Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 246: Ocean goddess ‘Anna’! 【First update! 】

Chapter 246 Ocean Goddess ‘Anna’! 【First update! 】

On the nine heads of the Hydra, the gray-white energy ball condensed by the "power of the end" has been completely formed. The energy fluctuations just escaping are enough to make people feel chilly.

 There is no doubt that this is what Lin Yuan prepared for Edward...a great meeting gift!

 The next second, the energy ball condensed by the final power roared towards Edward!


Without any hesitation, Edward directly blasted the previously condensed flame phoenix towards the gray-white energy ball in front of him!


With a roar, the energy ball formed by the final power swallowed the blazing fire phoenix into it without causing any ripples.

Edward was so jealous that he turned around and prepared to run away.

However, at this moment, Lin Yuan appeared in front of him like a ghost, chuckled and said, "You're already here, why leave so early?"

“It’s better to stay here... accept this meeting gift first!”

As soon as he finished speaking, several dark black cursed thorns appeared on the ground, like snakes, winding up his ankles!

After being imprisoned by the black thorns, Edward only felt that the negative state was like a tide, sweeping towards him one after another.

 The momentum around him also declined at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Then, before Edward could break free from the shackles of the black thorns, dozens more thunder spears roared out from around Lin Yuan, staggering around Edward to form a solid thunder prison!

 Edward, who was double imprisoned, was so angry that his eyes almost burst into flames.

 This situation directly made Feng Tianrong on the side look stunned.

He did not expect that this kid Mo Wu would have such an endless supply of cunning methods and forcefully force Edward to this point!

Before Edward could escape from the Thunder Prison, the gray energy ball formed by the power of the end came crashing in front of him!

The seemingly endless violent fluctuations are released from the energy ball in all directions, just like a tsunami that has surged to the extreme!

 Edward, who was imprisoned, was exactly at the center of this energy torrent!

  Even under this situation, Edward still did not choose to sit still and wait for death.

The power of fire attribute Qi and blood soon covered his whole body, forming a pair of Qi and blood armor made of flames!

However, under the almost violent erosion of the final power, Edward's flame armor barely lasted for just one second before completely falling apart!

After the remaining power of the final energy ball dissipated, Edward, who looked extremely embarrassed, finally revealed his figure from the smoke.

His head was lowered, his body was covered with blood, and he no longer had the arrogant and arrogant look before.

 Obviously, even a strong man of Edward's level still suffered heavy losses under the full blow of the "Final Power" used by the Final Hydra.

 “I really underestimated you...”

Edward gritted his teeth, a trace of resentment flashed in his eyes.

 Just now, he never expected that this young Chinese man in his early twenties would become the variable in the entire battle!

 But even Edward had to admit that the dozens of abyssal beasts that appeared with this boy did have the power to change the situation!

 The rest of the Abyssal Beasts have been sent by Lin Yuan to support the military department on the frontal battlefield.

However, even so, Edward's situation is still not optimistic. Because he faced not only Feng Tianrong, Wang Tianjie, and Li Fenyou, but also Lin Yuan and the Final Hydra behind him!

 In this case, unless Edward has the strength of a ninth-level king, it will be almost impossible to break out of the siege.

“Edward, I never thought that you would have such an embarrassing day...”

 A woman's chuckle soon rang in everyone's ears.

Lin Yuan followed the sound and found that a beautiful woman with lake-blue hair appeared beside Edward at some point, with a slight smile on her lips.

After seeing the woman in front of him, Lin Yuan recognized her identity at a glance.

 Vice president of the Nordic Alliance of Gods, ‘Ocean Goddess’ Anna!

Edward gritted his teeth and said coldly: "Anna, stop making sarcastic comments here. You can bear the blow just now and try it!"

This beautiful woman named Anna covered her mouth and chuckled: "I'm not as stupid as you."

Edward continued to speak in a deep voice: "Be careful, this black-haired Chinese boy is a little weird, he can control the abyssal beast!"

After Edward said these words, Anna frowned slightly, looked at Lin Yuan with a slightly surprised look, and said thoughtfully: "I said how could so many high-level abyssal beasts appear on the frontal battlefield for no reason? It turns out that They all came at the call of this boy.”

Then, Anna's pure and cold eyes looked at Lin Yuan unabashedly, with a slightly burning charm in her eyes: "Little guy, my sister admires you very much. Do you want to consider joining our gods?" Where is the alliance?”

Lin Yuan glanced at her and said seriously: "If your **** were bigger, maybe I would agree to it."

 After Lin Yuan said these words, everyone present was stunned.

Li Fengyou suppressed laughter until her face turned red. She never thought that Lin Yuan was so courageous and started teasing him directly!

Wang Tianjie laughed loudly and patted Lin Yuan on the shoulder: "Boy, you are a good man, I admire you!"

 “Haha, what an interesting little guy…”

 Anna did not get angry, but covered her mouth and chuckled. However, a hidden cold light flashed in her eyes.

 At this moment, the third figure also arrived here!

  After seeing this familiar figure, Lin Yuan couldn't help but narrowed his eyes.

 Because the figure in front of him, wearing a black robe and holding a skull scepter, was the one who had fought with him before...'Necromancer' Losius!

 “It’s such a coincidence that we meet again.”

Losius was the first to speak, breaking the silence with a smile. There was a hint of evil in his smile.

“Yeah, I really didn’t expect that we would meet again in this way.”

A bright smile also bloomed on Lin Yuan's face: "It's just this time... I won't let you go so easily."

"Today, I will kill you!"

 (End of this chapter)

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