Chapter 298 Evacuate!

 Shadow is dead? !

 The Bone King who escaped quickly conveyed the news.

The remaining kings of the Dark Parliament all looked surprised.

How could Ying, who was the best at assassination, die at the hands of that kid Lin Yuan? !

Moreover, what makes them even more unbelievable is that according to Gu, Lin Yuan is now the King of Heaven!

This news was like a depth charge, causing huge waves.

If what Gu said is true, then... today's Lin Yuan may be called the youngest king in the world today!

You know, from the end of the martial arts test to today, only a little more than a year has passed.

In more than a year, Lin Yuan broke through five realms in a row and abruptly transformed from an inconspicuous fourth-level warrior to the ninth-level king today!

“Is it the function of the heart of the abyss?”

The king with four flying swords on his back frowned slightly and murmured to himself.

Other than the effectiveness of the Heart of the Abyss, he really couldn't figure out why Lin Yuan was able to break through so quickly in such a short period of time.

"Since the shadows are dead, there is no need to continue fighting between you and me."

 Wumian raised his head, looked at Shen Wuya in front of him calmly, and spoke calmly.

Then, he thought, and the four flying swords that were fighting with Shen Wuya floated back behind him like birds returning to their nests.

 “You want to leave? Have you asked me?”

Shen Wuya narrowed his eyes dangerously, and his tone could not help but contain a hint of evil.

Although he usually looks depressed and idle.

 But when he was really ready to fight, it was like a famous sword unsheathed, with its edge fully displayed!

 However, the other party ignored him. After taking back the flying sword, he turned around and wanted to leave.

 Shen Wuya didn't say anything more, he just took a step forward!

This step, as if he were so far away, made the distance between him and the other party much closer in an instant!

 At the same time, a dazzling black-yellow light also appeared on the sword in his hand!

 The reason why he didn't speak was because some things were more useful to do than to say.

Shen Wuya's eyes were cold and silent. Light suddenly appeared on the blade. He held the handle of the knife tightly with his right hand and suddenly slashed at the opponent!

 Dragon the wild!


“As expected of the Mowu Sword, I haven’t seen you for so many years, and your sword skills have become even more refined!”

Tian Guanghao was holding two hammers, breathing heavily, his eyes fixed on Wang Zhanlin in front of him.

He looked extremely embarrassed, and his body was covered with large and small knife marks. He had obviously suffered serious injuries from Wang Zhanlin's hands.

Wang Zhanlin stood with a knife in his hand and said coldly: "Are all the Dark Council people like you? If this is the case, then there is no need for your organization to exist at all. Why are you talking about subverting the world? Order should be destroyed as soon as possible!"

What Wang Zhanlin said was harsh, but he did have the capital to say it.

 Because compared with Tian Guanghao's miserable situation, Wang Zhanlin seemed to be doing well.

He easily suppressed the former Tianchuan City guard without the sword being unsheathed!

The Mowu Sword is not just an ordinary person. However, Wang Zhanlin noticed something.

That is, when Tian Guanghao makes a move, there is often a dark light surrounding his double hammers!

Wang Zhanlin is very sure that these dark lights definitely do not belong to Tian Guanghao's own energy and blood!

However, with the blessing of Dark Light, Tian Guanghao exploded with even more majestic power, and even the speed of his attacks increased by a few points!

If Wang Zhanlin hadn't been working hard and not taking it lightly, he might not have been able to suppress Tian Guanghao, who was like a ferocious beast in human form.

However, facing Wang Zhanlin's sarcasm, Tian Guanghao didn't take it at all.

He grinned and said with a sinister smile: "The power of the Dark Parliament... is beyond your imagination."

"Originally, I wanted to try to see if I could force you to strike out with that knife. But now it seems that there is no chance. Things will not change, but we will see you later!"

 “When we meet next time, I will only be stronger than now!”

 “At that time, I will come again to take your head!”

As soon as he finished speaking, Tian Guanghao turned around and ran away from this place without any hesitation!

“You don’t have to wait until next time, I can kill you today!”

Looking at Tian Guanghao who turned around and ran away, Wang Zhanlin frowned, kicked his right foot on the ground suddenly, and ejected like a cannonball, quickly pursuing him!

However, at this moment, a forest-white bone wall suddenly rose in front of Wang Zhanlin, blocking his way.

 In order to help Tian Guanghao escape smoothly, the Bone King... finally took action!


 “Old guy, I won’t play with you anymore!”

With a wild laugh, the figure of the Dark Thunder King instantly turned into a dark red thunder, quickly broke away from the battle with Li Tianchou, and flew away at an extremely fast speed. Obviously, I want to leave Yanjing Wuhan University!

 After receiving the news that the shadow had fallen and Lin Yuan had become the King of Heaven, his first reaction was to retreat!

However, when he was evacuating, Li Tianchou didn't make any move, and didn't even make a move to stop him. He just watched the opponent fly away in the direction away from the battlefield.

 Because he knew deep down in his heart that the opponent was a king who was known for his speed. Even if he wanted to stop him, he might not be able to intercept the opponent.

Moreover, the purpose of this mission is not to kill the King of Dark Parliament, but to protect Lin Yuan from harm!

As long as Lin Yuan is fine, there is not much difference between killing one more Heavenly King and killing one less Heavenly King.

Thinking like this, Li Tianchou's figure suddenly turned into a stream of light and quickly rushed towards the direction of Nan Yunjing and Lin Yuan.


 “Mission failed?”

Yanjing City, inside a low house in the suburbs.

Yakshanu frowned as she looked at the message coming from the transmitter.

Skull Mask said in surprise: "Can't five kings take down that kid? It seems that the opponent is indeed well prepared."

 “By the way, what’s going on now?”

 “Shadow is dead, the other four are preparing to evacuate now!”

"Okay, don't talk so much nonsense." Yaksha stood up directly and said in a deep voice: "The situation is critical, we need to dispatch immediately to cover their retreat! And, if possible, let us force them Kill Lin Yuan... and seize the heart of the Yuan Realm!"

 (End of this chapter)

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