Chapter 455 Four Treasures

However, these one thousand Holy Spirit Fruits were only given to Lin Yuan as a meeting gift in the name of the tree spirit.

 The treasures Nuwa prepared for him were far more than that.

After Lin Yuan took away the Holy Spirit Fruit, Nuwa's spiritual consciousness took him back to Kunlun Ruins.

 “Hu, Hu…”

 A familiar purring sound sounded in Lin Yuan's ears.

At this moment, the location they teleported to happened to be the entrance to Xuanxu Cave.

And this snoring sound came from Shi Potian's mouth.

 “Hey, little stone, wake up quickly, don’t sleep!”

Nuwa’s spiritual consciousness stepped forward, smiled and knocked Shi Potian on the head.

 “Who...who’s knocking me?!”

Shi Potian suddenly woke up from his sleep and looked around with a blank expression.

Then, he saw Lin Yuan for the first time, and said with surprise: "Hey, you came out. Did you fail the inheritance test?"

Lin Yuan: "...You little stone, can you speak?"

“Could it be that you have been sleeping here since I entered this Xuanxu Cave? Then you have been sleeping for a long time.”

You know, it took him seven or eight months just to absorb the power of creation in that chaotic space.

Shi Potian picked his head with a confused look on his face: "Really? How long have I been sleeping? But I can indeed sleep well. After all, it is a stone. It is very common to sleep for two or three years at a time. thing."

 Lin Yuan: “…”

 If you can sleep for two or three years at a time, you are truly a talent.

At this moment, Nuwa's spiritual consciousness on the side finally couldn't help but speak again: "Little Shitou, I told you that you just ignored me and didn't even say hello when you saw me!"

 After she finished speaking, Shi Potian finally noticed the spiritual consciousness of Nuwa beside him.

 Suddenly, the expression on his face suddenly became extremely exciting.

"Nv...Nvwa, is it really you? You have finally returned to Kunlun Ruins! Hahaha...I miss you so much!"

After finishing the call with an excited look, Shi Potian was about to kneel down towards Nuwa's spiritual consciousness, but fortunately, he was caught in time by the latter.

"Little Shitou, why do you have the same virtue as your brother? You kneel down when you see me, making it seem like I am always abusing you."

Nuwa’s spiritual consciousness wrinkled her nose, smiled softly and said.

Shi Jingtian on the side also opened his mouth to explain: "My brother, this is not our master's true form, it is just her spiritual consciousness."

“It is because the inheritor this time successfully completed the inheritance test that the master’s spiritual consciousness was awakened.”

"So that's it." Shi Potian nodded thoughtfully. After reacting, his eyes suddenly widened: "Brother, are you saying that this kid has passed the inheritance test?!"

Shi Jingtian nodded calmly, acquiescing to this matter.

 “Oh my God, you are so capable!”

Shi Potian stood up, laughed awkwardly, and patted Lin Yuan's shoulder vigorously.

His two blows almost shattered Lin Yuan's body. The latter quickly held Shi Potian's big hand: "Brother, if you have something to say, please speak it carefully and don't make any move."

Shi Potian was stunned for a moment, then smiled naively: "Sorry, I'm used to it."

"Since you have passed the inheritance test, from now on, as long as Lady Nuwa does not return, you will be the master of Kunlun Ruins, and we will listen to you in everything!"

Lin Yuan was slightly startled.

As long as you pass the inheritance test, you will be the master of Kunlun Ruins?

 Is there such a thing?

 No one has ever told him.

Lin Yuan looked around, but before he could speak, Shi Jingtian couldn't help coughing lightly: "Don't look at me, you know we can't obey you in everything."

 with a raised eyebrow at Lin Yuan, Cang Ye, the ancestor of the true dragon, chuckled and said, "Boy, you don't really think that I will listen to your orders, do you?"

Lin Yuan scratched his head in embarrassment.

It seems that the so-called Lord of Kunlun Ruins is just a false position, and no one can dispatch him.

Looking at Lin Yuan who looked embarrassed, Nuwa's spirit couldn't help but laugh out loud: "Okay, don't make fun of this kid, let's quickly let Xiao Shitou take us to get the treasure. "


As soon as Shi Potian heard that he had found his place, Shi Potian immediately started walking in front, leading the way for everyone.

