Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 295: Fruit awakening, thunder field!

Chapter 295 Fruit Awakening, Thunder Realm!

Ying Jiejie sneered twice: "After my realm was opened, I only pulled you into the shadow realm."

“In this case, not to mention your abyssal beasts, even the king of heaven at the level of Nanyunjing can’t get in!”

Lin Yuan narrowed his eyes and said calmly: "Are you going to kill me here?"

 “What if?”

The shadow laughed ferociously, and suddenly rushed out. The shadow behind him instantly formed thousands of sharp daggers, and they all rushed towards Lin Yuan!

 Instant Shadow Thousand Killing Formation!


Faced with the killing situation in front of him, Lin Yuan chose to use Susanoo without hesitation. The purple energy shadow suddenly transformed into a Susanoo body, blocking all the shadow daggers for him.

"Although he is only an eighth-level venerable, he is surprisingly difficult to deal with..."

Ying stepped out in the air, and the dagger in his hand suddenly flashed with a cold light, and he slashed towards Lin Yuan who was hiding under Susanoo!

However, the latter's figure disappeared out of thin air, and even the condensed Susanoo also dissipated with it!

“Has this kid...hidden his identity?”

Ying frowned, and directly activated his own domain, mobilized the power of shadow, and formed countless shadow crows as black as ink!

 The next second, these shadow crows created by him strangled in all directions in an instant, like countless sharp knives!

 Three thousand shadow crows killed!

 “Chi chi chi chi—”

 However, the three thousand shadow crows dispersed without causing any substantial damage.

 Because of his move, there was no trace of Lin Yuan at all.

Logically speaking, even if he hides his body shape and aura, he still exists physically.

Three Thousand Shadow Crows were able to kill such a large-scale group attack but failed to find out the opponent. This can only mean that Lin Yuan has used space magic to forcefully hide in the twisted space.

 This ability of Lin Yuan was mentioned in the information provided to them by the parliament.

However, Ying also knew the shortcomings of Lin Yuan's move.

 That is, if you want to maintain the twisted space, the consumption of mental power is very huge.

In other words, he didn't even need to take action. Before long, Lin Yuan would be out of the twisted space due to exhaustion of mental power.

 At that time, it will be his death.

“Obviously it’s just an insect that can be easily crushed, but it has so many troublesome methods. After he comes out, I will definitely kill him to death...”

Ying looked around, muttering to himself, and a ferocious look appeared on his face involuntarily.


 Within the divine power space.

Lin Yuan sat cross-legged, eyes closed, and his own mental power was also being consumed rapidly.

Ying's guess was not wrong. At the same time as he displayed the Thousand Killing Formation of Instant Shadows, Lin Yuan had already activated the ability of the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan, opening up the divine power space.

However, Lin Yuan's purpose of hiding in the divine power space was not entirely to avoid the attack of the shadow.

Of course Lin Yuan knew that blindly running away and blindly hiding would not help at all.

Only by killing the opponent can you crack the opponent's shadow realm!

 With his current strength, of course he cannot do it.

However, he is not without any opportunities.

Lin Yuan thought, and a card engraved with mysterious patterns immediately appeared in front of him.

 This card is the reward he received for his previous choice—the Devil Fruit Awakening Card!

Devil Fruit Awakening Card [Special Item] Introduction to the item: After use, it can directly increase the level of the Devil Fruit to the level where it can be awakened.

“Can the Devil Fruit be awakened after using it?”

Lin Yuan looked at the card introduction in front of him and murmured to himself.

To be honest, he didn’t know what kind of power his thunder fruit would have after it awakened.

However, Lin Yuan can't think about it that much now.

 Because awakening the Devil Fruit is the only way he can improve his strength now.


Lin Yuan muttered silently, and the card in front of him instantly turned into a stream of blue light like thunder, and merged into his body.

 The next second, Lin Yuan's eyes suddenly opened wide.

After the Devil Fruit Awakening Card was used, he only felt that something... was awakened deep in his body!

The surging thunder energy, like a flood that has opened a floodgate, washed away towards his limbs and bones.

Lin Yuan could clearly feel that the thunder energy in his body had become increasingly purer, as if it had been polished and tempered again and again.

At the same time, Lin Yuan also felt that the connection between himself and the energy of thunder became closer.

 This is a rather mysterious feeling.

If we say that Lin Yuan before was only able to control the thunder to attack and defend at will.

So, at this moment, these thunders seemed to have completely become a part of his body.

With a thought in his mind, Lin Yuan tapped his fingertips and constructed an exact copy of himself directly in front of him with thunder.

 Then, he waved his hand, and the thunder in front of him dispersed into a burst of thunder again.

 Before the Thunder Fruit awakened, I would never have been able to perform such a detailed operation.

Furthermore, Lin Yuan could feel that the benefits brought by fruit awakening went far beyond the improvement of control.

 “Thunder, rise.”

Lin Yuan raised his hands, and the thunder around him spread like a torrent, eventually forming an existence like a sea of ​​thunder!

At this moment, Lin Yuan, who was in the sea of ​​thunder, was like the Lord of Thunder who controlled the thunder.

Now, he can create a world entirely made of thunder at will with just a few movements of his hands.


Thunder World?

Lin Yuan seemed to have captured the key point of this. He closed his eyes and began to pour the thunder in his body around him without reservation!

Soon, he discovered that even after Thunder left the body, it still maintained inextricable connections with him.

If the thunder summoned by Lin Yuan before was energy and would be consumed after use, then the current thunder is still a part of his body even after it leaves his body!

 Thunder for me.

 I am the thunder.

After awakening from the Thunder Fruit, Lin Yuan finally touched that mysterious thread.

 Isn’t what he is displaying right now...the field?

Moreover, it belongs to him alone, the Thunder Domain!

 (End of this chapter)

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