Chapter 263 Xu Ying’s plan!

Under Xu Tianwu’s inquiry, Xu Ying quickly narrated the whole incident.

However, he hid some of the most critical information.

He only informed Xu Tianwu that Lin Yuan had successfully broken through to the eighth level and had the combat power of the Venerable Realm.

 But he did not reveal to Xu Tianwu that Lin Yuan had the ability to control the Abyssal Beast!

In Xu Ying's words, the Chinese Military Department and the three forces of the Order of the Phoenix, the Society of the Dead, and the Alliance of Gods launched an extremely brutal fight.

 But in the end, the Heart of the Abyss was obtained by Lin Yuan who had been lurking in the dark!

In order to reverse the situation of the battle, Feng Tianrong had to forcefully hold back the enemy and create an opportunity for Lin Yuan to refine the Heart of the Abyss.

Hearing this, Xu Tianwu couldn't help but frowned: "Lin Yuan's luck is too good, and he can win the heart of the Yuan Realm!"

 In fact, there are still some minor flaws in Xu Ying's rhetoric.

But the key is that this time, only Lin Yuan, Feng Tianrong and Xu Ying left the secret realm of Yuanjie.

Even if Xu Tianwu was suspicious, he had no way to prove it.

Moreover, the most important thing is that it is impossible for Xu Tianwu to have any suspicion about Xu Ying.

 Xu Ying has always been his shadow, loyal to only him.

Even if Xu Tianwu suspected anyone, it was impossible for him to suspect Xu Ying.

 Even if Xu Tianwu asked Xu Ying to betray the Xu family, the latter would probably do it without hesitation.

Xu Tianwu would never have thought that Xu Ying had been controlled by Lin Yuan using other gods.

 Furthermore, the method adopted by other gods is extremely hidden and completely beyond common sense.

Even a person with spiritual power at the level of a heavenly king may not be able to see through that Xu Ying has been controlled by Lin Yuan using other gods.

 Subsequently, Xu Ying revealed a very crucial piece of information to Xu Tianwu.

 That is, in at least half a month, Lin Yuan will be included in the "protector list" by the human parliament because he has the "Heart of the Abyss".

At that time, if the Xu family wants to touch Lin Yuan or his family, they will have to carefully consider whether they can withstand the wrath of the human parliament.

 After hearing the news, Xu Tianwu's face turned completely gloomy.

 For him, this is absolutely bad news.

Xu Tianwu could only understand the evil nature of Lin Yuan's talent.

 This is evident from the fact that he broke through to the eighth level of the Venerable Realm in just half a year.

If he were allowed to grow up under the protection of the Human Parliament, the consequences... would be simply unimaginable.

 Even for the Xu family, it will be a disaster.

Xu Tianwu frowned and thought for a long time.

Then, he suddenly raised his head, looked straight at Xu Ying in front of him, and asked in a deep voice: "By the way, I still don't know how you came back."

"Since the heart of the abyss is in that boy Lin Yuan, no one else should be able to open the space passage to the earth except him, right?"

When Xu Tianwu said these words, his eyes kept falling on Xu Ying's face, as if he wanted to get some clues from the changes in the latter's expression.

 It was not that he was really suspicious of Xu Ying, but that Xu Tianwu had always been such a cautious character.

Moreover, for Xu Tianwu, this is indeed a doubtful point.

 Fortunately, Lin Yuan had long expected that Xu Tianwu would ask such a question.

 He made sufficient preparations before letting Xu Ying return to the Xu family. Faced with Xu Tianwu's questioning, Xu Ying replied calmly: "The heart of the Abyss is in Lin Yuan's hands. Of course, only he can open the passage to the earth."

"However, when he left the secret realm of the Abyss, he also brought a group of warriors from the Military Department with him, and I happened to disguise myself as a warrior from the Military Department and successfully blended in."

 Xu Tianwu nodded.

 Xu Ying, as his shadow, has received various special trainings since he was a child.

 It is not difficult for him to change his appearance and change his aura.

Xu Ying can completely kill a member of the military department silently and then replace the other person's presence.

Thinking of this, Xu Tianwu asked again: "Then why did you do this? Did you predict in advance that Lin Yuan would win the Heart of the Abyss?"

Xu Ying shook his head and said: "Of course I don't have the ability to predict the future. I disguised myself as a member of the military department just to kill Lin Yuan in the melee!"

 Speaking of this, Xu Ying's eyes flashed with resentment and violence, and he gritted his teeth and said: "He killed the young master, no matter what... I will kill him to avenge you!"

 The emotions shown by Xu Ying made Xu Tianwu slightly moved.

However, if Lin Yuan were present, he would definitely not be able to help clapping his hands and exclaiming in admiration. This acting... is definitely a veteran!

Then, Xu Ying's expression showed a hint of dejection: "It's a pity that Lin Yuan and Feng Tianrong were too close, so I never found the opportunity to kill him."

 “Feng Tianrong?”

Xu Tianwu's face showed a slight expression: "This time, the leader of the Chinese Military Department is the 'Tianzhan Zun' Feng Tianrong?"

 Xu Ying nodded slightly: "It's him."

"Fortunately, you didn't kill anyone in front of Feng Tianrong, otherwise...not only would you not be able to kill Lin Yuan, you would have died there instead."

Xu Tianwu glanced at Xu Ying and said calmly.

Xu Ying pretended to be surprised and said: "This Feng he really that strong?"

“The first person under the King of Heaven, do you think this title is just talk?”

Xu Tianwu waved his hand: "Okay, let's not mention Feng Tianrong. You can continue."


 Xu Ying nodded and said again: "Actually... after the war is over, I don't have no chance to assassinate Lin Yuan."

 “It’s just that I didn’t do it.”

Hearing Xu Ying's words, Xu Tianwu's eyes suddenly became sharp, and he said in a deep voice: "Why?"

Xu Ying said calmly: "Because I think it would be too wasteful to kill him like this."

"I have a plan, a plan that can benefit the Xu family and become the top power in China!"

Xu Tianwu was shocked.

 With his wisdom, of course he had already guessed what Xu Ying's plan was.

 He obviously did not expect that Xu Ying, his own shadow, would have such broad ambitions.

Then, Xu Ying slowly said his plan: "We can forcefully kill Lin Yuan before he is included in the protector list by the human parliament, and... seize the heart of the abyss in his body!"

 (End of this chapter)

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