Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 387: Lin Longshou has arrived!

Chapter 387 Lin Longshou arrives!

The moment they heard the voice, Lin Yuan and Wang Zhanlin instantly recognized each other's identity.

The owner of this none other than Nan Yunjing!

Lin Yuan was overjoyed. He obviously did not expect that Old Principal Nan would come to support them at this time!

Wang Zhanlin couldn't help but muttered: "This old guy came in time."

Since the last time on Weiyang Lake, Nan Yunjing covered Ji Xuanye with his own domain and forcibly prevented him from self-destructing. He has been resting in Yanjing Wuhan University.

Although Nan Yunjing's strength overdraft was extremely serious, fortunately, he was treated in a timely manner and took some precious medicines. In the end, there were no sequelae and most of his strength was restored.

Now that Nan Yunjing has come to support them, it is naturally a good thing for Lin Yuan and Wang Zhanlin.

“Old principal, are you here alone?”

Lin Yuan raised his head and looked at Nanyun Jing in mid-air with burning eyes.

The latter was slightly stunned at first, and then burst into laughter: "You little naughty boy, I really can't hide anything from you."

Just as Nan Yunjing finished speaking, another familiar breath came to this place!

A tall figure walked up in the air and greeted Lin Yuan with a smile.

"haven't seen you for a long time."

 The person he came to was none other than Lin Longshou!

Lin Yuan also smiled: "Long time no see."

After Lin Longshou appeared, Angelo's expression gradually showed a dignified look.

He narrowed his eyes and said in a cold voice: "I really didn't expect... that there are actually decent strong people on your earth."

Lin Longshou turned around and asked calmly: "Are you the 'Dark God Lord' they call you?"

Angelou frowned and scolded sternly: "How presumptuous, who allows you to call the Lord God by his first name?!"

 “Looks like he’s not the real owner yet…”

Lin Longshou shook his head, and a large golden seal suddenly appeared from behind him: "But it's okay, I can start with you."

 “A guy who talks shamelessly.”

Angrew snorted disdainfully, but was very vigilant and did not take the lead.

Just because he didn't dare to take action doesn't mean that Lin Longshou didn't dare.

 “Holy Sword, slay evil!”

I saw Lin Longshou yelling loudly, and it was his killing move!

The golden seal behind him suddenly split into thousands of golden flying swords, and then gathered together again to form a dazzling evil-killing broad sword!


Lin Longshou put his fingers together and pointed towards Angelou in the air, like a sword-wielding fairy in ancient times!

Under his command, the Evil-killing Holy Sword moved in response, and immediately pierced and killed in the direction of Angelou, drawing a trajectory of shining golden light!

 “The Wrath of the Sea Demon!”

Faced with Lin Longshou's killing move, Angelou finally couldn't hold back anymore. The phantom of the sea demon behind him burst into purple light, and its purple tentacles instantly expanded like inflated balloons, and they all moved towards the Evil Killing Saint. Kill with sword and go away!

 In a moment, purple light and golden light suddenly intertwined and erupted.

The energy fluctuations generated by the collision between the two were like a tsunami, pouring out in all directions, making Lin Yuan and Wang Zhanlin tremble.

 In just one month, Lin Longshou's strength has actually improved a bit!

However, his opponent is no longer at the level of Ji Xuanye. Fortunately, this time Lin Long Shou no longer has to be restrained by the tide of beasts like the last time he faced Ji Xuanye, so he can let go and have a good fight!

 The next second, golden light emerged from Lin Longshou's body and spread to all directions!

What Lin Longshou opened was his own realm, the realm of the God of War!

Angelou's expression gradually became serious.

It is no exaggeration to say that Lin Longshou is the strongest opponent he has ever encountered since he came to earth!

 Such a powerful opponent deserves his attention!

 “Then I’ll play with you.”

Angelo held the scepter and began to chant the spell in a low voice again.

The cold and silent purple water mist condensed into shape in the air, condensing into a ferocious-looking sharp-toothed ghost shark!

 After the ghost shark took shape, its scarlet eyes immediately fell on Lin Longshou.

The next second, its figure was like an arrow piercing the sky, piercing through Lin Longshou!

It opened its **** mouth towards Lin Longshou, and a cold and cold light flashed on its sharp teeth!

 “Zhentian Seal!”

Lin Longshou's face condensed, and without any hesitation, he immediately summoned the golden seal and moved towards the sharp-toothed ghost shark in front of him to suppress it!


Under the suppression of the golden seal, the ghost shark's head was forcefully dented, and it let out a shrill wailing sound!

However, Angelou's offensive did not end there.

While Lin Longshou was suppressing the ghost shark, Angelou's figure suddenly flashed behind him, and the purple tentacles on the sea demon's shadow were like long whips, whipping towards the former!

Fortunately, Lin Longshou's reaction was also extremely fast. As soon as the tentacles fell, his body instantly turned into a golden stream of light, and he forcibly avoided Angelou's attack!

Seeing that the attack failed, Angelou had no intention of giving up. The phantom of the sea demon behind him raised his tentacles, and large clouds of purple poisonous mist surged out from the tips of the tentacles and headed towards Lin Longshou. Spread and spread!

The purple poisonous mist in front of him was obviously extremely toxic and corrosive. After it spread, all the surrounding flowers, plants and trees that had not been directly exposed to the poisonous mist withered to death.

“Brilliant golden light, all evil spirits retreat!”

Facing the poisonous mist in front of him, Lin Longshou showed no fear at all. Instead, he activated the Heaven-Suppressing Seal again!

 In an instant, extremely dazzling golden light emerged from the Great Seal, covering Lin Longshou like a barrier, isolating all the purple poisonous mist from his body.

“The defense is pretty good, but it’s a pity that you still underestimate me.”

A strange smile appeared on Angelou's face out of thin air.

The next second, the poisonous mist surrounding Lin Longshou was exploded!

 “Boom, boom, boom, boom—”

With a series of explosions, the golden light barrier around Lin Longshou was instantly shattered, and even his body was affected to a certain extent.

 Drippling blood immediately flowed out from the wounds on Lin Longshou's body.

 Lin Yuan and Wang Zhanlin both frowned.

They obviously did not expect that after the two of them went through a round of competition, the one who fell behind... would actually be Lin Longshou!

 (End of this chapter)

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