Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 196: Xiaoyou’s role! 【First update! 】

Chapter 196 Xiaoyou’s role! 【First update! 】

Lin Yuan's heart trembled slightly.

He obviously didn’t expect that not long after he entered the secret realm of the Abyss, he would encounter the ‘Abyss Beast’ that Li Fengyou mentioned!

According to Li Fenyou, the abyssal beast can be regarded as a strange beast from the outside world.

However, due to the environmental impact of the secret realm of the Abyss, all the Abyss beasts here are extremely powerful. Even the weakest ones are comparable to the martial arts masters of the human race!

From Lin Yuan's point of view, the giant snake abyssal beast in front of him, which was forty to fifty meters long, was obviously not among the weakest abyssal beasts.

According to Lin Yuan's speculation, this dark green giant snake has the strength of mid-eighth order at least!

 This's a little tricky.

Lin Yuan couldn't help but frowned.

If you try to have a head-on confrontation with it, I'm afraid that in less than one encounter, you will be forcibly crushed into a pulp by the opponent's absolute advantage in strength.

Or, according to the characteristics of snakes, it will break the bones in its body inch by inch, and finally swallow it into its belly.

 But if Lin Yuan was asked to give up, he would not be willing to do so.

Although he didn't know what the black magic flower in front of him did, what he was sure of was that this flower was definitely not an ordinary thing!

 Because only beside the treasures of heaven and earth will there be guardians of the abyssal beasts.

 Swallowing these spiritual creatures is the fastest way for them to advance!

Since there is no way to confront this dark green giant snake, if you want to forcefully collect this black magic flower, you must think of some strategies!

Lin Yuan took a deep breath and his brain began to work rapidly.

 One plan after another was formed in his mind, and then all were overthrown by him.

After all, it is definitely not an easy task to pluck that black magic flower under the nose of a mid-eighth-level abyssal beast.

Lin Yuan even thought about using Xiyin to quietly approach the black magic flower while in a state of invisibility, and then quickly escape after picking it!

However, this plan is still too dangerous for him now!

Even if he could hide the giant snake in front of him and successfully pocket the black magic flower, he still wouldn't be able to escape smoothly.

 Because the speed of the eighth-level abyssal beast is quite terrifying.

Even if Lin Yuan uses all the power of the Thunder Fruit and reaches the ultimate speed, he may not be able to escape the pursuit of this giant snake.

Under such circumstances, Lin Yuan did not dare to risk his life.

 Fortunately, after rejecting countless plans, Lin Yuan finally came up with a suitable method.

 He asked in a deep voice: "System, I want to ask a question."

“Can I bring my pet into the pet space anytime and anywhere? Is there any distance limit?”

 Soon, the system gave a reply: "The distance is a radius of five thousand meters."

“Within a range of five thousand meters, the host can bring the pet into its own pet space at any time.”

 Five thousand meters!

After hearing the system's reply, Lin Yuan couldn't help but reveal a bit of joy on his face.

Although he didn’t know whether the five thousand meters distance was enough, after hesitating for a moment, Lin Yuan still chose to take a gamble!

Lin Yuan was naturally not willing to die in vain.

 But as long as there is a 50% possibility, he is willing to give it a try!

 If you want to become stronger, how can you do it without risking your life?

 Lin Yuan's eyes suddenly showed a look of determination.


 Then, he waved, let Xiaoyou come to his side, and communicated softly with her for a while. Under the condition that both parties were connected, Xiaoyou quickly understood Lin Yuan's intention and nodded heavily on his little dragon's head.

  Now that the plan has been made.

 Then the next thing to do is to execute it!

 “Okay, Xiaoyou, let’s go.”

Lin Yuan said softly.

Xiaoyou nodded, then flapped his dragon wings and flew into the distance.

Lin Yuan turned his head and looked at the black magic flower in the distance, then held his breath and entered a state of silence.

 Chance, only once.

 You must not miss it!

 Time passes by minute by minute.

 Suddenly, an extremely powerful dragon power suddenly erupted from thousands of meters away!

Lin Yuan's eyes were fixed on the dark green snake in front of him.

 Obviously, the latter also sensed this overwhelming dragon power!

Although Xiaoyou's current strength is only in the mid-sixth level, the pressure it unleashes is able to overwhelm even the Ghost King Ant who is seriously injured!

After sensing the pressure, the giant snake abyssal beast in front of him suddenly raised its snake body and looked at the direction of the pressure with great vigilance!

 Then, it raised its head and let out a sharp roar, as if it was a warning.

 However, Xiaoyou turned a deaf ear and continued to exert pressure!

Under this situation, the giant snake finally couldn't hold it back any longer. It screamed again, and the snake's body quickly meandered on the ground, speeding in the direction of Xiaoyou's pressure. He left with a speed as fast as thunder. In just one breath, he flew hundreds of meters away!

Lin Yuan watched the giant snake explode at such an astonishing speed, and felt an inexplicable fear in his heart.

 Fortunately, I didn't choose to forcefully hide myself. Otherwise, I really don't know how I died.

Even in terms of speed, the mid-eighth-order giant snake in front of him could completely crush him.

 Fortunately, now this giant snake has been attracted by the coercion emanating from Xiaoyou!

Abyssal beasts of this level usually have a strong sense of territory and will never tolerate infringement by other abyssal beasts, not to mention that it is still guarding this black magic flower in its territory!

After the giant snake was lured away by Xiaoyou, Lin Yuan did not dare to waste any more time. His body suddenly turned into a bolt of thunder, and in a state of invisibility, it flew towards the black magic flower in front of him at high speed!


 “Hiss, hiss…”

 The giant snake was extremely fast, and it arrived at the place where Xiaoyou was in less than ten breaths.

It held its head high, spitting out snake messages dangerously, and stared at the surroundings with a pair of green snake eyes coldly.

 Soon, it found its target!

 But what was in front of it turned out to be a... young dragon with a dark blue body? !

 The giant snake's eyes suddenly flashed with a trace of extremely human confusion.

  That overwhelming coercion before was actually emanating from the young dragon in front of me? !

At this time, Xiaoyou also looked back at it, and happily let out a few clear dragon roars: "嘤嘤嘤!"

 (End of this chapter)

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