Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 404: Roderick VS Dark Lord!

 Chapter 404 Roderick VS Dark Lord!

Wang Zhanlin looked at the scenes in front of him with a lot of emotions in his heart.

He never thought that one day he would be able to witness such a grand event.

 The Holy Church, Seraph, Sleeping Gabriel, Twelve Cardinals.

 Alliance of the Gods, King of the Gods, Odin.

 Paths of the Gods, God Lord, Zeus.

  The Blood Clan, Blood Emperor, Roderick.

And now the Egyptian pharaoh, Nebuchadnezzar II.

The most powerful men in the world have sprung up one after another in Central Park, New York City.

 And these people are all here to conquer the Lord of Darkness!

“Guys, I think we can join forces.”

After walking out of the ancient golden gate, the dog-headed Egyptian Pharaoh spoke in a deep voice, his voice as dull as rolling thunder in the clouds.

Zeus on the side laughed and nodded: "That's exactly what I meant."

Odin also raised Gungunir in his hand and said loudly: "Drive this **** invader away from our planet!"

 The twelve red-clothed archbishops of the Holy Church remained silent, but they could be regarded as acquiescing to the idea of ​​joining forces.

 After all, at this moment, no matter whether there is any grudge between the various forces, the most important thing to do now is to join forces to fight against the enemy!

However, at this moment, an extremely discordant sound sounded.

"Who wants to join forces with you? This guy is my prey, I can kill him alone!"

Such a perverse, ferocious and unruly tone, naturally came from Roderick's mouth!

 Before everyone was ready to attack, this blood emperor, who looked unparalleled in beauty, had already taken the lead in launching an offensive against the Dark Lord!

 “Blood Shadow Arrow!”

Rodrick opened his **** mouth, and his sharp fangs looked ferocious and terrifying!

 In the shadow behind him, clusters of scarlet blood floated into the air, condensing into scarlet arrows in mid-air!

The next second, these hundreds of blood arrows shot through the air in the direction of the Dark God Lord!


After Rodrick launched the offensive, the Dark Lord chuckled and commented. Then he also raised his right hand and summoned a huge shadow door in front of him!

The dark and silent Shadow Gate is like the portal to the Nine Nether Hells, standing in front of countless scarlet blood arrows!

Before Rodrick could even react, countless white ghost hands suddenly stretched out from the Shadow Gate and grabbed the blood arrow!

With the entanglement of ghost hands, Rodrick's blood shadow arrows were unable to even get close, let alone hurt the Dark Lord!

The blood arrows were broken one after another. After breaking, they turned into countless blood beads and scattered in all directions.

The Lord of Darkness looked at Roderick with a smile on his face, and said in a contemptuous tone: "Is this all you have?"

However, there was no trace of frustration on Roderick's handsome face.

  On the contrary, he also smiled: "Whether I only have this ability, it doesn't matter what you say."

As soon as he finished speaking, Rodrick stretched out his hand, lightly snapped his fingers, and faintly said three words: "Blood Burning Technique!" Suddenly, the face of the Dark God Lord changed suddenly!

 Because he clearly felt a burning sensation that was like a raging flame, spreading rapidly from beneath his body!

The Lord of Darkness subconsciously looked down, and then suddenly discovered that there was a burning sea of ​​blood below him, and at this moment, he was in the center of the sea of ​​blood!

Almost instantly, the Lord of Darkness reacted.

 From the very beginning, Roderick was laying out the plans!

 The Blood Shadow Arrow he deployed earlier seemed to be an attack, but in fact it was just a trap.

After the blood arrows shattered, they did not disappear completely. They just regrouped into a sea of ​​blood under him in a place he didn't notice.

And after Roderick used the 'Blood Burning Technique', the sea of ​​blood under him immediately burned with the most violent gesture!

 “I really underestimated your calculations...”

The Lord of Darkness smiled silently, and a black light suddenly surged from around him, broke through to the sky, and condensed into a thick black cloud!

The next second, countless fine black raindrops fell from the dark clouds. The rain became stronger and stronger, and finally it formed a downpour!

 Under the cover of the black rain, the burning sea of ​​blood was quickly calmed down.

Rodrick's plan, although considered a strange move, was still easily resolved by the Dark God Lord and did not pose much of a threat to the latter.

"You are a smart man. A smart man like you should not die in my hands, let alone stay in such a small place."

Facing Roderick, the Dark Lord once again used his rhetoric: "If you are willing to submit to me, I can show you how vast this world is."

"By that time, you will realize how insignificant you are. Sticking to such a small place is not a wise choice for a smart person like you. What do you think?"

Facing the Dark Lord's bewitchment, Roderick was slightly stunned: "Are you trying to bewitch me?"

Then, he burst out laughing: "Hahaha... I never thought that as a vampire, I would be bewitched by others one day."

You must know that in the legends about vampires, vampires have always been like devils, bewitching people's existence.

 They will use wealth, power, status, and beauty to seduce others, and after the deal is concluded, they will **** the blood of the other person.

“I have to say, your conditions are indeed quite attractive.”

Roderick smiled and said: "It's a pity that I am used to being free and idle. I think the earth is quite good. I can drive a luxury car and chat up beautiful blonde girls on the street every day. This is who I am." The life you really want.”

“As for how big the universe is and how small I am, what does this have to do with me?”

"In this case, I won't say anything more. It's your choice. I hope you can die without regrets."

The Lord of Darkness took a deep breath, and the black mist behind him condensed into thousands of black blades emitting light!

As long as he has a thought, these thousands of black blades will all slash towards Roderick!

However, at this moment, Roderick suddenly laughed: "I think before killing me, you should think about yourself first."

 (End of this chapter)

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