Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 198: New ways to use Kamui! 【Third update! 】

Chapter 198 A new use of divine power! 【Third update! 】

 After the movement of the black demonic ape slowed down, the giant snake began to rely on its own speed to dodge the attack launched by the former.

Furthermore, while dodging, the giant snake's head quickly poked out again, once again leaving traces of snake teeth on the right shoulder of the black demon ape, speeding up the spread of poison!

 As the poison gradually spreads to the black demon ape's body, the moment for the giant snake to fight back has finally arrived!

 Its snake body was like a vine, and it quickly wrapped around the body of the black demon ape, seeming to want to forcefully strangle it to death!

On the verge of death, the black demon ape began to struggle violently.

 But under the influence of the snake venom, its power has been reduced by half, and it is impossible to escape the entanglement of the giant snake!

However, the giant snake's pressing step by step has completely aroused the **** spirit of the black demon ape!

It directly opened its huge mouth, and its sharp fangs bit directly into the body of the giant snake!

With this bite, the black demon ape used all his strength. Its fangs directly penetrated the hard green snake scales and penetrated into the flesh and blood of the giant snake!

Snake blood splashed out directly from the tooth marks, and the giant snake burst out with a shrill scream in pain!

However, even so, it still did not loosen its entangled snake body!

 Because it knew deep down in its heart that this was just the counterattack of the black demon ape in front of it before it died!

 As long as it can persist until the opponent is hanged, then it will be the winner of this fight!

Seeing that the giant snake was about to gain the upper hand, Lin Yuan finally couldn't hold himself back any longer.

If this giant snake wins, it will be even more difficult for him to escape!

Thinking of this, Lin Yuan revealed his figure without hesitation and directly activated the Mangekyou Sharingan!

 After Lin Yuan appeared, the aura on his body was leaked.

After sensing the presence of Lin Yuan, the giant snake was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly let out an angry scream!

Its snake eyes stared at Lin Yuan coldly, with murderous intent bursting out of them!

 Because it knows that this **** human being in front of it has stolen the black magic flower that it has been guarding!

However, the giant snake did not choose to attack Lin Yuan immediately.

 For it now, the black demon ape in front of it is the biggest threat!

As long as the black demon ape is dealt with, the human in front of him will definitely not be able to escape its pursuit!

 “Want to kill me?”

Lin Yuan smiled casually and said, "But I think you are not determined enough to kill me!"

“How about I add fuel to the fire for you?”

Just as he finished speaking, Lin Yuan's pair of kaleidoscope Sharingan eyes suddenly focused on the body of the giant snake!

 “Chi chi chi!”

 A cluster of black flames suddenly rose up and began to burn the scales on its body!

 After the scales are burned through, Amaterasu Black Flame can directly burn its flesh and blood!

Even in a cross-level battle, the power of Amaterasu Black Flame cannot be underestimated!

“It seems like it’s still not enough, but it’s okay, the fun has just begun!”

Lin Yuan smiled.

 The next second, he boldly activated his divine power!

 This is the most powerful pupil technique he has mastered now!

 Under the effect of divine power, the space under Lin Yuan's gaze began to distort violently!

The almost terrifying twisting power forcefully cut off part of the flesh and blood from the giant snake's body!

Although this is not a serious injury to the giant snake, since it was already severely injured by the black demon ape, it is just adding insult to injury!

Lin Yuan grinned, and tears of blood began to flow from the corners of his eyes involuntarily. Obviously, using Amaterasu and Kamui continuously is a huge burden on both his eyes and his mental strength!

However, Lin Yuan didn't care.

 For him, just inflicting this little injury on the giant snake in front of him was not enough!

So, Lin Yuan activated his divine power again!

 The twisted space formed by the divine power once again tore apart part of the flesh and blood of the giant snake's body and was involved in it!

 After activating the divine power twice in a row, a feeling of fatigue suddenly emerged from Lin Yuan's heart.

 He took out a bottle of ‘mental recovery potion’ directly from the system space, opened the bottle cap, and poured it into his mouth!

 The mental recovery potion rewarded by the system has a light green color and is slightly sour in the mouth, but the effect is great!

After drinking a bottle, Lin Yuan immediately felt that his mental energy began to fill up, and even his fatigue subsided a lot.

Just as Lin Yuan adjusted his condition and prepared to activate his divine power for the third time, the giant snake in front of him finally couldn't hold it back any longer!

If you continue to let Lin Yuan unleash his divine power endlessly, sooner or later he will be consumed by these **** humans!

This giant snake quickly made a decision in its heart. It must kill Lin Yuan first!

 The next moment, the giant snake gave up and continued to strangle the black demon ape, and the huge snake body swam directly back to the ground!

 Subsequently, its thick snake tail erupted with an astonishing power, sweeping towards Lin Yuan like a huge copper pillar!

You must know that this is an angry blow from an eighth-level abyssal beast!

Given Lin Yuan's current physique, if he resisted, even if he didn't die, all the bones in his body would probably be broken!

 However, Lin Yuan's face did not show much fear.

 Because...he had already prepared.

Lin Yuan had long expected that this giant snake would attack him!

 Similarly, he has already been prepared to deal with it!

"This divine power is not prepared for you, but for myself!"

Lin Yuan raised the corners of his mouth, and a smile appeared on his face.

 Then, the divine power activated!

In front of Lin Yuan, the entire space suddenly distorted, transporting him into the divine power space!

With a roaring sound in the air, the giant snake's tail suddenly swept across.

It's just that Lin Yuan had already hid in the divine space and perfectly avoided the blow without suffering any damage!

Seeing Lin Yuan disappear out of thin air in front of his eyes, the giant snake was extremely angry, but there was nothing he could do.

 Because it didn’t know at all why Lin Yuan disappeared out of thin air and where he was hiding!

 All it can do is to continuously use its snake tail to kill in all directions, trying to force Lin Yuan out!

However, what the giant snake didn't notice was that behind it, the black demon ape slowly stood up...

 (End of this chapter)

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