Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 450: 30% strength, fight with you!

Chapter 450: 30% strength, fight with you!

“Boy, if you are willing, I can take the little dragon cub next to you under my tutelage and train it myself. What do you think?”

 The old man Longjiao seemed to feel more and more satisfied the more he looked at Xiaoyou. Finally, he turned his gaze to Lin Yuan and asked lightly.

However, Lin Yuan did not agree immediately. Instead, he smiled and said: "Old senior, let's wait until I pass this level first before we discuss this matter."

The old man Longjiao obviously did not expect that Lin Yuan would give such an answer. He was slightly stunned at first, and then quickly realized it and said with a smile: "You boy, you look young, but your thoughts are full of ghosts." Very.”

Lin Yuan's implicit meaning was to let him pass this level first, and then consider whether to let Xiaoyou join his family.

After being laughed at and scolded by the old man Longjiao, Lin Yuan did not feel embarrassed at all. Instead, he smiled cheekily and said: "Old senior, you are so complimentary."

"Okay, since you are so anxious to pass the test, I will help you."

The old man Longjiao stroked his beard and thought for a while, then said calmly: "Next, I will use 30% of my strength to fight against you."

"Under this situation, if you can defeat Lao Chan, you will be considered as Sun Li and you have passed the level."

 Lin Yuan blinked and looked at the old man with a long beard in front of him in astonishment: "Old senior, can I understand that you are deliberately letting off steam?"

Even a being at the level of the Dark Lord might not dare to boast about using only 30% of his strength to defeat him.

Lin Yuan is now wondering if this old guy is too greedy for Xiaoyou, so he is ready to find any excuse to lose.

“Huh? Are you looking down on the old man?”

 The old man Longjiao frowned and glanced at Lin Yuan coldly.

 Lin Yuan scratched his head and said awkwardly: "Old senior, I think you look down on me..."

“I didn’t say anything myself, so why do you think you’re taking advantage?”

The old man Longjiao said calmly: "If you hadn't been fairly strong, I wouldn't have used 30% of my strength to fight."

"Before I take action, I have to remind you that those who are qualified to come to my fifth level are the most outstanding geniuses from all eras."

“But these people, without exception, all died in my hands.”

Lin Yuan was slightly startled, a sense of vigilance rose in his heart again, and he said in a deep voice: "Okay, thank you senior for reminding me, I will do my best."

 “You’re welcome, that old man.”

Just as the old man Longjiao finished speaking, his figure instantly turned into an afterimage, flying towards Lin Yuan's direction!

 The latter was shocked and almost wanted to scold her.

 At this speed, you told me that you only used 30% of your strength? !

However, now is not the time to consider this. Lin Yuan concentrated his mind and used the art of divine concealment without hesitation!

 The next moment, Lin Yuan's figure disappeared from the spot, causing the old man Longjiao to lose his target.

 “Oh? There is such a mysterious method?”

The corners of the Longjiao old man's lips were slightly raised, and he chuckled and said, "The method is not bad, but it's a pity that... your strength is a little weaker."

 “Candle Dragon Eyes, open!”

Following the sound of a clear drink, the golden light suddenly surged in the eyes of the old man Longjiao!

"Got you!"

Subsequently, the right palm of the old man Longjiao turned into a dragon claw again and grabbed it in the direction of Lin Yuan!

Lin Yuan frowned. He obviously did not expect that Shenyin, who could not even be seen through by the Lord of Darkness, could be seen through so easily in front of the old man Longjiao.

Since concealing the aura is useless, Lin Yuan, who has no way to escape, can only confront him head-on!

"Thunder Fist!" Lin Yuan instantly launched the thunder field. Blue lightning suddenly surged from around him and quickly condensed on his right arm, blasting a thunder fist straight forward. !

 However, the expression of the old man Longjiao changed slightly, and he still waved the claw forward!


The violent thunder fist was torn apart in an instant without even being able to survive for a second in front of the old man Longjiao!

The strong wind set off by the dragon's claws, after tearing apart the thunder fist, continued to sweep in the direction of Lin Yuan!

Feeling the extremely fierce wind in front of him, Lin Yuan felt an unprecedented sense of crisis in his heart.

 Without any hesitation, he accelerated his speed to the extreme and dodged to the side!


Those three strong winds left three bottomless claw marks directly on the wall of the hall, which was extremely shocking.

Lin Yuan's expression changed slightly. If he had been forced to remove the claw, his body would have been broken into three parts.

Then, before Lin Yuan had time to take a breath, the old man Longjiao swung his claws at him again, and his momentum was even more powerful than before!

"This old guy is really not polite at all..."

Lin Yuan cursed secretly in his heart and hurriedly activated the power of the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan!

 The divine power space instantly twisted away from Lin Yuan, transmitting the attack of the old man Longjiao into a different space!

Lin Yuan now knows why no one has been able to pass the fifth level of the inheritance trial in the past ten thousand years.

 As an ordinary person, who can take the claw of the old man with dragon horns?

Moreover, what is even more terrifying is that this is only 30% of his strength.

 “Interesting, interesting!”

Looking at the scene in front of him, the old man Longjiao couldn't help laughing: "Are you going to swallow my attack by distorting space? I didn't expect that this kid like you has so many interesting methods hidden in your hands!"

"Is it because I haven't been born for too long? Times have changed so fast? Boy, if you have any other fun tricks, just show them to me!"

Lin Yuan grinned: "Senior, I won't be polite, I'll offend you so much!"

 After saying this, Lin Yuan did not hesitate and directly used Cursed Thorns!

Thorns like vines rose up from the ground in an instant and wrapped around the body of the old man with dragon horns!

However, it was because the old man Longjiao did not dodge at all, which allowed Lin Yuan to succeed so easily.

 “Is this...the power of a curse?”

After being bound by the cursed thorns, the old man Longjiao did not show the slightest panic. Instead, he calmly studied the characteristics of these thorns.

 “It’s not over yet.”

Lin Yuan roared, and suddenly he split into two figures. One of the figures was naturally the Susanoo that he condensed using the power of the Sharingan.

 The other figure is the ‘twin shadows’ created by Lin Yuan by consuming his own mental power!

Both Susanoo and the Twin Shadows have strength similar to Lin Yuan's own body!

After revealing the two figures, Lin Yuan did not hesitate at all and directly controlled Susanoo and the twin shadows to attack from the left and right in the direction of the old man Ryukaku!

“Do you want to win by quantity? Then your idea is too naive.”

 The old man Longjiao smiled and easily broke free from the shackles of the cursed thorns.

 Subsequently, his pair of dragon claws immediately turned into two afterimages, slashing in all directions, setting off fierce winds with terrifying force!

 “Long Juetian Wu!”

The strong wind set off by the dragon's claws is like an extremely sharp blade, sweeping and cutting crazily in this space!

Under such an overwhelming and intensive offensive, the Susanoo and the twin shadows summoned by Lin Yuan had no way to avoid it, and could only choose to resist forcefully.

It's just that even Lin Yuan himself may not be able to withstand the attack, so how can his avatar cope with it.

Within twenty breaths, Lin Yuan's Susanoo and the twin shadows were cut into countless pieces by the claws of the old man Ryukaku!

 (End of this chapter)

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