Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 214: Nine heads, nine attributes! 【First update! 】

Chapter 214 Nine heads, nine attributes! 【First update! 】

Suddenly, the nine heads of the Hydra stood upright and stared in the direction of Lin Yuan, murderous intent suddenly appearing in their eyes!

 Obviously, Lin Yuan's behavior has been regarded as a provocation by him.

 A deep beast of this level will never allow any being to invade its territory!

 The next second, the hydra's figure surged up, its snake body was winding, and it rushed towards Lin Yuan's direction!


Li Fengyou’s eyes were stern and he spoke in a deep voice.

 Obviously, the Hydra in front of her gave her a great sense of oppression!

“Lion, scorpion, and pterodactyl, you three... go up first.”

Looking at the Hydra rushing towards him, Lin Yuan quickly gave the order.

 Subsequently, the three abyssal beasts, the Demonic Lion, the Poisonous Scorpion and the Pterodactyl, rushed towards the Hydra in front of them without fear of death!


The demon lion was the fastest. After roaring angrily, he immediately jumped in front of the Hydra!

It's just that the size difference between the two sides is too big. In front of Hydra, this extremely ferocious demon lion looks like a puppy.

Before the claws of the demon lion fell, one of the heads of the hydra suddenly sprang out and bit the former with lightning speed!

The sharp snake fangs of the Hydra seemed to bite through the body of the demonic lion without any hindrance!

Blood gushed out from the Demon Lion's wound like a fountain!

The latter howled and screamed and struggled violently.

However, the Hydra had no intention of letting go. Its fangs were like steel nails, nailing the demon lion into its mouth!

 It is estimated that this demon lion will die from its injuries before long!

Lin Yuan looked at the scene in front of him with a solemn expression.

Although this demonic lion is the weakest among the eight abyssal beasts, it is a bit scary to be severely injured by the hydra in front of him to the point of death in just one encounter.

All he can say is that the nine-headed demon snake in front of him is more powerful than he imagined!

At the same time, the Winged Dragon Abyssal Beast also took action!

Its wings flapped violently, and soon it condensed a hurricane bomb, which slammed into the head of the Abyss Beast Demonic Lion that the Hydra had bitten!


With a muffled sound, the blow of the Wind Winged Dragon perfectly hit the head of the Hydra!

 Under the power of the hurricane bomb, the head was directly deflected by the blast!

However, Lin Yuan could see that this hurricane bomb failed to cause too serious injuries to Hydra at all. It only scratched a few blood marks on the side of the head.

After the hurricane bomb hit, the Hydra was completely enraged. Its other head suddenly sprang out and bit at the Wind Winged Dragon with the force of thunder!

Hydra attacks very quickly, and even the Wind Winged Dragon, which is known for its speed, may not be able to avoid its attack!

However, at this critical moment, a dark black iron thorn thorn, like a long whip, whizzed over and instantly entangled in the head of Hydra's attack, perfectly hindering it. offensive!

At the same time, entangled by iron thorns and thorns, the head of the Hydra quickly weakened with a trend visible to the naked eye, as if it had been negatively affected by something. Looking at the scene in front of him, Lin Yuan's lips curled up into a slight smile.

After getting the ‘Iron Thorn’, Lin Yuan directly used the ‘Super Power Fusion Card’ to fuse it with his other power, ‘Night Curtain’!

 Because these two abilities seem a bit useless to Lin Yuan now.

Although the Iron Thorns are quite powerful, what Lin Yuan lacks the most is offensive moves.

Not to mention the night curtain, Lin Yuan had never used it once after leaving Shen Xiao.

However, the fusion of the two directly formed a brand new ability, Cursed Thorns!

The basic characteristics of this ability are roughly similar to the previous 'iron thorns', but after entangling the enemy, it can fall into a 'cursed' state and suffer negative effects!

 The previous ‘Iron Thorn’ was completely a power attack type.

The fused ‘Curse Thorn’ is more of a control-type ability, which just makes up for Lin Yuan’s lack of auxiliary means.

After Lin Yuan successfully trapped the opponent, the Wind Winged Dragon was not polite. After screaming, the sharp claws under his feet directly grabbed the opponent's head!

In the blink of an eye, three extremely deep blood marks were torn out on this head!

However, before the Wind Winged Dragon had time to launch a second attack, the other head of the Hydra suddenly turned around again, its **** mouth opened, and it actually spit out a hot fireball!


Before Lin Yuan could react, the ball of flames hit the Wind Winged Dragon's body directly!

Under the impact of the fireball, its figure flew out directly, and even its wings were burned to black!

Lin Yuan looked slightly stern and asked in a deep voice: "Is this Hydra a fire attribute beast?!"

Li Fengyou frowned and said, "I don't know, I've never fought against this guy before."

At this moment, another head suddenly turned towards them. The snake opened its mouth and suddenly spit out a cloud of dark green poisonous mist!

 “Damn it, back off!”

Li Fenyou's expression changed, and without any hesitation, he pulled Lin Yuan and violently retreated to the side!

Lin Yuan stared at the poisonous mist in front of him and expressed his speculation in a deep voice: "This hydra seems to have each head representing a different attribute."

“The one that attacked the Wind Wing Dragon just now was a fire-attributed head.”

“The one attacking us now should be the poisonous head.”

As for the abilities of the other seven heads, Lin Yuan still doesn’t know yet.

 Fortunately, he could first let the abyssal beast behind him come forward to fight with it, and test out the abilities of all its heads one by one.

Anyway, what Lin Yuan lacks the most is the Abyss Beast as cannon fodder!

However, although Lin Yuan thought so, Li Fenyou's opinions were somewhat inconsistent with his.

After listening to Lin Yuan's reasoning, the energy and blood around Li Fenyou suddenly exploded, and a long sword of energy and blood condensed directly in his hand!

The next second, Li Fenyou kicked off his right foot and soared into the sky. Even the blood sword in his hand started to burn!

 For a moment, Li Fenyou, standing in the sky, looked like a female war goddess!

“I don’t care how many heads and attributes it has, just chop them off!”

 (End of this chapter)

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