Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 435: Xiaoyou VS Kunlun Mountain Snow Monster!

Chapter 435 Xiaoyou VS Kunlun Mountain Snow Monster!

 In a sense, nature also follows corresponding laws.

In this natural world where the jungle prevails, those who are qualified to live alone also mean that this race is extremely powerful.

 In fact, the Kunlun Mountain Snow Monster is indeed such a group.

Kunlun Mountain snow monsters are often born with great strength. When they are born, they possess strength comparable to that of a sixth-level warrior.

 After reaching adulthood, the Kunlun Mountain Snow Monster has the strength to easily kill an eighth-level venerable!

It is precisely because of this that few warriors have chosen the Kunlun Mountains as a place for practice and training.

 Because, if you unfortunately encounter the Kunlun Mountain Snow Monster, you will really die to the point where not even the scum is left.

Lin Yuan could feel that the Kunlun Mountain snow monster in front of him was considered to be the most powerful being even among the snow monsters!

The astonishing speed at which it rushed towards Lin Yuan alone surpassed even the ordinary King of Heaven.

 Even the ninth-level Heavenly King may not have the power to fight with him.

However, it was unlucky that it met... Lin Yuan.

“That’s right, I haven’t moved my muscles and bones for several days, so I’ll practice with you.”

Lin Yuan took a step forward, and the energy and blood all over his body suddenly surged out like a big river.

 He ​​only used the power of Qi and blood. If Lin Yuan had to use other methods to deal with a strange beast of this level, it would be too much of a bully.

However, you must know that Lin Yuan's current strength has exceeded one million in terms of energy and blood strength alone.

If it explodes with all its strength, a blow containing the power of millions of qi and blood will definitely be enough to kill the Kunlun Mountain snow monster in front of you into countless pieces of flesh and blood.

 So, at the moment when he punched, Lin Yuan deliberately withdrew nearly 40% of his strength.

But even so, when he punched out, the Kunlun Mountain snow monster in front of him, as tall as a mountain, still flew hundreds of meters away like a kite with a broken string, and fell heavily. On top of the snow!

However, Lin Yuan's punch did not seem to frighten the Kunlun Mountain snow monster, but instead aroused its ferocity.

I saw him standing up again, his body expanded by a full circle again, and he rushed towards Lin Yuan at a faster speed than before.

I have to say that although the Kunlun Mountain Snow Monster has a unique talent in strength, its IQ is its most fatal flaw.

 Compared with other ninth-level beasts, the intelligence of the Kunlun Mountain Snow Monster is completely lower than that of other ninth-level beasts.

Even though it tasted the pain, it didn't realize how huge the power gap between itself and Lin Yuan was. Instead, it still rushed upward.

 “Still too weak.”

 Lin Yuan glanced at the Kunlun Mountain Snow Monster that had grown in size, shook his head calmly, and then directly summoned Xiaoyou out of the pet space.

He originally thought about using this monster to stretch his muscles, but he didn't expect that the opponent would be so vulnerable.

As a result, Lin Yuan immediately changed his mind and decided to let Xiaoyou fight against the Kunlun Mountain snow monster.

 In this way, Xiaoyou can gain some combat experience, and Lin Yuan can test the new method he just obtained. It can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

"Choo Choo Choo!"

 After Xiaoyou was released from the pet space, he immediately let out a crisp dragon roar.

However, the Kunlun Mountain snow monster in front of me was not intimidated at all, its speed did not slow down at all, and the fierce light in its eyes was revealed!

Looking at the scene in front of her, Xiaoyou showed no intention of being polite to the other party. She opened her mouth and spit out a blast of frost dragon breath!

The icy-cold dragon's breath immediately swept away in the direction of the Kunlun Mountain Snow Monster! In just an instant, the snow monster in front of him was frozen into an ice sculpture under the breath of the dragon.

However, even so, Xiaoyou still couldn't restrain the other party for long.

With a roaring sound, the snow monster's huge power suddenly exploded. As soon as his arms were freed, the surrounding frost instantly shattered into countless ice shards.

The next second, the tall figure of the Kunlun Mountain Snow Monster jumped up, and a pair of thick beast palms grabbed directly towards Xiaoyou, seeming to want to tear the latter into pieces!

 Fortunately, although Xiaoyou is inferior to the snow monster in terms of strength, in terms of speed, the latter is completely incomparable.

The moment the snow monster took off into the air, Xiaoyou flapped his wings and moved away from it, opening a distance of nearly one body.

 Taking advantage of the distance, Xiaoyou launched the offensive again!

The energy of the ice attribute condensed in front of it instantly, condensing into twelve sharp ice cones!

 “Chi chi chi!”

The next second, accompanied by a crisp sound of breaking through the air, these twelve ice cones, like sharp arrows, shot towards the direction of the Kunlun Mountain Snow Monster!

The latter roared, stretched his arms across his body, and blocked all the ice picks!

It has to be said that this snow monster has extremely rough skin and thick flesh. The twelve ice picks did not even penetrate into his flesh and blood, but only scratched its surface.

It seems that with Xiaoyou's current strength, it is still a bit reluctant to deal with this Kunlun Mountain snow monster, which is said to have the strength of an upper-level heavenly king.

However, if Lin Yuan dares to let Xiaoyou fight the latter, he must be well prepared.

 After forcing back the Dark God Lord, the system also rewarded Lin Yuan with a high-level ability card.

After turning it on, Lin Yuan naturally gained a new ability.

  A high-level ability called ‘Beast Spirit Contract’!

What makes Lin Yuan feel special is that the power he has obtained can only be used in conjunction with a pet beast.

 The effect is that after using the 'Beast Spirit Contract', the pet beast can inherit part of the host's abilities, thus exerting more powerful strength!

 Looking at the introduction about the ‘Beast Spirit Contract’, Lin Yuan really felt that this ability was quite useful.

 However, its effectiveness still needs to be tested in actual combat.

 And now is an excellent time!

While Lin Yuan was thinking, Xiaoyou, who was fighting the Kunlun Mountain Snow Monster, was already at an absolute disadvantage.

Although Xiaoyou was still able to rely on his speed advantage to tangle with the snow monster, his attacks could not break the opponent's defense at all.

 An attack that cannot break the defense is meaningless.

At the same time, the Kunlun Mountain Snow Monster's violent counterattack forced Xiaoyou to dodge in all directions, looking extremely embarrassed.

 (End of this chapter)

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