The group of people followed Shi Potian all the way to the midway of the Kunlun Ruins. Here, there was a cave lined with countless gray and white stones. Compared with the previous Xuanxu Cave, it was a little more simple, but a little less fairy-like. .

“You guys just wait outside, I’ll go in directly and take out the things for him.”

 After finishing speaking, Shi Potian walked into the cave alone.

After he came out, he already had three things in his hand. He approached Lin Yuan and stuffed all the things in his hands into the latter's hands: "Here, these are the things that Lady Nuwa originally brought." He entrusted me to leave it to his future successors.”

 “Thank you, Senior Shi.”

After Lin Yuan thanked him, he began to look at the things in his hands.

The first thing that caught his eye was a green vine, which was as green as jade.

Nuwa's spiritual consciousness smiled and explained to Lin Yuan: "This is one of the magic weapons that I originally used. It is called the Vine of Resurgence. It is only affected by the power of creation. As long as you pour the power of creation into it, Among them, it can stimulate its unlimited growth, which can be used to trap enemies or assist in escape. It has many functions. "

 “Is it so magical?”

Lin Yuan subconsciously tightened the vine of resurrection in his hand, and then directly poured the power of creation in his body into it.

The next second, a golden light glowed in the Vine of Resurrection, urging the vines to grow uncontrollably on both sides!

In less than five breaths, green vines covered the land at Lin Yuan's feet, forming layers upon layers.

 Furthermore, these vines are extremely strong and resilient.

Even if Lin Yuan used the thunder blade, he could not easily cut it off.

In addition, the energy consumed by this resurrection vine is not too much. Even if it grows to this point, Lin Yuan has only consumed about 70 or 80 points of creation power.

You must know that after absorbing the creation power in that chaotic space, the upper limit of the creation power in Lin Yuan's body has reached 500 points. Even after using it, it can be quickly replenished!

  “Not bad.”    Looking at the Vine of Resurgence in his hand, Lin Yuan could not help but nodded with satisfaction.

 At this moment, the system options appeared in front of him again.

  【Option 1: Fuse the magic weapon 'Vine of Resurrection' with the internal power 'Curse Thorn'. Reward: The power will be upgraded! 】

  【Option 2: Give up integrating the two. Reward: None. 】

Looking at the options in front of him, Lin Yuan was really stunned for a moment.

He obviously did not expect that the vine of resurrection in his hand could be integrated with his own superpower!

 Lin Yuan naturally prefers to integrate the two in his heart.

 It's just that before integrating, he still has to ask other people's opinions.

Thinking of this, Lin Yuan raised his head directly and looked at Nuwa's spiritual consciousness: "Senior Spiritual Consciousness, if possible, can I integrate this resurrection vine with my own ability?"

 “Hmm? Can you do this?”

Nuwa's spiritual consciousness was slightly stunned: "It shouldn't be a simple matter to combine the magic weapon with your own ability."

Lin Yuan did not hesitate at all and answered directly: "It should be possible, I'm sure."

Of course he is sure, but it is not sure about himself, but about the system.

Nuwa's spiritual consciousness nodded: "Since you are sure, then you can give it a try. Anyway, this magic weapon has been handed over to you, and I will let you do whatever you want."

 “Then thank you, Senior Lingshi.”

After Lin Yuan smiled and said thank you, he chose to blend the two without hesitation!

Just a moment later, the system prompt sounded in Lin Yuan's ears again.

“Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully fusing the magic weapon ‘Resurrection Vine’ with the ability ‘Curse Thorns’, and obtaining the advanced ability ‘Divine Punishment Thorns’!”

God punishes thorns?

 Listening to the name, it sounds quite domineering.

 I just don’t know how effective it is.

With a thought in his mind, Lin Yuan directly activated his own power and released the Thorns of Divine Punishment!

 The dark thorn vines appeared in front of everyone in an instant, exuding a strong curse.

He raised his eyebrows slightly. He had certainly seen Lin Yuan use this move before.

However, he always felt that the cursed thorns summoned by Lin Yuan at this moment seemed a little different from the previous time they fought.

