Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 372: Go to **** to atone for your sins!

Chapter 372: Go to **** to atone for your sins!

Even though the blonde woman’s face was covered in blood and she couldn’t even scream for help, Lin Yuan still felt her fear.

She is not a warrior at all, she is just an ordinary person living in the bustling New York City. She may be a white-collar worker in a company or a waiter in a restaurant, living an ordinary and ordinary life.

 However, when the disaster struck, everyone became the target of slaughter.

Her original life was completely destroyed by the ape-like monster in front of her, simply because the latter wanted to vent her desires.

After the other party committed violence, he brutally tore her body apart.

She was unable to resist at all, because the ape-man monster in front of her had unrivaled power. Even a warrior in the Heavenly King realm might not be able to match it, let alone an ordinary person like her.


The ape-man smiled ferociously and pinched the blond woman's head. His right palm gradually began to exert force, and he forcefully crushed the latter's head open like a watermelon!

Blood splattered everywhere, and the turbid plasma even splashed on the ape-man's body.

However, the latter didn't care. Instead, he dipped a little of it with his finger, put it into his mouth, and tasted it carefully, with a look of satisfaction on his face.

 Such atrocious behavior is simply beyond the capabilities of human beings.

 Even a real beast would not do such a cruel thing.

"If my guess is correct, you should have been a member of the Dark Council, right?"

Lin Yuan stared at the ape-man in front of him and spoke word by word.


Lin Yuan's words obviously aroused the other party's interest. He narrowed his eyes and looked at the former sternly: "How do you know?"

 “How do I know?”

 Lin Yuan grinned and showed a bright smile: "Because I am your ancestor who wore a mask!"

The ape-man reacted instantly. Lin Yuan was playing a trick on him, and a look of violence suddenly flashed across his face!

 After possessing a brand new body, his strength has also undergone earth-shaking changes.

Under this situation, his self-confidence has swelled like never before, and the darkness and violence in his heart have been completely aroused.

It is precisely because of this that he wanders around New York City, venting his inner desires while killing crazily.

 It is no exaggeration to say that his humanity and reason have been completely wiped out.

Facing Lin Yuan’s provocation, he was naturally furious!

"Boy, have you ever tasted the feeling of your skull being crushed inch by inch? Trust me... you will experience it soon!"

 “I will definitely torture you slowly and kill you to death!”

The ape-man opened his arms towards Lin Yuan, his scarlet eyes full of violence and ferocity!

At this moment, a flash of lightning suddenly flashed in front of Lin Yuan!

Before the ape-man could react to what happened, Lin Yuan spoke again: "Before you continue to make noise, I advise you to lower your head and take a look."


The ape-man was slightly startled, and subconsciously looked down.

I saw that his thing had been completely cut off at some point, and fell into a pool of blood. The cut was as smooth as a mirror, and blood was still flowing out. It was only then that the heartbreaking pain spread from his body.

However, compared to the pain, the endless humiliation made him feel even more furious!

The man in front of me...actually cut off his lifeblood in front of him!

 “Die, die!”

The ape-man roared and rushed towards Lin Yuan, slamming down his fists like heavy hammers!

 “You know? Once a person loses his humanity, there is no difference between him and a beast.”

Lin Yuan looked indifferent and said calmly: "Besides... power is not used like you do."

Just as the ape-man's fists fell, a faint purple shadow of a fighting body suddenly appeared behind Lin Yuan!

This phantom is the Susanoo summoned by Lin Yuan using the Mangekyō Sharingan!

Susanoo stretched out his huge purple palms and directly and steadily caught the ape-man's fists!

After Lin Yuan's mental power improved, Susanoo also became more powerful than before!


Susanoo grabbed the ape-man's wrist and exerted force suddenly. Several crisp bones cracking sounds broke out from the latter's wrist!

Under Susanoo's huge force, the bones at the ape-man's wrist were crushed to pieces!

 The severe pain caused the ape-man to wail miserably!

Lin Yuan was still smiling. He smiled and asked, "Is this what you said about the feeling of bones cracking inch by inch?"

 “Let me go...let me go!”

The ape-man struggled violently, but Susanoo's right palm was like an iron pincer, holding him firmly in place.

Although he gained a new body and new strength, he was still as weak as a child in front of Susanoo summoned by Lin Yuan.

 “Isn’t it too late to beg for mercy now?”

Lin Yuan said indifferently: "Take your crimes and go to **** to repent."

As soon as he finished speaking, Susanoo's left palm instantly formed into the shape of a beast's claw, and he thrust it into the ape-man's chest, forcibly grabbing the other's heart and holding it in his hand.

Lin Yuan didn't say any more nonsense and directly gave the order to Susanoo. He suddenly exerted force and crushed the ape-man's heart in an instant.

After his heart ruptured, the ape-man struggled fiercely for a while, until the vitality in his eyes gradually dissipated, and then he opened his eyes wide: "I...I am not willing to..."

 It has obviously been less than half a day since he was resurrected and gained new powers...

Lin Yuan ignored him and threw the dying man aside like garbage. Then he went straight to the body of the blond woman and said softly: "May you rest in peace."

It wasn't that Lin Yuan didn't want to save her, but in that situation, the blond woman had no chance of surviving.

 The only thing he can do is to make the person who caused her harm pay the price with blood!

At the same time, Lin Yuan also knew that tragedies like this were definitely not uncommon in New York City today.

This is not a human world at all, this is hell, a **** full of despair and pain.

And he, Lin Yuan, is not a savior.

 All he can do is to do his best to prevent this despair and pain from spreading to their Chinese territory!

 (End of this chapter)

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