Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 380: Please enter the urn

Chapter 380 Please enter the urn

"What's this?"

Wang Zhanlin stared straight at the black shadow in front of him and asked with a look of astonishment on his face.

 “This is my shadow.”

Lin Yuan explained: "Or to make it easier to understand, you can think of it as my clone."

Wang Zhanlin scratched his head. He obviously didn't expect that Lin Yuan would develop such a weird ability.

However, he quickly reacted: "Do you want to use your clone to kill Arrogance by surprise?"

 “Yeah, that’s pretty much it.”

 Lin Yuan smiled and said: "But I still need your help. Only if we distract his attention as much as possible can my shadow succeed in sneak attack."


Wang Zhanlin nodded without hesitation and asked, "Then what do you need me to do?"


Lin Yuan said with a smile: "When you go out later, just sell him a flaw to make Arrogance think that it is possible to kill him with one blow."

Wang Zhanlin: "...You kid really don't regard my life as your life."

He really didn't expect that Lin Yuan would be so crazy that he wanted to use him for fishing!

However, Lin Yuan patted Wang Zhanlin on the shoulder and said sincerely: "Don't worry, Lao Wang, I will find a way to protect you."

Wang Zhanlin: “???”

 “What does it mean to think of a solution?!”

“What the hell, you must ensure that I can save my life, otherwise you will be expelled!”

Wang Zhanlin thought about it and it seemed that he could only use this to threaten Lin Yuan...

I have to say that he really failed as a principal.

“Well, then be prepared, I am going to remove the divine power now.”

Before Wang Zhanlin could react, Lin Yuan snapped his fingers and teleported them out of the divine space!

 “Finally can’t hide in the turtle shell anymore?”

  After seeing the two men reveal themselves, the arrogance that had been waiting for them sneered.

“It’s not that I can’t hide it anymore, it’s that I can’t help but want to come out and kill you!”

Lin Yuan grinned, his body suddenly rose up, and he charged towards Arrogance!

 Twelve thunder **** spears condensed and formed behind him!

In addition, four fierce beast thunder shadows also condensed entities in the four directions of the thunder field!

 The surging thunder is like a wild beast in the wilderness, violent and ferocious!

 “Is this serious?”

Haughtiness gave a cruel laugh and faced Lin Yuan head-on: "But where do you get the courage to think you can kill me?!"

He waved his right palm, and the overwhelming blue crystals swept away in all directions like splashing gravel again!

 Jing Qian Sha!

Under the almost explosive offensive of arrogance, the four fierce thunder shadows didn't even last a breath before they scattered into the sky with thunder!

Subsequently, Arrogance hooked his fingers, and the blue crystals that had originally scattered gathered in front of him again, forming a solid barrier!

The twelve thunder **** spears behind Lin Yuan were all blocked by the blue crystal barrier, leaving only twelve round hole-shaped marks on them!     “It’s really terrible.”

Looking at the arrogance in front of him, even Lin Yuan couldn't help but frown slightly.

I have to say that compared to rage and lust, arrogance is indeed the most compatible with his new body.

 In him, offense and defense are perfectly combined!

However, no matter how strong the arrogance is, he is only one person.

After Lin Yuan took the lead in launching the offensive, Wang Zhanlin chose to take action at the same time, forming a trap with the former!

Facing the two men's joint attack, Arrogance also fell into a passive defense situation.

However, he reacted quickly and quickly selected Wang Zhanlin as the main target of attack!

 After all, compared to Lin Yuan, the latter is easier to deal with.

If Wang Zhanlin can be dealt with first, there will be only one Lin Yuan left, which is not a worry at all.

However, Arrogance obviously didn't expect that his idea played right into Lin Yuan's hands!

 “Azure Crystal Armor!”

Haughtiness gave a soft drink, and countless blue crystal fragments immediately attached to his body, forming a pair of crystal clear blue armor!

Subsequently, Arrogance actually withstood Wang Zhanlin's sword, forced himself on him, and fought with him closely!

 Arrogant intentions, extremely simple and crude.

He just relied on his strong defense and wanted to withstand the attacks of the two men and kill Wang Zhanlin!

 I saw Arrogant punching like lightning, and Wang Zhanlin's sword was still strangled crazily on his body, but his body remained motionless, like a rock that could not be shaken!


 Finally, Arrogance caught Wang Zhanlin's exposed gap and punched him hard in the lower abdomen!

In terms of defensive power alone, Wang Zhanlin's flesh and blood body is naturally unable to compete with the blue crystal armor on Arrogance.

After being hit by this punch, Wang Zhanlin only felt a majestic mountain hitting his body!

Under this mighty force, Wang Zhanlin's body flew out directly, feeling that his internal organs were churning.

 He opened his mouth and spat out a large mouthful of blood, and a bitter look flashed through his eyes.

 In the divine power space, Lin Yuan also asked him to deliberately expose some flaws.

What he didn't expect was that he didn't deliberately expose his flaws, and his arrogance easily pushed him into a desperate situation.

Before Wang Zhanlin could fight back, Arrogance ducked behind him again and punched him on the right shoulder again!


With a crisp sound, the arrogant punch directly hit Wang Zhanlin's right shoulder and cracked the bone!

 Under the severe pain, Wang Zhanlin's facial features were twisted together, and his right hand was tightly holding the handle of the knife!

However, even in this situation, Wang Zhanlin still did not choose to draw the sword.

 He believe in Lin Yuan!

 “I’ll send you on your way!”

Haughty and cold voice suddenly sounded in Wang Zhanlin's ears.

The next second, an extremely sharp blue crystal sword formed out of thin air in his hand, reflecting a cold light!

 Obviously, he was planning to kill Wang Zhanlin with this sword!

 The opportunity has come!

Lin Yuan's expression turned stern, and his eyes were fixed on Arrogance.

 The moment when he wanted to kill Wang Zhanlin was also the moment when his defense was at its weakest!

But Lin Yuan also knew that he must not make any mistakes.

 Once he misses, the life that will be lost will be Wang Zhanlin’s!


With a thought in Lin Yuan's mind, the Mangekyō Sharingan in his eyes quickly circulated, and the dark purple Susanoo immediately formed from behind him!

 (End of this chapter)

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