 But he couldn't tell what exactly was different.

However, after releasing the Thorns of Divine Punishment, Lin Yuan felt an obvious difference.

 He felt that he could pour his own power into the thorns and vines in front of him.

Moreover, it’s not just the power of creation!

Thinking of this, Lin Yuan directly raised his hand and poured his own thunder energy into it!

In an instant, the thorns of Divine Punishment in front of them suddenly grew to a length of dozens of feet, and there was even a faint blue thunder light surrounding them!

 “Senior Cang, we’re in trouble!”

Lin Yuan whispered a reminder, and after getting the other party's approval, he let the thorns of divine punishment wrap around Cang's body!

 He did this, naturally because he wanted Cang to help test the power of this move!

After feeling it for a moment, Cang smiled and said, "Yes, the power of the curse is stronger than before, and there is also a feeling of paralysis like being struck by thunder."

 “Really? Then I’ll try this again.”

Lin Yuan smiled and unceremoniously injected his creation power into the Thorns of Divine Punishment!

Suddenly, in addition to the thunder, another layer of dazzling golden light bloomed on the dark vines!

  After the golden light bloomed, the Divine Punishment Thorns were no longer just imprisoning them. These thorn vines even actively twisted towards the Blue Binding, as if they wanted to strangle it into pieces!

“Boy, I won’t play with you anymore. If you continue to experiment like this, the dragon scales will be scratched by you.”

Cang smiled, and then suddenly exerted his strength. After the golden true dragon power exploded, he instantly broke the thorns of divine punishment around him.

Lin Yuan put away his powers, smiled and asked, "Senior Cang, I would like to ask, how much of your strength did you use just now?"

Cang pondered for a moment and then answered: "About 40%."

 After hearing Cang’s answer, Lin Yuan nodded thoughtfully.

It seems that after the advanced level, the Thorns of Divine Punishment did not disappoint him.

 Being able to barely restrain Cang, who is under 40% of his strength, is already a great improvement for the ability of ‘Thorns of Divine Punishment’.

 Subsequently, Lin Yuan turned his attention to the treasure in his hand again.

Among the things Shi Potian handed him before, in addition to the Vine of Recovery, there was also an ancient mirror, a crystal-clear pagoda, and a pitch-black demon flag that exuded an extremely dark aura.

"Looking at how you look like you have never seen the world, let me explain it to you one by one."

Looking at Lin Yuan's confused look, not knowing where to start exploring, Nuwa's spiritual consciousness couldn't help but chuckle and spoke lightly.

“Let’s start with that mirror first. This mirror is no ordinary mirror. It can even be called one of the divine objects from ancient times!”

“This mirror is called the Sky-Looking Mirror, which means peering into the heavens. It is said that there was a powerful person in ancient times who used this mirror to divine fortune and misfortune.”

"However, the master is not interested in the Eight Diagrams technique of deducing the secrets of heaven, so she has developed a simpler and more direct way to use it, which is to use it to counterattack!"

 “This mirror, after being charged, can reflect an attack from the opponent!”

“Of course, this ability is not without any limitations.”

“The biggest limitation of this treasure is that its recharging speed is extremely slow, making it almost impossible to carry out during combat. That is to say... under normal circumstances, this sky-gazing mirror cannot be used continuously.”

Listening to Nuwa's spiritual explanation, Lin Yuan nodded thoughtfully: "So, the best way to use it is to see when the opponent launches an attack with all his strength, and then use the sky-gazing mirror to reflect the opponent's attack back. Bar?"


Nuwa's spiritual sense smiled and said: "Of course, not all attacks can be reflected. If Cang attacks with all his strength, the sky-gazing mirror will probably be broken directly, and there will be no room for reflection."

Lin Yuan nodded again: "I understand."

 It seems that the limit that this sky-gazing mirror can bear is a full blow from a peak star-level monk!

As for the so-called star-level peak, Lin Yuan naturally calculated it roughly through his understanding of Cang's strength.

 After all, this guy's strength is far stronger than Wei Jingguo and even the Dark God Lord, but it is not to the point of being almost crushed.

Therefore, Lin Yuan speculated that Cang’s strength...should be around the peak of stellar level!

 (End of this chapter)

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