Chapter 527 Dividing the spoils

 The sharp teeth pierced deeply into the body of the Xinghai Sanddramon.

 In a moment, blood splattered!

 After using the bloodline talent skill, Li Tianran's figure was not even much smaller than the Xinghai Sand Dragon Beast!

 This bite obviously directly and forcefully injured the dragon beast!

Then, Li Tianran looked up to the sky and roared again, stretched out his extremely sharp wolf claws, and tore directly along the gap on both sides, actually tearing the body of the dragon beast into pieces. Two pieces!

Blood spurted out as if it was free of charge, and scattered among the stars.

Li Tianran's body and face were covered with blood, and he raised his wolf head: "Roar!"

His aura was so powerful that even the other Star Sea Sand Dragon Beasts were shocked by his roar!

 “Without further delay, it’s time for us to take action!”

  Arturo whispered a reminder, and then quickly chanted the wind spell!

The hurricane surged in and turned into countless wind blades, strangling towards a smaller Star Sea Sand Dragon Beast!

 This dragon beast is his chosen target!

 After he took action, Alfonso and Li Chaoge also hurriedly followed up!

It would be too shameful if everyone completed the task and the three of them joined forces to return the chain!

 One head…two heads…three heads…five heads!

Not long after the war started, the number of Star Sea Sand Dragon Beasts had already dropped by five!

The remaining dragon beasts finally realized the crisis and seriousness of the situation. They roared and took the initiative to attack Lin Yuan and the others, as if they wanted to defeat them in one fell swoop with their numerical advantage!

“Come on, let’s allocate it first, four heads per person, more compensation and less compensation, more work, more reward!”

Lin Yuan laughed loudly and rushed forward first, the Blue Thunder Dragon Soul Sword in his hand emitting dazzling thunder light!

At the same time, Susanoo, holding a samurai sword, also killed in the other direction!

Lin Yuan alone can play the role of two top stellar monks!

 Actually, this is not his limit!

If he wants, he can also let his shadow clone take action and entangle another dragon beast!

 It's just that this is more or less overkill.

You must know that the role of shadow clones cannot be played much on the frontal battlefield.

Even facing the Star Sea Sand Dragon Beast, Lin Yuan's shadow clone would probably have to fight with it for a long time before he could kill it. The efficiency was too low.

Therefore, in order to maximize the flexibility and stealth characteristics of Twin Shadows, Lin Yuan directly assigned another task to them, that is, the tail-repairing knife!

When the Xinghai Sand Dragon Beast is seriously injured and dying, the shadow clone will suddenly appear and strike decisively to give it a fatal blow!

A behemoth of this level can still cause some trouble if it counterattacks before death.

Lin Yuan did this entirely for the sake of everyone's safety, and had no intention of grabbing anyone's head at all.

In the sea of ​​​​stars, there are more and more corpses of dragon beasts. There is an extremely pungent smell of blood around, and broken flesh and blood is scattered everywhere.

 What surprised Arturo was that this battle turned out to be far easier than he imagined!

 The reason is naturally that Lin Yuan, Feng Chumo and Li Tianran were able to withstand too much extra pressure!

Especially Li Tianran, I don't know whether it was because he used his bloodline talent skills to stimulate the blood in his heart, or because he wanted to compete with Lin Yuan and Feng Chumo, so he got a little superior and slaughtered the group of dragon beasts in front of him. That's called a fierce one!

Even though he was surrounded by four Star Sea Sand Dragon Beasts, he still refused to retreat or evade. He faced them head-on, and finally tore all four of them into pieces!

 “What a bunch of lunatics!”

 The corners of Arturo's mouth twitched involuntarily.

 An entire herd of dragon beasts was slaughtered by these madmen like this!

Countless amounts of star sea sand scattered from the broken corpse of the star sea sand dragon beast, making the entire galaxy shine. “Come on, it’s time to count the loot.”

Lin Yuan wiped off the blood on the sword and said with a smile.

The Xinghai Sand here can be sold for at least 50 to 60 million, right?

It is a pity that the flesh and blood of the Star Sea Sand Dragon Beast is not valuable. Otherwise, hundreds of thousands of tons of flesh and blood could be collected from these corpses.

At this time, Arturo smiled and said: "I have almost calculated it. The Xinghai Sand here can probably be sold for about 62 million."

“The current situation is, how do you plan to distribute these Xinghai Sand?”

"I think that if you think that selling Xinghai Sand is too troublesome, you can also choose to sell the Xinghai Sand to me directly. Of course, I will not let you suffer. At most, I will do it according to the Purchase it from you at a price slightly lower than the market price.”

Lin Yuan looked slightly surprised: "How can you get so much money?"

  Arturo nodded and explained: "Of course you can get it,'s not cash, but a bank card!"

“These bank cards contain all Old Bern’s money. They are the capital he gave us to make transactions in the Star Sea Secret Realm.”

“Different from bearer savings cards, these bank cards all require a password, so even if we die, as long as no one knows the password, it will be impossible to withdraw money from the card.”

Lin Yuan nodded thoughtfully and said calmly: "Then just give me a discount. Anyway, even if I leave the Star Sea Secret Realm, I will still sell it to you."


Without hesitation, Arturo took out a bank card and a note from the space ring, and then casually wrote a series of numbers on the note: "The total amount in this card is fourteen million. The password is written on the note."

 “Thank you.”

Lin Yuan smiled and raised his hand to take the note and card.

In this battle, Lin Yuan contributed the most!

Therefore, the loot he can share is not an exaggeration at all when converted to 14 million, and others will not have any objections.

Feng Chumo grinned and said, "Then I'm as good as Brother Lin. Just give it to me and change it to money. This will save you so much trouble."

Li Chaoge on the side also quickly said: "Me, me too!"

 “That would save trouble.”

Arturo smiled, took out two bank cards from the space ring again, and handed them over to the hands of the two of them respectively.

“Okay, now that everything has been divided, let’s take a rest for a while and then continue…”

Before Arturo could finish speaking, Li Tianran, who had been watching with cold eyes, suddenly spoke coldly: "We haven't even taken out the things yet, how can we say they are all divided?"

 (End of this chapter)

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