Chapter 459 Ancient Monk

 After the tea time.

Wei Jingguo bared his teeth and cursed: "You are so ruthless, don't you know how to respect the elderly at all?"

Lin Yuan said cheerfully: "I don't want senior to have hot pot as soon as possible."

Wei Jingguo almost laughed out of anger and glared at Lin Yuan angrily: "You're cruel!"

In this competition, it cannot be said that Lin Yuan won, but Wei Jingguo did suffer a lot, which is why he seemed so angry.

“You kid, where did you get all these crooked tricks?”

Wei Jingguo opened the lid of the hot pot in front of him, picked up a piece of tripe, put it into his mouth, then turned his head and looked at Lin Yuan.

 In the spar just now, Lin Yuan used the ‘Thorn of Divine Punishment’ without hesitation.

 At the beginning, Wei Jingguo did not take it seriously.

 After all, it was not like he had never seen Lin Yuan use this trick before.

He has also seen the effects of cursed thorns.

  However, this time, the situation was completely beyond his expectation.

After Lin Yuan poured thunder energy into the God's Punishment Thorns, these thorns and vines began to grow endlessly, and they were extremely electrified!

 The weakness of the curse, the paralysis of the thunder...for a moment, Wei Jingguo felt so ecstatic that he couldn't was so exciting!

Furthermore, Wei Jingguo could feel that in addition, Lin Yuan's overall strength was much better than before.

Coupled with his numerous and almost endless methods, even if he is one level ahead of him, it seems a little difficult to fight him.

 Actually, what Wei Jingguo didn't know was that the reason why they were able to negotiate this point was actually the result of Lin Yuan's holding back.

Surely Lin Yuan couldn't use such a sinister move like the Soul-Calming Banner against Wei Jingguo in a sparring match, right?

If this were used, Wei Jingguo would probably feel even more sour than the thorns of divine punishment.

Moreover, in addition, Lin Yuan has not even used the power of creation.

It's not that Lin Yuan doesn't trust Wei Jingguo and doesn't want to expose his trump card in front of the opponent, it's just that he doesn't feel the need to use such high-level energy in a sparring match.

Of course, even if he uses the power of creation, it is hard to say whether he can defeat Wei Jingguo.

 After all, this was just a discussion, so why did Wei Jingguo go all out?

  Anyway, it’s just a discussion, just stop there.

 After the discussion, it’s time to sit down and enjoy the hot pot.

Lin Yuan stretched out his hand, picked up a thinly sliced ​​lotus root, and put it into his mouth along with the spicy oil in the hot pot. After chewing it, he swallowed it with satisfaction.

“Senior, nothing major has happened in the past few months, right?”

Lin Yuan asked while eating hot pot.

Wei Jingguo smacked his lips and said, "It depends on what kind of big event you are talking about."

“For example, the ‘Hope’ project sent a group of heavenly kings into the starry sky. In the eyes of many people, this is already considered a huge event.”

"It has reached this point. The human parliament can no longer hide it even if it wants to, so it simply made the 'Hope' plan public."

Lin Yuan was slightly startled: "Make it public? Won't it cause panic?" "Of course not everything will be made public." Wei Jingguo turned over his hand and took out two bottles of wine. After handing one bottle to Lin Yuan, he said calmly : "The Human Parliament only disclosed part of the information to let the people know that they sent these kings into the universe just to explore the universe and explore a wider world."

Lin Yuan nodded and said suddenly: "That's it."

 This kind of rhetoric is obviously acceptable to the people.

Moreover, this is indeed the purpose of the "Hope" project, but its motivation is just concealed.

 “Senior, I’ll make it clear to you.”

Lin Yuan took a deep breath and said slowly: "It's not like I haven't done anything in the past few months."

Wei Jingguo looked at him in surprise: "Didn't you say you were practicing in seclusion?"

Lin Yuan smiled and said: "Cultivation in seclusion is of course one aspect. In addition, I have also found several foreign aids for our earth."

"Foreign aid? Foreign aid to resist the Dark God Lord?" Wei Jingguo was slightly stunned, and then asked: "The foreign aid you found is also a monk in the universe?"

Other than that, it is really hard for Wei Jingguo to imagine what kind of foreign aid Lin Yuan can find.

 “No, more accurately, they are monks who have existed since ancient times.”

Lin Yuan didn’t hide anything and spoke straight to the point.

“Monks who existed in ancient times?”

Wei Jingguo silently chewed on what Lin Yuan said, feeling extremely shocked in his heart.

After a moment of silence, Wei Jingguo said calmly: "To be honest, long ago, the Human Parliament has conducted research that showed that there were traces of cultivators as early as ancient times."

“It’s just that later on, the spiritual energy withered and those talented people were gradually submerged in the long river of time and history.”

“It’s not until now that the era of source energy has arrived, spiritual energy has revived, and source energy has completely exploded. The whole world has undergone overwhelming changes and has completely entered the era of national cultivation!”

“However, although this study by the Human Parliament gave a lot of guesses, there was no particularly strong evidence to prove this study, so it was forgotten over time.”

“But now it seems that those speculations are not entirely false.”

Lin Yuan nodded: "That's true."

Wei Jingguo then asked: "By the way, boy, how strong are those ancient monks? Is it really reliable to ask them to help resist the Dark Lord?"

“Don’t worry, since they are the reinforcements I have found, they are definitely reliable.”

Lin Yuan smiled and said: "As for strength... Among those ancient monks, there is an ancestral dragon born since the beginning of the world, and a tree spirit from a ten thousand year old tree."

"The strength of these two people should be far superior to yours, especially the ancestor of the true dragon. Even if I try my best, I can't hurt him at all, so... I judge that he at least has endurance. Peak star strength!”

Under Lin Yuan's narration, Wei Jingguo was simply stunned for a while. After a while, he said again: "Why does it sound like a fairy tale... By the way, these ancient times you mentioned Monk, where are they now?"

Lin Yuan smiled and said: "It's in the Magic City."

 (End of this chapter)

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