Chapter 509 is closed!

Three people in a row died on Lin Yuan!

At this moment, even including himself, there are only five star-level monks left!

After Feng Tu issued the order, the remaining four people instantly gave up continuing to surround Li Chaoge and instead surrounded Lin Yuan!

Facing the four star-level monks surrounding him, Lin Yuan remained calm. His target... was still Feng Tu!


 Lin Yuan calmly uttered these two words.

Then, his figure moved and instantly turned into a beam of lightning, heading in the direction of Feng Tu!

 The distance between the two shrinks instantly!

 Feng Tu’s face turned dark immediately!

I really didn’t expect...this kid didn’t even intend to let himself go!

However, Feng Tu was not ready to escape, because now he had no way out.

 Because Susanoo killed him from the flank and blocked his way.

Even the shadow clone that assassinated Xu before came closer quietly.

Feng Tu was convinced that as long as he showed even a slight flaw, the opponent's shadow clone... would cut him into pieces!

 The current situation can be said to be quite delicate.

On the one hand, Lin Yuan was surrounded by several stellar monks.

 On the other hand, Lin Yuan, Susanoo, and the Twin Shadows surrounded Feng Tu again!

Feng Tu took a deep breath and made an instant decision. He held a long serrated blade burning with flames and rushed towards the direction of the twin shadows!

 He did not act recklessly, but determined that the shadow clone was the weakest among the three surrounding him!

 So...he has to break out from here and escape Lin Yuan's pursuit!

 When a person is in a situation of survival, his potential can be said to be endless.

Feng Tu's whole body's strength exploded, and the long knife in his hand slashed in the direction of the shadow clone!

 “Open the Sky Blazing Sword!”

 For a moment, the long knife in Feng Tu's hand slashed out countless flaming knife shadows in the air, as if it was going to burn up the entire world!

 One of the knife shadows slashed towards the twin shadows head-on!

Facing the extremely sharp sword light in front of him, the shadow clone subconsciously raised the thunder shadow arms in his hands and crossed the blades, as if he wanted to block Feng Tu's knife with the blade!

However, just this mere shadow of a knife forced the shadow clone to take a few steps back!

No matter what, this shadow clone only has 70% of the strength of Lin Yuan himself.

It seems a bit reluctant to let him confront Feng Tu who is bursting out with all his strength!

After the first ray of sword light took effect, hundreds of flaming sword lights swept in from all directions, heading towards the shadow clone to kill!

Lin Yuan frowned. If he was allowed to take this move forcefully, the shadow clone would definitely die, and even his own mental power would be severely damaged!

Thinking of this, Lin Yuan did not dare to hesitate at all, and activated the Sharingan ability immediately!

 “Divine power!”

 Under the influence of the Sharingan, the space around the shadow clone instantly began to distort!

 Subsequently, the twisted space was like a black hole, swallowing the shadow clone into it.

The flaming swords that lost their target collided with each other, exploding into flames that filled the sky!

After the sword light dissipated, the twisted divine power space opened again, and the shadow clone reappeared, holding the twin thunder shadow daggers, and like an assassin, it headed towards Feng Tu's direction to kill!

 “Seeking death!”

Feng Tu's face turned cold. He stepped forward and slashed down with the long knife in his hand. The sword was so heavy that the double thunder shadow daggers used by the shadow clone to block began to tremble suddenly!

 In his opinion, Lin Yuan is simply stupid! Although he didn't know what means he used, his shadow clone luckily escaped his fatal blow.

 But he was actually stupid enough to control this shadow clone to come back and fight him head-on!

 “Within three swords, I’ll kill you!”

Feng Tu shouted loudly, and flames ignited on the blade!

Then, veins popped out on his arms, and terrifying power suddenly passed from his body to the blade, and he slashed down towards the shadow clone!


Feng Tu's knife was so fast and fierce that it forcefully shook away the twin thunder daggers in the hands of the shadow clone!

 Subsequently, he seized the moment when there was a gap in the opponent's defense and struck out a second time without hesitation!

 The raging flames are like an angry dragon, trying to swallow up the shadow clone in front of you!

If Lin Yuan left it alone, his second sword could directly kill the shadow clone!

 Feng Tu’s eyes suddenly revealed murderous intent!

 Before this, the situation had been firmly in Lin Yuan's hands.

His methods are numerous and treacherous, which is simply overwhelming.

 But now it seems that this not invincible!

As long as I kill his clone first and then drag four of his companions to come to his rescue, this kid...has no chance of winning!

However, just as Feng Tu was thinking in this way, a word as cold as ice rang in his ears quietly.

"seal up!"

The mere word "closure" actually triggered the power of a ban as vast as the ocean!

 Furthermore, Feng Tu was shocked to find that these forbidden powers were rushing towards his body crazily, blocking his strength, blocking the flames on his sword, blocking...everything about him!

 Suddenly, Feng Tu’s momentum, visible to the naked eye, began to fall!

Lin Yuan held the Qiyao Divine Scepter and looked at the scene in front of him with a smile.

After being blocked by the Qi Yao Divine Scepter, Feng Tu's shocking sword no longer had the same aura of splitting the sky and the earth as before, and was easily blocked by the shadow clone with the dagger in his hand!

 “Now…it’s time to die.”

Lin Yuan's tone was indifferent, as if he was the final judgment of the God of Death.

Susanoo, whose whole body was flashing with lightning, had already reached Feng Tu from the flank, and the samurai sword in his hand fell from the air towards the latter!

Although Feng Tu reacted immediately and dodged, with most of his strength sealed, it was impossible for him to keep up with Susanoo's speed!

The latter's sword was like cutting through tofu with a knife, easily cutting off his right arm, and taking advantage of the situation, he also snatched Feng Tu's weapon and held it in his own hand.

Feng Tu, who had broken his arm, was bleeding profusely. He endured the pain, covering the broken part of his right arm, and stood in front of Susanoo with a face full of despair.

 (End of this chapter)

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