed hand as if it was free of charge!

 The Ghost King Ant quickly returned to He Shengtu with the wooden box.

With a faint smile on his face, the latter gently opened the wooden box in his hand.

 A forest green crystal lies peacefully in the center of the wooden box.

 He Shengtu's breathing could not help but become a little rapid.

To him, the crystal in front of him was simply more magnificent than all the gems in the world!

As long as the Ghost King Ant takes this crystal, he can successfully break through to the ninth level.

Then I...can be considered to have the fighting power of a king!

Just thinking about it, He Shengtu could feel his heart burning!

However, Li Fenyou's voice suddenly interrupted his thoughts.

"I said you...were you too happy too early?"

 (End of this chapter)

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