Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 457: Leave Kunlun Ruins!

Chapter 457 Leaving Kunlun Ruins!

However, it is not that Lin Yuan cannot understand them.

 After all, if you stay in one place for so long, even the most beautiful fairyland will become like a prison.

There is a reason why these people are so eager to get out.

"Since you all want to go out, let us take charge of guarding this place."

 After a moment of silence, Shi Jingtian finally spoke.

His tone of voice was quite calm, which made people feel very reassured.

“Brother, it’s okay. I’ll go out and play for a year, and then I’ll come over and take over for you.”

Shi Potian also seemed to feel a little embarrassed. He walked to Shi Jingtian's side and said with a naive smile.

"It's okay, it doesn't matter if you play for a few more years." Shi Jingtian smiled lightly: "Anyway, I have been here for tens of thousands of years, and I don't need more than three to five years of hard work."

“Well, now that the candidates to guard Kunlun Ruins have been selected, what are we waiting for?”

  After his purpose was exposed by Nuwa, Cang Ye was too lazy to hide it anymore and showed his eagerness without any concealment.

 “Okay, I will open the space channel now.”

After Lin Yuan became the Lord of Kunlun Ruins, he already had the right to take people in and out of Kunlun Ruins at will.

The power of creation, shining with golden light, once again condensed into the golden blade of creation in Lin Yuan's hands.

 Then, he made a volley in the air in front of him, directly opening up a space passage connecting to the outside world, and stepped into it slowly.

 Nuwa Lingshi, Cang, and Shi Potian looked at each other and also entered one after another.

At this moment, a childish voice rang out: "Wait for me... You guys who have been stabbed a thousand times, wait for me, I want to go out and play too!"

The person who made the sound was none other than the little tree spirit of the Holy Spirit Tree.

He was originally staying well at the Holy Spirit Tree, but after sensing the strange spatial fluctuations here, he rushed over immediately.

 He really didn’t expect that these people would take advantage of his absence and sneak out to play!

 Although he is a tree spirit, he also has a longing for the outside world!

The crack in space in front of me seemed to be getting smaller and smaller.

Shi Jingtian glanced at the little tree spirit in surprise, and asked calmly: "Do you want to go out too?"

The little tree spirit said angrily: "Nonsense! How about I come all the way here to eat the fart?"

 “Then let me help you.”

Shi Jingtian didn't care at all about the other party's scolding. He picked up the little tree spirit next to him and threw it directly towards the crack in space in front of him!


Under Shi Jingtian's full throw, the figure of the little tree spirit immediately turned into an arc and fell into the space crack that had shrunk to the extreme!

But... fortunately, we caught up!

If it had been another second at night, the space channel would have been closed directly, causing the little tree spirit to get lost in the turbulence of space.

But with the strength of the little tree spirit, it is not difficult to escape from the turbulence of space. At most, it will only have to suffer some hardships.

On Lin Yuan's side, just after he confirmed that everyone had come out, another small green figure flew out of the crack in space with a 'whoosh' sound...

After the little tree spirit stabilized his body, he glanced at Lin Yuan proudly: "Don't even think about getting rid of me! You guy, you are really hateful. I gave you so many Holy Spirit Fruits, but you didn't even take them with you when you go out to play. I!"

 Lin Yuan: “…”

How did I know that all of you wanted to go out and play so much? !

They are all strong men of this level, is it really okay to be so playful? ! "Ah, I finally came out. Even the surrounding snow-capped mountains are so beautiful in my eyes."

Cang opened his arms and took in a breath of air with an obsessed expression: "The air outside is so fresh and full of freedom!"

Lin Yuan looked at Cang's intoxicated expression and couldn't help but thought to himself: It's a good thing you didn't take such deep breaths in the city, otherwise what you would have inhaled would not be fresh air, but car exhaust and smog. .

 “By the way, boy, where are we going now?”

  After taking a breath of air, Cang turned his head again and asked with a serious face.

Lin Yuan almost didn’t think about it and answered directly: “Let’s go to the Demon City first.”

 “Where is the devil’s capital?”

 “You will know when you go there.”


 Half an hour later, it was over the Magic City.

 Everyone stood in the sky.

Logically speaking, the sky above a main city of this level is covered with surveillance equipment, and no one is allowed to illegally enter the city or fly in the air.

However, for experts of Lin Yuan's level, these monitoring devices are simply children's play toys.

Let alone these technologies, even if the warriors of the Heavenly King Realm come in person, they may not be able to detect the energy in their bodies.

 “Is this the devil’s capital?”

Cang curiously looked at the prosperous Demon City below, smiled and said, "I really didn't expect that even the city has developed to this extent after nearly ten thousand years."

“Oh? That thing speeding through the streets, is it some kind of magic weapon? It looks quite novel, but the speed is a bit slow, like a turtle crawling!”

 Lin Yuan: "...Senior Cang, that's a car, it burns gasoline."

“Forget it, I’m too lazy to explain so much to you. You can go and have some free time first to understand what the current world and society are like. I still have some things to deal with.”

"Remember, don't cause any trouble for me! Come on, I'll give each of you some money. If you can solve any problem with money, try to solve it with money, and don't use force!"

 Subsequently, Lin Yuan took out a large amount of money from his space ring and distributed 200,000 to each person.

Although the money is not a lot, it is definitely enough for these people to spend for a while.

Cang took the money and said cheerfully: "Don't worry, I know it well. Even if there is any trouble, I will solve it myself. Don't worry about me."

Lin Yuan: "...When you say that, I become even more worried."

 Furthermore, I am not worried about you. I am obviously more worried about the city of Magic City, okay?

You know, last time just a dark **** destroyed the entire city of New York...

On the other side, the naive Shi Potian gave all his money to Nuwa Spiritual Sense, and said with a naive smile: "I follow the master anyway, so I might as well put all my money on the master." !”

Lin Yuan: "...Well, you are really sensible."

 As soon as you opened your mouth, I knew you were a licker.

 (End of this chapter)

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