Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 401: Come to help from all sides!

Chapter 401: Help from many sources!

“I’m sorry, I came back a little late. Nothing happened here, right?”

 After the twelve cardinals of the Holy Religion appeared with the Holy Spirit Cannon, Wang Zhanlin's figure also descended on Nan Yunjing's side.

Nan Yunjing smiled bitterly and shook his head: "Fortunately, you came back in time, something almost happened."

 “As long as it’s okay, it’ll be okay.”

After hearing Nan Yunjing's answer, Wang Zhanlin breathed a sigh of relief and explained: "In addition to contacting the Ministry of Military Affairs and the Holy Cult, I also notified the Human Parliament and asked them to coordinate all forces to come over for reinforcements as soon as possible. us."

“The position of the Human Parliament is firm and the goal is clear, that is, we will never let tragedies like New York City happen again, and we will isolate and strangle all sources of danger within New York City!”

"So, it is estimated that it won't be long before other forces from other parties will send people over one after another."

 After hearing what Wang Zhanlin said, Nan Yunjing couldn't help but nodded slightly.

 For them, this is good news.

 Subsequently, Nan Yunjing asked again: "What about the Ministry of Military Affairs? Has it given the exact information?"

 In comparison, Nan Yunjing is still more concerned about whether the cabinet guard will take action.

 After all, in Nan Yunjing’s eyes, the person who keeps the cabinet with unpredictable strength... is the one who is most likely to solve the root cause of this disaster!

"I reported the situation here to the Ministry of Military Affairs truthfully." Wang Zhanlin said: "They also responded and will try to get in touch with the cabinet guards as soon as possible."

 Nanyun Ding nodded: "I understand."

The guardians of the Tianwu Pavilion have always been hermits who are indifferent to the world. Now, although New York City has been destroyed, after all, it has not yet reached a critical moment when the survival of the entire China is in danger. Can the guardians be persuaded? Even the Ministry of Military Affairs is not 100% sure when someone takes action.

 But at least, with the arrival of these twelve cardinal archbishops, the urgent situation at hand has been somewhat alleviated.

“By the way, is Lin Yuan back?”

After answering Nan Yunjing's question, Wang Zhanlin finally remembered Lin Yuan's existence and asked.

However, Nan Yunjing shook his head: "No, don't you know what he went to do?"

“That kid has always been very mysterious, how could I know what he was going to do.”

Wang Zhanlin complained angrily, and then changed the topic: "But having said that, although this kid has done many incredible things, this time... I really don't think he can do anything good."

 What he said was naturally true.

Although Lin Yuan has done things that are difficult for ordinary people to do time and time again, this time, the situation is a little different.

 Because the strength of the Dark God Lord is too powerful.

If Lin Longshou's strength is one level ahead of them, then the Dark God Lord's strength is even far higher than Lin Longshou's!

 The gap in strength is so huge that it is like a natural chasm that cannot be crossed at all.

If we had to say the difficulty, I'm afraid it would be almost the same as a seventh-level master's counterattack against a ninth-level king.

However, at this point, even Lin Longshou and Gabriel can't deal with the Dark God Lord together, and they can only treat the dead horse as a living horse doctor.

 Although this conclusion is desperate and pessimistic, it is the fact.    …

the other side.

 “Has someone finally arrived?”

The corner of the Dark God Lord's mouth couldn't help but evoke a sneer, and he looked in the direction of the twelve cardinals with interest: "It's a little later than expected, and I almost lost the interest to wait any longer. ”

He clearly has the strength to kill Lin Longshou and Gabriel, but he has been trapped and refused to kill him because the Dark Lord simply used these two people as bait.

 The Lord of Darkness wants to get rid of it once and for all. Taking this opportunity, he will completely make everyone tremble and surrender!

To this end, he needs to attract more forces and more powerful people to Central Park in New York City!

“Although there are not many people here, I can still play with you first.”

Just as the Lord of Darkness was speaking, the twelve red archbishops began to pour their own energy into the Holy Spirit Cannon again!

I saw the holy white light suddenly shining on the body of the Holy Spirit Cannon. The light flowed along the patterns on the cannon body, and finally converged on the muzzle!


Accompanied by a roaring sound, a dazzling white light roared out from the muzzle of the Holy Spirit Cannon, like a violent laser, penetrating in the direction of the Dark God Lord, the sound was extremely terrifying!

 However, a look of indifference appeared on the face of the Lord of Darkness: "The same trick will be boring the second time."

As soon as he finished speaking, several chains that seemed to be condensed from black mist suddenly strangled towards the white light in front of him!

Although the white light has no entity, it exists like an energy aggregate. Under the strangulation of the black mist chain, it immediately fell apart and was forcibly disintegrated in the void before it could even get close.

Looking at the scene in front of them, the faces of the twelve red archbishops gradually became ugly.

 At first, they didn’t actually believe that even Gabriel couldn’t deal with the dark lord in front of them.

 After all, in the eyes of the followers of the Holy Religion, the most powerful existence!

 But now, the facts are before their eyes, and they can't help but not believe it.

The white light of the Holy Spirit that condensed the power of the twelve of them was completely shattered by the opponent so easily!

At this moment, an extremely heroic voice suddenly sounded from the sky!

“I didn’t expect that New York City would have such a lively day. We, the Alliance of Gods, would like to join in the fun!”

As soon as he finished speaking, a blue thunderbolt as thick as a century-old tree suddenly crashed straight down from the clouds and landed on the body of the Dark Lord!

Accompanied by the violent lightning surge, this blue thunder actually left a scorched black mark on the right shoulder of the Dark God Lord!

However, that’s all.

 A cloud of black mist suddenly billowed up, and after brushing over his shoulder, it easily healed the minor injury.

“The being who can destroy New York City really has some ability.”

As the previous voice sounded again, several figures walked out of the clouds, looking down at the Dark God Lord below.

The leader is the leader of the Nordic Gods Alliance, the overlord of one side, the King of the Gods—Odin!

 (End of this chapter)

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