Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 254: Losius is dead and the war is over! 【First update!

Chapter 254 Losius dies and the war ends! 【First update! 】

This condensed half of Susanoo directly protected Lin Yuan without exposing any blind spots or flaws!

And Susanoo's dark purple skeleton was incredibly tough. When it collided with it, all the water daggers were bent and shattered without exception!

"How can it be?!"

Ana's pupils shrank suddenly. She obviously didn't expect that Lin Yuan would stop her with all her strength so easily!

 “Next…it’s my turn.”

Lin Yuan's indifferent and cold voice sounded faintly in Anna's ears.

The next second, his figure flew out of the sky like an eagle, and the purple shadow formed by Susanoo, like a guardian angel, followed Lin Yuan!

 “Sea Barrier!”

Faced with Lin Yuan, whose strength was unknown, Anna did not dare to have the slightest hope. She chanted a spell quickly, and a barrier that seemed to be made of sea waves instantly appeared in front of her!

However, Lin Yuan didn't care. He raised his hand brazenly, controlled Susanoo's giant purple fist, and forcibly smashed towards the sea barrier in front of him!

 In the face of absolute power, any strength is nothing more than a joke.

What Lin Yuan has to do is to use force to break the law and use violence to control violence!


Following a crisp sound like a broken mirror, countless cracks suddenly appeared on the wave-like barrier in front of you.

Lin Yuan’s eyes were indifferent and he chose to continue to work hard!

But the sea barrier in front of him finally couldn't withstand Susanoo's violent power and shattered with a bang.

Anna's face was ashen, and she watched helplessly as Susanoo's dark purple skeletal giant fist came towards her!

  She never thought that she would die here...

 At this moment, Anna's heart was full of regret.

I am obviously expected to break through the King of Heaven.

 Reluctance, regret, despair!


With a soft sound, the crystal ball in Anna's hand suddenly broke.

At the same time, her body was smashed into the ground by Susanoo. The dust flew into the ground, completely cutting off her life!

Following Edward from the Order of the Phoenix, Anna, the ‘Ocean Goddess’ of the Alliance of Gods, also died at the hands of Lin Yuan.

Among the three forces that encircled and suppressed the Huaxia Military Department, the leaders of two forces were killed by Lin Yuan.

Such a record, just talking about it, is enough to make people astonished.

 After Anna's death, Losius' expression turned extremely ugly.

 He did not expect that Lin Yuan could kill Anna so easily with just his own strength.

 This guy is really too evil.

Thinking of this, Losius instantly made up his mind not to continue entangled with the Final Hydra, turned around and wanted to escape!

Things have developed to this point, and Losius knows in his heart that they have lost the qualification to compete for the heart of the abyss.

 “Now that things have happened, do you still want to escape?”

On Losius's escape path, a huge purple figure suddenly appeared in front of him, and asked with a sneer.

 “You insist on killing them all?”

Roxius looked cold and gritted his teeth as he spoke.

"Kill them all?" Lin Yuan smiled: "When these words come out of your mouth, why do they sound so high-sounding?"

“If we were defeated, do you think you would be generous enough to let us go?”

With a ferocious look on his face, Losius suddenly raised his hand and shot several bone spurs directly towards Lin Yuan!

Lin Yuan frowned, raised his hand and condensed a piece of lightning, blocking all the bone spurs.

However, Losius took advantage of this opportunity and instantly dodged in front of Lin Yuan, and the sharp bone blade forcibly cut towards the latter's neck!

“It’s now like this, are you still thinking of killing me?”

A sneer appeared on the corner of Lin Yuan's mouth.

 The next second, Susanoo's dark purple giant fist forcibly hit Losius's body!


With a roar, the bone armor around Losius shattered inch by inch, just like window paper that had been casually punctured.

 Losius's eyes were full of horror.

  Susanoo's shooting speed was actually a few points faster than him!

 In addition, the power contained in this punch also made Losius feel scared.

 Damn did this kid become so strong? !

If I remember correctly, Lin Yuan had never shown such unrivaled power before.

  Could it be that he had been hiding his strength before? !

 If this is really the case, then this guy’s scheming is too deep!

Before Losius could figure it out, Susanoo's second punch came down again!

 This time, Lin Yuan obviously did not intend to let him go.

Susanoo's heavy punches, one after another, hit Losius' body like a sudden rain!

Facing Susanoo in a semi-complete state, Losius had no power to fight back at all and was completely at the mercy of Lin Yuan.

After this round of almost violent offensive, the bone armor on Losius's body had completely cracked.

Not only that, Losius’ internal organs were probably completely exploded.


His body collapsed on the ground, coughing out a large mouthful of blood, and his eyes gradually lost their vitality.

Lin Yuan stepped forward and cut off Losius's head with a calm face.

 Subsequently, he came to Anna's body and cut off her head as well.

It is a pity that Edward's body has been completely annihilated into ashes under the energy beam formed by the final power.

After cutting off the two heads, Lin Yuan threw the two heads directly to Feng Tianrong.

“Senior Feng, take it over there to demonstrate.”

Feng Tianrong was slightly stunned at first, but then he quickly came to his senses and said with a smile: "You kid, you are really thoughtful."

Now, Losius, Edward, and Anna are dead. If this news is conveyed to the frontal battlefield, the three forces of the Society of the Dead, the Order of the Phoenix, and the Alliance of Gods will inevitably lose their morale.

Even if the Chinese Armed Forces already have an advantage on the frontal battlefield, this move can still reduce the casualties of the Armed Forces as much as possible.

Thinking of this, Feng Tianrong directly took the head thrown by Lin Yuan and flew through the air in the direction of the battlefield.

 An unprecedented war that broke out between multiple forces to compete for the heart of the abyss is finally coming to an end.

 (End of this chapter)

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