Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 189: All are going to die! 【Second update! 】

Chapter 189 Everyone is going to die! 【Second update! 】

 Now he has no idea of ​​killing Lin Yuan at all!

 Just kidding, your own life is at risk, what’s the use of worrying about the reward for the mission? !

  The Xu family... **** it!

They only spent 10 million to deal with monsters like Lin Yuan!

Wu Kuishan had completely seen Susanoo's punch that instantly killed Pang Longxuan.

 Even if he resisted the blow, I'm afraid the end would be the same!

This method is really too terrifying.

Wu Kuishan was even suspicious. The power of Susanoo's punch just now was even comparable to that of an eighth-level venerable!

 The only thought in his mind right now is to run away!

 Escape as far away as possible!

 If you can't escape, you will definitely die!

 Fortunately, the Susanoo that Lin Yuan transformed did not look like a move that could carry out long-distance attacks.

If you run away at full speed, you should still be able to escape!

However, what Wu Kuishan didn't know was that Lin Yuan didn't even bother to chase him, but instead kept watching him with interest.

"If this allows you to escape, then my Mangekyo Sharingan will really become a decoration."

The corners of Lin Yuan's mouth curled up into a slight smile.

Wu Kuishan thought that as long as he was out of Lin Yuan's attack range, he would be able to escape successfully.

 But he didn’t know that everything within his sight range was Lin Yuan’s attack range!


Lin Yuan did not hesitate and focused his attention on Wu Kuishan's back!

 A cluster of dark flames suddenly rose up!

 This is...Amaterasu Black Flame!

Under the burning of the black flames, Wu Kuishan could not help but howl. He rolled crazily on the ground, but the black flames on his back showed no tendency to go out!

Lin Yuan sneered.

I have to say, this guy is really stupid.

If Wu Kuishan didn't completely expose his back to himself, he wouldn't be able to make Amaterasu's black flames ignite on the former's back so accurately.

At this rate, it won’t be long before Wu Kuishan’s chest will be completely burned through!

 After the heart is burned through, even a martial arts master cannot survive.

So Lin Yuan ignored him and went straight to Snake Lao.

The latter's face was pale, his hands were on the ground, he kept backing up, and said in a panic: "Don't kill me, don't kill me, Xu Tianwu ordered all this, he is messing with you, you go find him Take revenge and go find him!"

 Lin Yuan said calmly: "When it's his turn, I will naturally go find him, but before that, you must die."

 Even if the selection system does not release the task of killing Snake Lao, it will not let him go easily.

 He has always been a person who cuts the grass and roots.

If you want to kill him, you must first be prepared to be killed.

There was a look of despair on Old Snake's old and skinny face, and he begged bitterly: "As long as you let me go, I promise that from now on... no one in the entire Heavenly Prison will dare to provoke you again! "

Lin Yuan smiled: "Sorry, I don't need it."

"As long as I kill you, no one in the prison will dare to provoke me."

 However, just after Lin Yuan finished speaking, his eyes suddenly began to blur, as if his consciousness was pulled to another world!

"Jiejiejiejie, boy, you are still too young..." She Lao sneered quietly. He finally seized the opportunity and used his own mental power to pull Lin Yuan into the illusion!

 For Qi and blood warriors, illusion can be said to be the most deadly killing move!

Once trapped in the illusion, no matter how strong a warrior is, he becomes a bull and a sheep to be slaughtered.

 It can only be said that this kid was not vigilant enough and eventually fell into the trap he set.

Although both Wu Kuishan and Pang Longxuan died, fortunately, he managed to have the last laugh!

Thinking of this, Snake Lao directly stretched out his skinny right hand, trying to forcefully break Lin Yuan's neck!

However, at this moment, Lin Yuan's eyes suddenly regained their clarity, and he chuckled at Old Snake: "Sorry, I'm teasing you."

As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Yuan suddenly condensed a thunder blade in his hand. With a twist of his wrist, he instantly chopped off Snake Lao's head!

I saw the expression on Old Snake's face, ranging from a sneer, to astonishment, to despair, and finally completely frozen on his face, because his head had been neatly chopped off by Lin Yuan!



In front of the Mangekyo Sharingan, even the illusion set by the eighth-level venerable can't escape, let alone Snake, an insignificant master of spiritual power.

The brief lack of energy just now was just a deliberate act by Lin Yuan, just so that the other party could experience the ups and downs of life before he died.

 At this point, Pang Longxuan, Wu Kuishan, and Snake Lao all died in the hands of Lin Yuan!

 The whole place was silent, and everyone's eyes were focused on Lin Yuan.

 After Lin Yuan killed three people in a row, system rewards were also distributed.

 30,000 points of vitality, 30,000 points of spiritual power, a fairy bean, and a devil fruit upgrade card!

Lin Yuan did not hesitate and directly chose to use the upgrade card!

 As the card in his hand turned into a stream of light, the level of the Thunder Fruit also increased to level five!

 It’s just that there is still half a gap between the awakening of the Thunder Fruit!

In this battle, faced with the encirclement and attack by three martial arts masters, even if they win, it can only be said to be a near miss.

If Lin Yuan didn't have enough cards, I'm afraid he would have died here today!

 Amaterasu, Kamui, Susanoo, Thunder Qi and Blood, Seven Styles of the Ultimate Sword...

 Lin Yuan used all the means at his disposal to the fullest.

 After the battle, Lin Yuan was close to losing strength.

However, since he was not seriously injured, Lin Yuan did not plan to take the fairy beans and would just wait for his physical strength to recover slowly.

In addition, Lin Yuan's Mangekyō Sharingan was also in pain due to excessive use, and he almost shed tears of blood.

 It seems that it is necessary for me to upgrade it to the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan as soon as possible.

If you continue to ignore the side effects like this, you will become blind sooner or later.

At this moment, the prison guard finally arrived belatedly and rushed to the restaurant.

The leader was a prison guard with a Chinese character. Looking at the messy scene in front of him, his face suddenly darkened.

“Who can tell me what’s going on here? Do you want to rebel?!”

“Everyone present, put your head in your hands and squat against the wall!”

 “Anyone who dares to act strangely will be killed without mercy!”

 (End of this chapter)

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