Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 362: I'll break your legs!

Chapter 362 I’ll break your legs!

 “Shen Xiao is here!”

 Among the crowd, someone with sharp eyes saw Shen Xiao's figure and quickly lowered his voice and said something.

This pine forest path is often the only way for Mowu students to go to and from get out of class. There is usually a lot of traffic. It is not surprising that Shen Xiao would pass by here. It can only be said to be too coincidental.

 For a moment, everyone's eyes couldn't help but fall on Shen Xiao, wondering what the latter would do when he saw the scene in front of him.

You must know that Shen Xiao broke the legs of Chu Yu's suitor and threw him into the lake.

If it weren't for the fact that these two people had almost no interactions or interactions on weekdays, I'm afraid the scandal that Shen Xiao was Chu Yu's boyfriend would have spread throughout Mowu.

Soon, Shen Xiao walked in front of the two of them, and during this period, his eyes kept falling on Lin Yuan.

"haven't seen you for a long time."

After arriving in front of Lin Yuan, Shen Xiao finally spoke. He raised his fist with a smile and punched Lin Yuan lightly on the shoulder.

"haven't seen you for a long time."

Lin Yuan also laughed and punched Shen Xiao in the same way.

Although the two of them just exchanged a simple hello, the worldview of the people around them was once again impacted!

What makes them incredible is that Shen Xiao, who has a face that has been frozen for thousands of years, actually smiled and even took the initiative to say hello to others!

 Oh my god...Who is this guy?

This is the rhythm of men and women!

 They seem to have never heard of such a number one figure in Wuhan University!

 Then, Shen Xiao asked softly: "Have all the matters in Yanjing been dealt with?"

Lin Yuan shook his head and said: "It's not over yet, but it's over for the time being, so I have time to come back and see you."

Shen Xiao teased: "I'm afraid you didn't come back to see us, but you came back specifically to see your little girlfriend, right?"

 Listening to Shen Xiao's joke, Lin Yuan couldn't help but be a little surprised.

You must know that if it were Shen Xiao in the past, it would be absolutely impossible for him to make such a joke with him.

 It seems that after completing his revenge against Su Lingxiao, Shen Xiao's character has really changed a lot.

However, before Lin Yuan and Shen Xiao could exchange a few words, another large group of people came rushing over.

Lin Yuan frowned slightly, because he could clearly feel that these people came with bad intentions.

 Obviously, Shen Xiao's sense was equally keen. He just glanced at it and said calmly: "These people should be coming for me."

Lin Yuan subconsciously asked: "Your enemy?"

Shen Xiao nodded: "Barely, speaking of should be related to you."

"related to me?"

Lin Yuan was slightly startled, obviously not quite understanding what Shen Xiao meant by what he said.

You should know that except for staying in Mowu when school first started, he basically spent the rest of his time running around the world. He had no chance or possibility to make any enemies in school.

"Well, did you see the man with the bandage on his leg in the middle?" Shen Xiao explained: "In order to pursue Chu Yu, he pestered your girlfriend for a whole month. Later, he went too far, so I I broke his legs in public and threw him into the Yingxue Lake in our school to let him calm down."

Lin Yuan was slightly stunned.

 According to what Shen Xiao said, this matter really has something to do with him. It's just that Shen Xiao's method of calming people down is really unique. He directly throws people into the lake to calm them down physically.

Thinking of this, Lin Yuan turned around and said to Chu Yu with a smile: "I didn't expect that you, a little girl, are quite good at attracting bees and butterflies."

 “Hmph, that means you are attractive!”

Chu Yu puffed up his chest and spoke with an arrogant look.

Although those suitors were like flies, which annoyed her, Chu Yu would still be happy if she could prove her charm to Lin Yuan in this way.

Lin Yuan raised his eyes and saw that now he could easily see through the strength of the group of people in front of him without even using the Mangekyō Sharingan.

In front of Lin Yuan, they were as if they were naked and had nothing to hide.

“Two eighth-level venerables and twelve martial arts masters, this battle is really not small.”

Looking at the menacing group of people in front of him, Lin Yuan chuckled and commented.

Then, he turned his head, looked at Shen Xiao, and asked, "By the way, what level of cultivation have you reached now?"

Shen Xiao pondered for a moment and replied softly: "I'm at the peak of the seventh level. I'm only one step away from the eighth level of the Venerable Realm."

"However, if you are in the wolf state, even the eighth-level venerable will not be my opponent."

Lin Yuan smacked his lips and commented casually: "Your cultivation speed is a bit slow."

If he remembered correctly, the last time he met Shen Xiao, Shen Xiao already had the strength of the mid-seventh level.

Shen Xiao didn't care and replied casually: "It depends on who I am competing with. If I am competing with you, I will naturally be slower."

 Fortunately, the attention of the people around them is now on another group of people. If they heard the content of the conversation between Lin Yuan and Shen Xiao, they would probably burst into tears.

Damn it, if Shen Xiao’s cultivation speed is still slow, wouldn’t their cultivation speed be at the same level?

“There seem to be a lot of people on the other side. They seem to be well prepared. Just let me handle this matter.”

Lin Yuan looked at the group of people in front of him and couldn't help but grin.

Shen Xiao was very familiar with this little habit of Lin Yuan. Whenever Lin Yuan showed such a smile, it often meant that someone was going to suffer again.

 Hence, Shen Xiao took a step back without hesitation: "Then I'll leave it to you."

 At this moment, the group of people finally came to Lin Yuan.

"Shen Xiao, what are you hiding from? What is there to hide? I am looking for you!"

In the crowd, a limping black-haired young man stood up, his eyes fell on Shen Xiao with extremely malicious eyes, and he spoke with a sinister expression on his face.

Looking at the white gauze wrapped around his leg, Lin Yuan immediately realized that this guy was probably the unlucky guy who was thrown into the lake by Shen Xiao.

Lin Yuan looked at him with interest, smiled and said, "My friend, I wonder why my brother offended you?"

 “Your brother?”

The lame young man gave him a fierce look: "I don't care who you are, I advise you to stay out of this kind of business!"

“If you know what’s going on, get out of here! Otherwise, I’ll break your legs too!”

 (End of this chapter)

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