Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 422: Lin Yuan VS Dark Lord!

Chapter 422 Lin Yuan VS Dark Lord!

Lin Yuan certainly hasn’t reached his peak yet.

Although his energy and blood have reached nearly 1.8 million points with the blessing of the 'Dragon Elephant Prison Suppressing Body', for him, it is still not the limit.

  After all, in addition to the ‘Dragon Elephant Prison Body’, he also exchanged another level of battle body, the Nine Transformations of Gods and Demons, in the Killing Value Mall!

Nine transformations of gods and demons, a total of nine changes!

 Each change can bring nearly a 10% increase in strength to the user!

Facing an enemy of the Dark Lord's level, Lin Yuan did not dare to slack off at all, and directly performed nine changes in one go!

The nine-level majestic shadows of gods and demons blessed Lin Yuan's body one after another!

As far as Lin Yuan's current basic energy and blood are concerned, a level of phantom of gods and demons can bring him nearly 180,000 energy and blood bonus at least!

Furthermore, the bonus of the Nine Transformations of Gods and Demons is gradually increasing!

When all the nine layers of phantoms of gods and demons were applied to Lin Yuan's body, the strength of the latter's energy and blood had risen to a quite terrifying level!

With Lin Yuan's thought, his personal attributes panel also appeared in front of him.

The value on the Qi and Blood column made even Lin Yuan tremble.

 A whole... 3.6 million qi and blood strength!

 Compared with before, it has more than doubled again!

At this moment, Lin Yuan's body has already been superimposed with four levels of buffs.

 The attacking body, the resurrecting body, the dragon-elephant prison-suppressing body, and the nine transformations of gods and demons!

 Now Lin Yuan has reached an unprecedented peak in terms of blood strength, explosive power, and body recovery speed!

 Now he seems to truly possess the power of a god!

After his own strength increased to the extreme, the obsidian shield in front of Lin Yuan was as fragile as a piece of paper.

Lin Yuan suddenly exerted force, and the obsidian shield in front of him exploded!

The remaining power of the fist, carrying the violent thunder and the power of blood, rushed towards the Dark God Lord crazily!


The Dark Lord's complexion changed, and he subconsciously dodged to the side.

However, even though his movements were fast, the speed at which Lin Yuan's fist fell was even faster!

Lin Yuan's punch landed, and it shattered half of the Dark God Lord's right shoulder!

No one could have imagined that the Dark God Lord, who had been crushing them with an invincible attitude, would actually show his decline in front of Lin Yuan!

 “Do you feel my sincerity?”

Lin Yuan retracted his fist, chuckled and asked.

The Lord of Darkness looked grim and subconsciously covered the wound on his right shoulder.

Due to excessive energy consumption, his current self-healing speed has begun to slow down at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Feeling the pain coming from his shoulders, the Lord of Darkness said angrily: "If I hadn't been severely injured before, do you really think that this trick of yours would be enough to hurt me?"

"Really?" Lin Yuan was not annoyed at all, and still chuckled: "Then I really want to thank the old guard of the cabinet for creating the opportunity for me."

 After saying that, Lin Yuan pressed forward again, his palms roared with thunder, and he blasted towards the Lord of Darkness!

 The lasting effect of Dragon Elephant Prison Suppression Body is only thirty minutes.

 So, now he must make a quick decision!

Just as the Lord of Darkness was about to hide, Lin Yuan's eyes suddenly glowed with scarlet dark light again! Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan, open!

 “Amaterasu, burn!”

Clusters of black flames suddenly ignited from around the Dark God Lord and enveloped him!

Although Lin Yuan's mental power has not been greatly improved, and Amaterasu's power is somewhat insufficient, it is enough to limit the actions of the Dark Lord.

 “The Wrath of the God of Thunder!”

Lin Yuan roared, and the purple thunder wrapped around his wrist again, like an ancient thunder hammer, and slammed down in the direction of the Dark God Lord!

 Under such an urgent situation, the Dark God Lord could not spare any effort, and the dark energy completely exploded: "The Darkest Heavenly Demon Body, the third level!"

This third level is the true final form of the Dark Sky Demon Body!

After activating the final form, the black mist once again wrapped around the body of the Dark Lord, and the magic patterns on his body emitted the darkest black light.

 For a moment, the Dark Lord in front of Lin Yuan was like the Demon God from the abyss returning to the world!

 The reason why the Lord of Darkness has not activated the third level of the Dark Sky Demon Body before is naturally because of its side effects.

 Everything in this world comes with a price.

Although the final form of the Darkest Sky Demon Body can bring a strong increase in the Dark God Lord's combat effectiveness, the price is that maintaining this state requires a sharp consumption of his own vitality, which can be described as a double-edged sword.

So, after activating the third level of demon body, the Dark God Lord had the same idea as Lin Yuan, that is, a quick victory!

Black mist surged around the Lord of Darkness, condensing into a sky-swallowing python, and met Lin Yuan's thunder fist head-on!


When the two collided, the thunder and black mist exploded at the same time, spreading in all directions as if being swept by a hurricane!

 Under the force of the repulsion, Lin Yuan and the Dark God Lord retreated one after another.

However, the Dark God Lord quickly stabilized his figure, and all the strength in his body exploded once again, turning into a black phantom and stalking towards Lin Yuan's direction!

Lin Yuan's eyes flashed, and dazzling thunder exploded around him, and he rushed towards the Dark God Lord at the same astonishing speed!

 Neither of them wants to delay time, so this battle is destined to be extremely tragic!

 However, before the Lord of Darkness could take action, Lin Yuan's figure disappeared directly in front of his eyes!

 What Lin Yuan used... was surprisingly the art of divine concealment!

His body shape and aura were both hidden in the void, and even the Lord of Darkness felt in a trance.

 “Four evil thunder shadows, condense!”

Before the Lord of Darkness could find out Lin Yuan's exact location, the latter quietly appeared behind him.

At the same time, the Xuan Lei Purple Pearl floating beside Lin Yuan emitted an extremely dazzling purple thunder light, condensing four layers of vicious beast thunder shadows in four different directions!

 Dragon, tiger, sparrow, turtle!


Lin Yuan shouted violently, holding the Mysterious Thunder Purple Pearl in his hand, using the posture of summoning thunder, commanding the four-layered thunder shadow of the ferocious beast, and blasted away in the direction of the Dark God Lord!

 In a moment, the four layers of thunder shadows completely exploded, and the extremely dazzling thunder light poured down like a waterfall!

 (End of this chapter)

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