Chapter 378 Demon Queen!

"kill me?"

A delicate smile appeared on the flaming red lips of lust: "Sister, I'm very curious, what are you using to kill me?"

“Is it just the way you look like you can’t even reach out now?!”

 After saying this, a look of violence flashed through Lu Lu's eyes, and the force of his whip became even stronger!

 Under the lash of the long whip, Susanoo began to fade away at a speed visible to the naked eye!

 At this rate, it won't be long before Susanoo can no longer protect Lin Yuan.

 “If you don’t give me back? Then you would be looking down on me too much.”

Lin Yuan smiled and opened his own field without hesitation!

In an instant, blue thunder spread crazily in all directions with Lin Yuan as the center!

Subsequently, a purple thunder bead slowly emerged from in front of Lin Yuan!

"bring it on…"

Lin Yuan closed his eyes and poured all the thunder power in the domain into the Xuan Lei Purple Pearl!

In an instant, the purple thunder completely bloomed, like a purple sun, floating in front of Lin Yuan!

 After the power of Xuan Lei Purple Pearl was fully activated, four phantoms of vicious beasts also condensed in all directions in the Thunder Domain!

 Green Dragon, Fierce Tiger, Suzaku, Xuanwu!

These four phantoms are all made of violent purple thunder, and their power is extremely terrifying!

 What Lin Yuan used... was none other than the Four Evil Thunder Shadows!

Even Lu Lu’s expression changed after the ‘Four Fierce Thunder Shadows’ were condensed and formed.

 “Thunder, move!”

Following Lin Yuan’s clear shout, the thunder shadows of ferocious beasts from all directions rushed towards Lu Lu’s direction one after another!

"damn it."

Luxury gritted his teeth, restrained his frivolous expression, and began to think quickly about how to deal with it.

 No choice!

Lust made a judgment instantly, raised his head, and howled like a demon wolf!

 The next second, her body began to undergo earth-shaking changes!

Countless dark magic lines spread around her body. Countless black scales like dragon scales grew on her originally smooth and jade-like skin, even on her beautiful face.

The current **** exudes an evil and terrifying weird beauty, like a demon queen descending from **** to the world!

 “I really hate it to be like this...There is no beauty at all.”

Lust raised his head and stared at Lin Yuan with cold eyes: "Forcing me to this point, I will make you pay the corresponding price!"

 As soon as he finished speaking, Lust waved the whip in his hand again!

 “Bang!” “Bang!” “Bang!” “Bang!”

 Four whip shadows hit the four fierce beast thunder shadows accurately!

Followed by four loud noises, the four ominous thunder shadows shattered under the blow of the long whip. The lightning scattered in all directions and was soon annihilated in nothingness.

 Then, Lust turned his head again: "If there are any other moves, just use them."

 However, Lin Yuan's figure disappeared out of thin air in front of him!

 “Is there a secret technique to conceal one’s body?”

 Lu Lu reacted instantly, holding a long whip and staring at the surroundings with great vigilance.

  "Chi!"    At this moment, Lin Yuan's figure suddenly appeared above her out of thin air!


Tufts of black flames suddenly burned from the bottom of Lin Yuan's eyes, burning towards lust!

"too slow!"

Lust sneered, flicked his wrist suddenly, and the long whip on his hand started to dance crazily again, forming a hurricane, forcibly carrying the Amaterasu Black Flame and blowing it elsewhere!

Lin Yuan failed to hit a single blow, but he was not discouraged. He waved his right hand and condensed twelve purple thundering spears out of thin air!

 Twelve Thunder Spears!

 “Chi chi chi!”

With a burst of sound piercing the sky, these twelve purple thundering spears suddenly shot towards Lust!

“An attack of this level cannot possibly hurt me.”

Lust sneered and waved the long whip in his hand again, intending to smash all the twelve thunder spears in front of him again!

 However, at this moment, the space in front of her suddenly distorted!

 In an instant, all the thunder guns were teleported into the twisted space!

 This is also the power of divine power!

Lin Yuan’s divine power, in addition to being able to distort space, can also teleport objects into the divine power space and forcibly change their original trajectory!

There is no doubt that the long whip whipped out by **** was completely empty!

The next second, driven by Lin Yuan, the Divine Power Space opened again, and twelve thunderous spears shot out from it like arrows, suddenly piercing towards Lust!

 “Damn it!”

Lu Xuan's face darkened. She obviously didn't expect that Lin Yuan had such a skill!

 At such a close distance, she had no time to recall her whip for defense!

In desperation, Lu Lu had no choice but to cross his arms across his chest, trying to use his scales to resist Lin Yuan's thunder spear!

 “Boom, boom, boom, boom—”

With bursts of thunderous sounds, twelve thunder spears hit Lu Lu's body accurately!

 Obviously, the black scales on her body are not an invincible defense.

Under the blast of the thunder gun, scarlet blood quickly flowed from the gaps in the scales!

Even, there was a thunder gun that penetrated Lu Lu's abdomen directly, leaving a hideous **** hole.

 “You really deserve to die…”

Luxury covered the wound on his abdomen and stared at Lin Yuan in front of him, with a ferocious look on his face.

"I am going to kill you!"

Just as Lu Lu finished speaking, the whip in her hand suddenly surged, like a poisonous snake opening its **** mouth!

However, Lin Yuan did not dodge, looking at the scene in front of him with a smile: "Did you know? The more violent a person's mood swings are, the more likely they are to reveal their flaws."

 “This is why it is not appropriate to get angry during a battle.”

Lust's face froze, and before she could realize the depth of Lin Yuan's words, a tearing pain pierced through the back of her heart!


Under the severe pain, Lu Lu's eyes widened, and he slowly turned his head and looked behind him.

  She saw a dark shadow as dark as an abyss, like a tarsal maggot, clinging tightly behind her.

And the purple thunder blade held in the hand of this black shadow had completely torn open the scales on her back and penetrated deeply into her heart!

Just this one knife is enough to kill her and drag her into the abyss of eternal destruction!

Under endless despair, she looked at Lin Yuan in front of her with **** and disbelief. At the same time, scarlet blood slowly flowed down from the corners of her mouth...

 (End of this chapter)

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