Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 354: Burn my blood, serve my spirit, sacrifice my soul!

Chapter 354 Burn my blood, serve my spirit, and sacrifice my soul!

 Burn my blood, serve my spirit, sacrifice my soul!

After the power of blood and spirit, the last thing Lin Yuan could sacrifice was the power of his soul!

However, Lin Yuan has done tests before. After completing the soul sacrifice, although his soul will instantly enter a weak state, it can also recover over time.

 So, now Lin Yuan has only temporarily become a useless person.

 After he poured all the power of his soul into the Seven-Yao Conferring Divine Scepter, the sealing power accumulated in this divine weapon has reached an unprecedented level!

Even the seven obsidian crystals, which were as bright as stars, emitted a brighter light than before!

Seeing this scene, Ji Xuanye finally couldn't hold himself back any longer!

He obviously did not expect that Lin Yuan, who had never been taken seriously by him, would actually have the power to threaten him!

Thinking of this, Ji Xuanye's offensive became even more violent. Now he was extremely eager to kill Lin Yuan!

Facing the attack like a gust of wind and rain, even Wang Zhanlin was a little tired of dealing with it. After all, his strength was not on the same level as Ji Xuanye!

However, Wang Zhanlin also knew that no matter how difficult it was, he had to stand in front of Lin Yuan!

Lin Longshou is accumulating strength and waiting for the opportunity to come.

 So, he is the only one who can protect Lin Yuan now!

 If he cannot hold on, all his efforts will be in vain!

Under Ji Xuanye's crazy bombardment, Wang Zhanlin felt that all the bones in his body were about to break, and his body was covered with blood.

 But his figure was still like a rock, guarding Lin Yuan unmoving!

 Fortunately, at this moment, the Qiyao Divine Scepter... was finally fully charged!


Lin Yuan holds the Seven-Yao Divine Staff, like a true **** from ancient times, uttering maxims and following the rules!

As this syllable fell, the power of the seal surged out from the staff in an instant, turning into seven meteor-like trajectories, heading towards Ji Xuanye's seal!

These seven blocking powers are like shackles, forcibly forming a blockade on it!

Almost in just an instant, Ji Xuanye's body was locked in place!

However, the Seven-Yao Divine Conferring Scepter is said to be able to seal gods, so naturally it can do more than just banning actions!

 As the bans took shape one by one, Ji Xuanye's energy, mental power, soul power, and domain power were all restrained and restricted!

 Suddenly, Ji Xuanye's strength weakened in a trend visible to the naked eye!

The so-called ban means to block everything and imprison everything!

It is true that Lin Yuan is not strong now and cannot yet exert the full power of the Seven Luminaries Divine Scepter.

 Otherwise, Lin Yuan could completely ban Ji Xuanye's full strength and make him become an ordinary mortal!

“Fortunately, you took action in time, otherwise, he would have torn apart all my old bones!”

After Lin Yuan took action, the pressure on Wang Zhanlin's shoulders was much less, and he breathed a long sigh of relief. Then he turned his head, faced Lin Longshou, and shouted loudly: "Seize the opportunity and kill him now..."

At this moment, it is the best time to kill Ji Xuanye!

Of course, Lin Longshou was already prepared. The God of War Domain... had been pushed to the extreme by him. Countless dazzling golden lights shone on the golden seal in front of him, as if it had been tempered thousands of times!

 The next second, the golden seal changed again. In the dazzling golden light, it was tempered into an evil-killing holy sword that was even more dazzling than the golden light! This holy sword embodies all the power Lin Longshou has accumulated. Just looking at it is enough to make people feel fearful!

 Obviously, he was planning to use this sword to kill Ji Xuanye completely!

However, just when the Holy Sword of Killing Evil was completely condensed and formed, another change occurred on Ji Xuanye's side!

Nearly destructive soul power surged out from Ji Xuanye's body, as if he wanted to forcefully break through the blockade of the Seven Lights Divine Scepter!

 “Don’t even think about... trapping me!”

Ji Xuanye’s voice was low and determined, like a demon **** roaring under an abyss of tens of thousands of meters!

At the same time, the Soul-Eating Realm also exploded under Ji Xuanye's prompting!

 The souls in all realms turned into gray-black light and poured into Ji Xuanye's body!

 He wanted to use almost absolute power to forcefully break through the blockade set by Lin Yuan!

As Ji Xuanye gathered his soul power crazily, even the seal set by the Qiyao Divine Scepter began to show signs of being loosened and broken!

It has to be said that the strength gap between Ji Xuanye and Lin Yuan is really too big. Such a huge gap in strength cannot be smoothed out by the Qiyao Divine Scepter.

If the current situation continues as it is, Ji Xuanye may have safely escaped from the ban before Lin Longshou can stab him out.

 Lin Yuan... absolutely cannot tolerate such a thing happening!

The key is that right now, he has no strength at all in his body and is completely an empty shell.

 It is not an exaggeration to use the word “extremely exhausted” to describe the current Lin Yuan.

In such a difficult situation, Lin Yuan began to quickly think about ways to break the situation, wanting to see if he had missed anything.

 Under this situation, a spiritual light suddenly appeared in his mind!

 Perhaps...he has not reached the point where he is truly at the end of his rope!

Thinking of this, Lin Yuan closed his eyes again and began to concentrate on activating the last energy contained in his body!

An aura like an abyss suddenly spread around Lin Yuan!

 What he mobilized was precisely the energy contained in the heart of the Abyss Realm, which was the power of the secret realm that emerged from the secret realm of the Abyss Realm!

At the beginning, Lin Yuan was lucky enough to obtain the Heart of the Abyss Realm and gain control of the secret realm of the Abyss Realm, but because his own strength was too low, he was unable to absorb the power contained in it.

 After Lin Yuan broke through to the Heavenly King Realm, he quickly focused on how to increase the "power of the stars" as quickly as possible, once again forgetting the heart of the Abyss Realm.

 But now, Lin Yuan finally remembered it and the last power contained in his body!

Thinking of this, Lin Yuan did not hesitate, and directly mobilized the energy in the heart of the abyss, and forcibly injected it into the Seven Lights Conferring Divine Scepter, converting all of it into the power of the seal!

 “This time...I want you to die!”

Lin Yuan's eyes were cold, and the fully charged Seven-Yao Conferring Divine Scepter shot out of the void again. The trajectory of the seven forbidden powers was like a meteor streaking across the sky, and was once again sealed on Ji Xuanye's body, as if for the latter. Put on invisible shackles weighing ten thousand kilograms!

"I kill you!"

Ji Xuanye's eyes were about to burst, and he roared like a wild beast!

He frantically used his soul power to try to break free from the shackles of the ban, but it was to no avail!

Lin Yuan tried his best to set up a ban that has completely exceeded the limit that he can forcefully break through with his own strength.

 (End of this chapter)

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