Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 519: Feng Chumo vs Li Tianran!

 Chapter 519 Feng Chumo vs. Li Tianran!

After Lin Yuan chose to retreat to the side, only Feng Chumo and Li Tianran were left on the battlefield in front of him!

The momentum of these two people exploded, and they refused to give in to each other, forming a rivalry!

Of the two of them, one is the swordsman genius of Tianyuan Academy, and the other is the top talent of Demon God Academy!

This battle between Feng Chumo and Li Tianran is destined to be a peak showdown!


“It’s great. Not only does someone fight for you, but when it’s over, he also thanks you for giving up your opponent to him.”

On one side of the battlefield, Lin Yuan sighed leisurely, his eyes full of relief, and he even looked at Feng Chumo with pleasure!

Li Chaoge on the side could not help but pursed his lips.

It is really rare to see a monk like Lin Yuan who has no self-esteem as a strong person and is so shameless!

However, Lin Yuan himself didn’t take it seriously.

 For him, the fewer troubles without any benefit, the better.

At the same time, Feng Chumo and Li Tianran also started to get really angry!

“Feng Chumo, I don’t want to fight with you, get out of here!”

Li Tianran's face was gloomy, the long knife in his hand opened and closed, and his attack was extremely fierce!

 “If you keep insisting like this, you will bear the consequences at your own risk!”

However, facing Li Tianran's threat, Feng Chumo didn't care at all.

 After all, his original intention was to have a good fight with Li Tianran!

“Li Tianran, needless to say, if you can defeat me, I will naturally give way obediently! It depends on whether you have that ability!”

Feng Chumo laughed loudly and slapped the sword box with his right hand again. Three more powerful flying swords flew out from the sword box and killed Li Tianran in the direction!

From the time of the battle until now, Feng Chumo has already taken out ten flying swords from the sword box!

These ten flying swords seemed to possess spirituality, and they continuously attacked Li Tianran, as if at this moment, ten sword masters were working together to surround him!

After all, two fists are no match for four legs. Under the attack of these ten flying swords, even Li Tianran showed a bit of fatigue.

 “Feng forced me to do so!”

Under Feng Chumo's aggressive offensive, Li Tianran finally couldn't help but burst out!

He heard a low roar, and a strong demonic aura suddenly spread from around Li Tianran!

At the same time, Li Tianran’s figure also began to rapidly transform into a demon!

his eyes became like a demon wolf, deep, cold, and vaguely flashing with a dark green light, as if he was ready to choose someone to devour at any time!

 Similarly, under the influence of demonization, Li Tianran's arms are also changing in the direction of wolf claws!

 He directly threw away the big knife in his hand.

 In his demonized state, these wolf claws...are his most powerful weapons!

 “Feng Chumo, I will make you pay the price!”

Li Tianran's tone was cold, and his figure instantly turned into a gray-black afterimage, like a wolf hunting in the jungle, and quickly pounced on Feng Chumo!

Feng Chumo was shocked, obviously he did not expect that the other party had such amazing explosive power!

By the time he reacted, Li Tianran was already in front of him!

 “Sky-devouring Wolf Claws!”

Under Li Tianran’s full strength, the almost overwhelming claws tore towards Feng Chumo’s direction!

 “Sword returns! Form a formation! Feng Yuan!”

Faced with Li Tianran who was going all out, Feng Chumo naturally did not dare to slack off at all. He quickly recalled all the flying swords in front of him and formed the Feng Yuan Sword Formation!

 “Boom, boom, boom, boom—”

Followed by a series of deafening roars, thousands of claw figures were all blocked by the Fengyuan Sword Formation formed in front of Feng Chumo!

However, Li Tianran’s offensive is not over yet!

 “Sirius bites the moon!”

Li Tianran shouted loudly again, the aura around him rose rapidly, and an extremely huge black wolf silhouette appeared behind him! And the black wolf still held a bright white moon in its mouth, as if the giant wolf was devouring the bright moon!

The black wolf was not slow in devouring it, and within a short time, it swallowed all the bright moon into its mouth!

 The next second, the black wolf's phantom glanced over and landed on Feng Chumo's body with an extremely cold look!


With a thunderous roar, the black wolf silhouette opened its huge mouth, and a torrent of energy suddenly poured out towards Feng Chumo, like a beam of light, hitting the Fengyuan Sword Formation!


Li Tianran's wave of offensive, even Feng Chumo's Feng Yuan Sword Formation, was a little difficult to parry!

After a loud noise, the ten flying swords that formed the Fengyuan Sword Formation immediately collapsed!

 And Feng Chumo's figure also flew out upside down under the aftermath of the burst of energy!


 One side of the battlefield.

 “Li Tianran…so strong!”

Looking at the scene in front of him, Li Chaoge couldn't help but swallowed.

  It’s really too strong!

Although he had known for a long time that Li Tianran was quite powerful.

 But when he truly saw the strength of the other party, he still felt a sense of shock from the bottom of his heart!

 It turns out... is this the so-called top talent?

Li Chaoge finally realized his own insignificance.

Compared with such proud men as Feng Chumo and Li Tianran, I am as insignificant as the mortal world!

 At this time, Lin Yuan spoke.

 He asked with great interest: "Brother Chao Ge, who do you think will win between the two of them?"

 “Huh? Ask me?”

Li Chaoge was stunned for a moment, then frowned and thought for a while, then said hesitantly: "I think... Li Tianran should win!"

Although he is not strong enough, his vision is still there.

 In the situation at hand, Li Tianran obviously has the upper hand.

Even though Feng Chumo was his fellow senior, Li Chaoge still had to admit that Li Tianran, who had unleashed all his strength, had indeed completely suppressed Feng Chumo.

 The genius of the Demonic Seminary is indeed extraordinary in strength!

However, Lin Yuan shook his head and said calmly: "Then my thoughts are somewhat different from yours."

Li Chaoge was stunned for a moment, then asked subconsciously: "Brother Lin, do you think Feng Chumo can win?"


Lin Yuan said calmly: "This guy still has trump cards in his hand!"

Li Chaoge was completely shocked: "Brother Lin did you see this?"

 In the situation before him, no matter how you look at it, Li Tianran has the advantage.

However, Lin Yuan did not hesitate to put his treasure on Feng Chumo, and believed that he still had a trump card in his hand!

The viciousness of this vision really shocked Li Chaoge!

 (End of this chapter)

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