Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 323: The Seven Sins Bring Destruction (Part 2)

Chapter 323 Seven Sins Bring Destruction (Part 2)

After Envy's chest was penetrated by Gengunir, Odin strode towards him without hesitation. He probably wanted to confirm the death of Envy and pulled out Gengunir.

However, what he didn't expect was that just when he was only three steps away from jealousy, he was horrified to find that... he couldn't control his legs!

At this moment, a jealous sneer sounded in his ears.

This guy... is not dead!

 “Damn it, what did you do to me?!”

Odin glared angrily. He seemed to have completely lost control of his body, and only his consciousness was still awake.

"I have to admit that your power is indeed terrifying. If it were an ordinary King of Heaven, I would have been pierced through the heart by your spear."

Jealousy grinned, stretched out his hand, slowly pulled out Gengunir from his chest, and threw it casually in front of Odin.

"It's a pity...what you don't know is that there is no heart at all in my chest."

After saying this, the smile on Jealousy's face became even crazier. He raised his hand and casually opened his chest with his extremely sharp nails.

 Then what happened in front of him made Odin feel sick!

Jealousy was right, there was indeed no heart in his chest.

To be more precise, there are no internal organs in this guy's body at all.

 Because what Odin saw from the crack was only a large number of white, fleshy insects, like worms, writhing wantonly in Envy's body.

This guy's body is completely made up of these disgusting and disgusting insects!

 “In this world, not all goals must be achieved through fighting.”

“Just like now, although my strength is not as good as yours, your life and death are already in my hands.”

“These little guys in my body are a special kind of parasite. They can not only paralyze your nerves, but also **** out the qi and blood in your body.”

"Believe me, as long as I move my finger now, you will be sucked alive into a mummy in less than a minute."

At this moment, an extremely dazzling thunderbolt descended from the sky and landed on the jealous body with a roar!

The lightning exploded, and Envy's body was charred black, and even the parasites in his body were killed and wounded numerous times.

Then, a burly man holding a giant hammer descended from the air and said coldly: "I have to say, your parasite's ability is quite interesting, but it's a pity that it's too weak and there's too much nonsense. ”

This man wore an eagle helmet, had a slightly curly beard, and held an extremely eye-catching blue hammer in his hand.

Under the exploding lightning, Envy's figure turned into a charred corpse. Countless white parasites poured out of his body and fled crazily in all directions!

 Obviously, these parasites are the true essence of jealousy.

Facing the densely packed parasites, this burly man didn't take it seriously at all, but raised the giant hammer in his hand again.

When the blue giant hammer fell in the sky, countless dazzling thunder lights suddenly exploded with the giant hammer as the center, quickly forming a blue sea of ​​thunder!

 In an instant, all the parasites who tried to escape were buried in this sea of ​​thunder!

 “Done, call it a day.”

This burly man with a slightly curly beard grinned and put the thunder hammer back on his waist with his backhand.

After the death of Jealousy, Odin was also freed from the control of the parasite. After moving his body, he whispered: "Thank you so much this time, Zeus." The burly man who rescued him, It is Zeus, the lord of gods from the Greek 'pantheon', who is also the king of gods who controls thunder in ancient Greek mythology.

After becoming kings of heaven, most of these foreign sages like to use the names of these gods as their titles, but naturally they must have matching strength.

 What surprised Odin was that their Nordic Gods Alliance had never dealt with the Greek pantheon very well, but he did not expect that the other party would actually come to save him this time.

"You're welcome." Zeus waved his hand and grinned: "We are facing a great enemy. The Dark Council is our common enemy, so let's forget about those personal grudges."

 “If you really feel sorry for me, just think you owe me a favor.”


“Thank you very much, Mr. Nan Yunjing, for your help. Otherwise, we might not be able to do anything to this Seven Sins Divine Envoy.”

Beside Nan Yunjing, a foreign venerable man raised his hands in a respectful manner and thanked him.

"There is no need to be polite. This man massacred our Chinese warriors before. I have a reason to kill him."

Nanyun Jing waved his hand and spoke calmly.

A powerful and experienced heavenly king like Nan Yunjing is respected by everyone wherever he goes, even regardless of his nationality.

 The person they were besieging and killing was none other than the last of the Seven Sins, Lazy!

 At this point, the seven black-robed divine envoys in the name of the seven deadly sins were destroyed one after another, and no one survived!

 Fortunately, there were enough powerful people on the side of the Human Parliament, and the threat was nipped in the bud before the Seven Sins' envoys increased their casualties.

However, even so, the casualties suffered by the Human Parliament can still only be described as tragic.

After all, in addition to the most powerful Seven Sins Divine Envoy, the strength of the other members of the Dark Council cannot be underestimated, especially when they fight to the death.

No one knows how the Dark Council managed to get this group of people to pledge their loyalty to the death.

However, for the Human Parliament, as long as the cancer of the Dark Parliament can be completely eliminated this time, no matter what the price is, it is not too much.

After the Seven Sins were destroyed, the battle lasted for nearly three hours before it finally came to an end.

 After the battle, the King of the Human Parliament led people directly into the Dark Temple.

 However, the entire Dark Temple was empty, and no useful information was obtained at all.

It seems that the Dark Parliament was probably aware of the human parliament's raid in advance and transferred all the core information in advance, leaving only an empty shell.

After confirming that there were no secret rooms in the temple, the Human Parliament asked the King of Heaven to take action and completely destroy this building.

 Although they won the battle against the Dark Parliament this time, it could not be called a great victory.

 (End of this chapter)

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