Chapter 252

 The word "go to death" came out of Feng Tianrong's mouth, and it seemed extremely decisive and solemn.

 However, at this moment, a figure suddenly stopped in front of Feng Tianrong.

 The next second, a purple skeletal arm condensed into reality in front of this figure!

The figure in front of me is none other than Lin Yuan!

 And what he used was the power of the Mangekyō Sharingan, Susanoo!

Furthermore, in order to block the bone blade launched by Rosius, Lin Yuan also deliberately integrated the power of his soul into Susanoo's skeletal arm!

This dark purple skeletal arm bent directly into an arm, protecting Lin Yuan within it, like a copper wall and an iron wall, blocking all the forest-white bone blades in front of him!

“Senior Feng, I’m so sorry, it’s not the time for you to die yet.”

Lin Yuan turned around, smiled and said to Feng Tianrong.

 “You boy…”

Feng Tianrong looked at Lin Yuan and quickly reacted: "Have you successfully refined the Heart of the Abyss Realm?"

Lin Yuan smiled and nodded noncommittally.

“I really didn’t expect that the heart of the abyss was actually successfully refined by you.”

 Losius's voice sounded faintly in Lin Yuan's ears.

He stared at the latter, his eyes as cold as a poisonous snake: "You have nothing to do here, why do you have to get involved and die?"

“So what if you refine the Heart of the Abyss? In such a short period of time, you simply cannot absorb the energy contained in the Heart of the Abyss.”

“As long as I kill you, the heart of the abyss will still belong to us!”

As soon as he finished speaking, Edward and Anna came towards Lin Yuan from two different directions to kill him!

"is that so?"

Lin Yuan chuckled and said, "I have told you a long time ago that I have been betting from the beginning. Obviously, I won the bet!"

The next second, Lin Yuan's figure suddenly turned into a bolt of lightning, dodging Edward and Anna's attacks while fleeing into the distance.

"kill him!"

Roxius’ voice was cold: “Don’t give him a chance to absorb energy!”

However, he suddenly noticed that the direction Lin Yuan was escaping was not elsewhere, but the direction where the Final Hydra was!

“You are right, in such a short period of time, I really cannot absorb the energy of the Heart of the Abyss by myself.”

 Lin Yuan grinned and smiled brightly: "But... I don't seem to have said that I have to absorb the energy of the Heart of the Abyss by myself, right?"

Losius frowned, and an ominous premonition flashed through his heart.

Subsequently, Lin Yuan raised his right hand and directly condensed a dark red light ball, which floated towards the Final Hydra.

After the latter saw this energy light group, a trace of extremely humanistic fanaticism flashed in his snake eyes.

 One of the heads opened its mouth directly and swallowed it into its mouth without hesitation!

At this moment, the momentum of Hydra finally surged, and even its body swelled several points along with it!

These abyssal beasts were originally born from the secret realm of the abyss.

 So if they absorb the energy in the Heart of the Abyss, they can naturally achieve twice the result with half the effort!

And this is exactly what Lin Yuan is betting on!

 He bets that the energy contained in the heart of the Abyss can allow the Abyss beast to evolve smoothly!

 Now it seems...he made the right bet.

After receiving the energy blessing from the Heart of the Abyss, the Hydra finally let out a violent roar. The next second, one of its heads spit out a large cloud of ice mist directly towards the dead bone dragon in front of it.

 Surrounded by ice and fog, the temperature dropped sharply.

This dead soul bone dragon, which was already scarred, was actually frozen into an ice sculpture by the ice mist spitted out by the Final Hydra!

 After evolution, there are no other adjectives that can be used to describe the final Hydra except for its strength and terror.

However, Lin Yuan did not stop there.

 He continuously extracted the energy from the Heart of the Abyss and sent it towards the Abyss Beast on the frontal battlefield!

 Suddenly, more and more Abyss beasts have evolved under the energy of the Heart of the Abyss!

 Under this situation, the abyssal beast on the frontal battlefield completely entered a violent state!


 The sound of the beast's roar sounded like thunder.

The abyssal beast group, which had been forcibly suppressed by the warriors from the three parties, finally launched a counterattack!

 A strengthened Abyss Beast Demonic Lion, its body size has more than doubled, and the muscles on the beast's body are as strong as steel.

It roared and pounced on a foreign venerable, and in the midst of lightning and flint, it forcibly bit off the opponent's head!

The companion of the foreign venerable was about to step forward to rescue him, but his heart was suddenly pierced by a scorpion tail that came from nowhere!

 After being strengthened, this abyssal beast venomous scorpion is not only faster, but also more elusive. Even the poison on the scorpion's tail has become a little more intense.

After being pierced by the scorpion tail, the dark green poison was quickly injected into the body of this foreign venerable and spread along his blood.

 In just a few seconds, this foreign venerable completely lost his life.

  As more and more Abyssal beasts are strengthened.

 The situation on the frontal battlefield has changed unconsciously!

The warriors of the Chinese Military Department also officially launched a counterattack along with the violent Abyssal Beast!


 “Damn it, **** it!”

In Losius's eyes, cold murderous intent suddenly emerged.

He never expected that Lin Yuan would think of using the power of the Heart of the Abyss to strengthen the Abyss beast he controlled!

“If this continues, we will definitely lose, we must stop him!”

Edward also realized the seriousness of the situation, and his body suddenly turned into a fiery red stream of light, heading towards Lin Yuan to kill!

However, there was no trace of fear on Lin Yuan's face.

He raised his head and said calmly: "Kill me, are you sure?"

Before Edward could reach Lin Yuan, a huge black shadow appeared in front of him.

Nine different attribute energies are once again condensed on the nine heads of the Final Hydra into the majestic...power of Finality!

 Such a terrifying energy intensity is enough to make everyone’s heart tremble!

Lin Yuan stared at Edward indifferently, and his cold voice seemed to come from the Nine Nether Hell: "I want to see if you can survive this time."

 (End of this chapter)

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